even if we were on that platform, Odds are he would have Moved on to somewhere More isolated. | Open Subtitles | حتى إذا نحن كُنّا على ذلك الرصيفِ، إحتمالات هو كَانَ سَيَنتقلُ إلى مكان ما أكثرِ عَزْلاً. |
But if we were gay, don't you think | Open Subtitles | لكن إذا نحن كُنّا مرحون، هَلْ لا تَعتقدُ؟ |
Furthermore, no one would give a damn about that sea even if we were to destroy it! | Open Subtitles | علاوة على ذلك، لا أحد يُعيرُ اي إهتمام حول ذلك البحرِ حتى إذا نحن كُنّا سنُدمره |
Look, if we were something to each other before, maybe we're supposed to be something to each other now. | Open Subtitles | النظرة، إذا نحن كُنّا شيءَ إلى بعضهم البعض قبل ذلك، لَرُبَّمَا نحن يُفترض بأنهم كُنّا الشيء إلى بعضهم البعض الآن. |
And I just fear that if we were to move in together, we're going to start to argue about who forgot to unload the dishwasher, all kinds of crap like that. | Open Subtitles | وأنا فقط خوف الذي إذا نحن كُنّا أَنْ تحرّكْ في سوية، نحن سَنَبْدأُ للتَجَادُل بشأن |
Now, if we were in Vladivostok, we could talk. | Open Subtitles | يكون إحتمال قتل أنفسهم أقل بكثير الآن، إذا نحن كُنّا في فلاديفوستوك، يُمْكِنُ أَنْ نتحدث في الامر |
But, you know, maybe it would help your argument if we were even a little bit connected at home. | Open Subtitles | لكن، تَعْرفُ، لَرُبَّمَا هو ساعدْ حجّتَكَ إذا نحن كُنّا مستوي قليلاً المُرتَبِط في البيت. |
Bet you wouldn't mind if we were voting with you. | Open Subtitles | رَاهنْك لا تَتدبّرَ إذا نحن كُنّا نُصوّتُ مَعك. |
if we were living together like husband and wife maybe you'd see it wasn't all horrible after all. | Open Subtitles | إذا نحن كُنّا المعيشة سوية مثل الزوجِ والزوجةِ لَرُبَّمَا أنت تَرى هو ما كَانَ جميعاً فظيع مع ذلك. |
What would your friends say if we were walking down the hall together? | Open Subtitles | ماذا أصدقائُكَ يَقُولونَ إذا نحن كُنّا تَمشّي القاعةِ سوية؟ |
if we were poor, we'd still live like kings. | Open Subtitles | إذا نحن كُنّا فقير، نحن ما زِلنا نَعِيشُ كالملوكِ. |
if we were someplace else. | Open Subtitles | إذا نحن كُنّا في مكان ما ما عدا ذلك. |
if we were both drowning, who would you save? | Open Subtitles | إذا نحن كُنّا كلا غرق، مَنْ التوفّر؟ |
You know, he said, if we were in Miami, we had an open invitation. | Open Subtitles | تَعْرفُ، قالَ، إذا نحن كُنّا في Miami، كَانَ عِنْدَنا دعوةُ مفتوحةُ. |
Maybe... if we were to prepare him an excellent supper... and said that we wanted to make it up to him. | Open Subtitles | لَرُبَّمَا... إذا نحن كُنّا أَنْ نُهيّئَه عشاء ممتاز... وقالَ بأنّنا أردنَا لتَعويضه. |
if we were to have a boy, he could be Wong Tei-Pau. | Open Subtitles | إذا نحن كُنّا أَنْ عِنْدَنا a ولد، هو يُمكنُ أَنْ يَكُونَ Wong Tei Pau. |
My dear sir, if we were to do that with every young girl that runs from home... we wouldn't have time for anything else. | Open Subtitles | سيدي العزيز، إذا نحن كُنّا أَنْ نَعمَلُ ذلك مَع كُلّ بنت شابة التي تَرْكضُ مِنْ البيتِ... نحن لَنْ يَكونَ عِنْدَنا وقتُ لأي شئ آخر. |
But if we were to complete that act, one can see how it would segue very nicely into, uh-- oh, into that right there in all caps. | Open Subtitles | لكن إذا نحن كُنّا لإكْمال ذلك الفعلِ، واحد يُمْكِنُ أَنْ يَرى كَمْ هو segue بشكل رائع جداً إلى , uh - أوه، إلى ذلك هناك في كُلّ القبَّعاتِ. |
What if we were to... | Open Subtitles | و ماذا إذا نحن كُنّا . |