I think it's great to hold hands while walking like this. | Open Subtitles | اظنه شئ ارئع ان نمشى ونحن نمسك بايدى بعضنا هكذا |
If the dose was as large as I think it may have been, you yourself risk poisoning. | Open Subtitles | اذا كانت الجرعه بالقدر الذي اظنه انتي تواجهين خطر التسمم |
Yeah, I didn't know what that meant either, but I think it just means being a bitch all the time. | Open Subtitles | نعم , لم اعلم ما يعنيه ذلك ايضا ولكنني اظنه يعني ان ابقى حقيره طوال الوقت |
Yeah, well, get ready, because I think he's ready to ask you again. | Open Subtitles | حسناً استعدي لأنني اظنه مستعد للقيام بذلك مرة اخرى |
I guess I could cut the mold off the crabapple, wash it really well, and technically... the cockroach is edible, if I cook it... | Open Subtitles | اظنه يمكنني قطع مكان العفن من التفاحة وغسلها جيداً و نظرياً الصرصور قابل للاكل اذا طهوته |
I think that he stinks, sometimes literally, but mostly vocally. | Open Subtitles | اظنه نتن احياناً ,حرفياً ولكن جهارا في الغالب |
Given our suspicions, I think it's time that Captain Gregson learned about Morland Holmes. | Open Subtitles | بناءاً على توقعاتنا اظنه انه حان الوقت لمعرفة الكابتن جريجسون حول مورلاند هولمز |
I think it's the oldest collar of my entire career. | Open Subtitles | اظنه اكبر مجرم اعتقلة في مسيرتي المهنية كلها |
I think it comes from always making the right moves in my own relationship. | Open Subtitles | اظنه بسبب انني اقوم بالطريقه الصحيحه في علاقاتي الخاصه |
I think it's probably time for me to go back to being a lawyer. | Open Subtitles | اظنه الوقت الملائم لي لأاعود لكوني محامياً |
Just for the record, I think it's crazy you're out here on patrol already. | Open Subtitles | فقط للتوثيق اظنه من الجنون ان تاتي هنا في دوريه |
I think it's just the name... red velvet... it just makes it so desirable. | Open Subtitles | اظنه الاسم فحسب المخمل الاحمر يجعله مرغوبا جدا |
Well, he did walk off the project, but I think it was more out of envy than spite. | Open Subtitles | حسناً، فعلاً لقد تخلى عن المشروع ولكني اظنه أكثره حسد من روح |
I think it's about time we gave that piano... another rest, eh, David? Here, sign your check. | Open Subtitles | اظنه حان الوقت لكي نعطي البيانو بعض الإستراحة |
Here's a letter I got at my aunt's house. The guy who wrote it, I think he's connected somehow. | Open Subtitles | هذا وجدته امام منزلى الشخص الذى كتبه اظنه متصل بأمر ما |
If he thinks I think he's crazy, he's crazier than I think he is. | Open Subtitles | ان كان يظن انني اظنه مجنون فهو حقا مجنون |
Officers, there's a man up on that ledge... I think he's gonna jump. | Open Subtitles | حضرات الضباط يوجد رجل هناك اظنه سيقفز |
But I guess I can't. Wow. | Open Subtitles | ولكن لا اظنه يمكنني ذلك انك بالفعل مجرد فتاه تبحث |
I guess he just needed some time away from it all. | Open Subtitles | اظنه كان يحتاج بعض الوقت بعيدا عن المعارك |
I think that we should elect some people to represent us, and they should make rules and choices on our behalf. | Open Subtitles | اظنه يجب ان ننتخب بعض الاشخاص ليمثلونا ويجب ان يضعوا القوانين والانظمه نيابة عنا |
Uh, it turned out he wasn't the guy I thought he was. | Open Subtitles | اتضح لي بأنه لم يكن الشخص الذي كنت اظنه هو |