
    "أضلاعه" - ترجمة من عربي إلى انجليزي

    • his ribs
    • rib
    • ribs broken
    • two broken ribs
    • ribs are
    • the ribs
    • suffered broken ribs
    • his limbs
    • some ribs
    Upon arrival, he was put in stress positions and had short electroshocks applied to his ribs and back. UN ولدى وصوله، ظل في أوضاع مجهدة وصعق بالكهرباء صعقات قصيرة على أضلاعه وخاصرته.
    his ribs were broken, his back was hurt and one of his fingernails was pulled out. UN ويقول إن أضلاعه كُسِرت وإن ضررا لحق بظهره وإن واحدا من أظافره انتزع.
    During interrogation he sustained injuries to his knee and elbow and two of his ribs were broken. UN وأثناء استجوابه، لحقت به إصابات في ركبته ومرفقه وكُسر اثنان من أضلاعه.
    One detainee, Avdi Limani, allegedly suffered a broken rib. UN وادعي أن أحد المحتجزين، وهو أفدي ليماني، كان يعاني من كسر بأحد أضلاعه.
    The Committee notes however, that the author has provided a description of the treatment his son was allegedly subjected to; he has claimed, in addition, that his son had two ribs broken as a result. UN بيد أن اللجنة تلاحظ أن صاحب البلاغ أرفق وصفاً للمعاملة التي يدّعي تعرض ابنه لها؛ كما ادّعى حدوث كسرٍ لضلعين من أضلاعه بسبب تلك المعاملة.
    Abdulrezak was also allegedly beaten severely, suffering two broken ribs as a result. UN وادعي أن عبد الرزاق ضرب بدوره ضرباً مبرحاً، كُسر نتيجة له اثنان من أضلاعه.
    And then, with axes, his ribs are chopped away from his spine. Open Subtitles وبعد ذلك بالفؤوس، أضلاعه تُفصل عن عموده الفقري.
    Possibly the same object that struck him in the ribs. Open Subtitles من المحتمل أنه نفس الجسم الذي ضرب أضلاعه
    He claims that in reply, the expert, orally, told him that his ribs were broken. UN ويدعي أن الخبير أعلمه شفوياً بأنه يعاني من كسور في أضلاعه.
    He claims that in reply, the expert, orally, told him that his ribs were broken. UN ويدعي أن الخبير أعلمه شفوياً بأنه يعاني من كسور في أضلاعه.
    Allegedly, as a result of this treatment, several of his ribs were broken. UN ويُدعى أن عددا من أضلاعه انكسر نتيجة لهذه المعاملة.
    His body was said to have been riddled with marks indicating severe injury and two of his ribs were fractured. UN وقيل إن الندوب كانت تعلو جسمه كله مما يفيد بوجود اصابة خطيرة كما أن اثنين من أضلاعه قد كُسرا.
    Several witnesses, including the victim, asserted that during one beating seven of his ribs were broken. UN وأكد عدة شهود، من بينهم المجني عليه نفسه، أن سبعة من أضلاعه قد كسرت أثناء واحدة من عمليات الضرب.
    He was severely tortured so that he would confess the murder and, as a result of that torture, his ribs were broken and one of his kidneys was damaged. UN وقد تعرض للتعذيب المبرح من أجل أن يعترف بارتكاب جريمة القتل، وكسرت أضلاعه وتضررت إحدى كليتيه نتيجة لهذا التعذيب.
    There are fractures on his clavicle, his ribs, his anterior tibial crest, multiple foot fractures, including the calcaneus, the talus, the metatarsals, and the phalanges. Open Subtitles هناك كسور في الترقوة في أضلاعه القمة الأمامية من عظام الساق كسور متعددة في القدم
    I'm sure the sharp instrument inserted into his ribs contributed to that decision. Open Subtitles أنا على يقين أن أداة حادة أدخلت بين أضلاعه مساهمة بتلك القرار
    And if he still felt anything at the end, he surely felt the spear thrust up under his ribs to pierce his heart and lungs. Open Subtitles واذا كان لا يزال يرى أي شيء في النهاية، انه يشعر بالتأكيد الرمح التوجه تصل تحت أضلاعه لاختراق قلبه والرئتين.
    The car knocked him into the sprinkler head, causing the skull fracture, breaking his rib, which punctured his aorta and killed him. Open Subtitles السيارة أوقعته على رأس المرشة، التي سبّبت الكسر في الجمجمة، وكُسرت أضلاعه ممّا ثقب شريانه الأبهر وتسبب بموته.
    The Committee notes however, that the author has provided a description of the treatment his son was allegedly subjected to; he has claimed, in addition, that his son had two ribs broken as a result. UN بيد أن اللجنة تلاحظ أن صاحب البلاغ أرفق وصفاً للمعاملة التي يدّعي تعرض ابنه لها؛ كما ادّعى حدوث كسرٍ لضلعين من أضلاعه بسبب تلك المعاملة.
    7.2 In the present case, the author has claimed that his son was severely beaten, after his arrest, and throughout the preliminary investigation, by police officers and investigators, to the point that he sustained two broken ribs. UN 7-2 وفي سياق هذه القضية، ادّعى صاحب البلاغ أن ابنه قد تعرض للضرب المبرح بعد توقيفه وطيلة فترة التحقيقات الأولية، على يد أفراد الشرطة والمحققين، إلى حد كسر ضلعين من أضلاعه.
    I mean, his knee is shot and his ribs are cracked. Open Subtitles أقصد ان الركبة مصابة أضلاعه و محطمة
    There's also peri-mortem bruising on the arms and across the ribs. Open Subtitles حسناً، هناك أيضاً كدمات على الذراع وعبر أضلاعه
    He was also said to have suffered broken ribs as a result of the blows he had received. UN ويزعم أيضاً أنه أُصيب بشروخ في أضلاعه نتيجة للضربات التي تلقاها.
    He... he took a bad spill off a horse. He cracked some ribs. Open Subtitles لقد سقط سقطة قويّة عن الحصان كُسرت أضلاعه.

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