
    "سيقانه" - ترجمة من عربي إلى انجليزي

    • his legs
    • legs and
    • its legs
    • legs for
    Look at his legs. It's on his back, everywhere. Open Subtitles انظر إلى سيقانه على ظهره، في كل مكان
    Well, the cut on his head isn't very deep, and neither one of his legs are broken. Open Subtitles , حسنا, الجرح علي راسه ليس عميقا . ولاواحدة من سيقانه مكسورة
    This youngster is hungry and tells him so by nibbling his legs and vibrating against his body. Open Subtitles هذا الصغير جائع ويخـبر أباه .. بقضم سيقانه وإهتزاز جسمه أيضاً
    Do you think it's because his pants have rubbed everything off over the last 60 years or did his legs go bald because he's so old? Open Subtitles هل تعتقد ان سرواله هو السبب عن طريق فركها ؟ بعد الستين عاماً . او ان سيقانه تتحول الى الصلع بسبب انه رجل كبير ؟
    Jumps up on its hind legs and starts pawing me, exactly like the dream, and this guy yells, Open Subtitles وقفز من سيقانه الخلفية عليّ وبدأ يخدشني، تماماً مثل الحلم، وذلك الرجل يصرخ،
    In a state of shock over the accident he ran home on the stumps of his legs. Open Subtitles في حالة من الذهول بسبب الحادث ركض إلى البيت على قِرم سيقانه
    And when I returned... the others were cooking his legs for dinner. Open Subtitles وعندما عدت بقية المجموعة كانوا يطبخون سيقانه في العشاء
    his legs are strong, Mrs. Gump, as strong as I've ever seen. Open Subtitles سيقانه قوية سيدة جامب لم أرى مثلهم أبداً
    Put pressure front and back, keep his legs up and put this under his head. Open Subtitles سلّطتْ جبهةُ وظهرُ ضغطِ، عيش سيقانه فوق ووَضعتْ هذه تحت رأسهِ.
    Another prisoner in Karachi Central Jail showed the Special Rapporteur sores on his legs that had become infected, yet his request for medical treatment had been denied. UN وكشف سجين آخر في سجن كراتشي المركزي أمام المقرر الخاص عن قروح على سيقانه أصبحت ملوثة بالجراثيم، ومع ذلك رُفض طلبه للعلاج الطبي.
    Who's that with his legs in the air? Open Subtitles ‎من ذلك الذي سيقانه في الهواء؟
    He passed out, his legs turned completely white. Open Subtitles لقد أغمي عليه سيقانه بيضاء بالكامل
    For instance I never told anyone that I once caught Red wearing my nightgown to keep his legs warm. Open Subtitles على سبيل المثال... ... أنامَاأخبرتُأيواحدبأنّني مَسكتُ مرّة المُتْعِب الأحمر ثوب نومي للإبْقاء سيقانه تُدفّئُ.
    He's a good listener, he's got soft hands, and unlike you, he sometimes shaves his legs! Open Subtitles إنه مُستمع جيد. لديه أيد ناعمة، على عكسكِ، وأحياناً يحلق سيقانه!
    If you can imagine it, here the man has had both his legs cut off, and he's telling me how to fight a hurricane. Open Subtitles إذا أنت يُمْكِنُ أَنْ تَتخيّلَه، هنا الرجل كَانَ عِنْدَهُ كلتا سيقانه قَطعتْ، وهو يُخبرُني كيف لمُحَارَبَة a إعصار.
    Because I cut off his legs... and his arms... and his head. Open Subtitles لماذا ذلك ؟ لأن قطعت سيقانه وذراعيه
    his legs flail about as if independent from his body! Open Subtitles سيقانه ترقص كما لو كانت مستقلة عن جسمه
    Even though he didn't shave his legs for you. Open Subtitles بالرغم من أنه لم يحلق سيقانه لك
    So, its legs get hot and sunburnt and the only way it can cool them down, and I'm not making this up, is to wee on them constantly. Open Subtitles لذلك فأرجله تسخن من حرارة الشمس والطريقة الوحيده لتبريدها ولست أختلق هذا الكلام, هي بان يتبول على سيقانه
    Santa's legs for the chimney, you remember these babies? Open Subtitles سيقانه كانت في المدخنة هل تتذكر هذه ؟

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