He thanked me for the catch and promised he'd deal with it. | Open Subtitles | لقد شكرني على معرفة ذلك الأمر ووعدني أنه سوف يتعامل معه |
He just thanked me for my time, wished me luck, excused himself, no further explanation. | Open Subtitles | وقد شكرني على وقتي معهم فحسب وتمنى لي الحظ وإعتذر للذهاب، ولا يوجد أيّ تفسير آخر |
No, he thanked me, then proceeded to bolt out of the building. | Open Subtitles | ،لا، لقد شكرني ثم شرع في الخروج من المبنى |
I did everything he asked and how does he thank me? | Open Subtitles | فعلت كل ما طلب و لكن كيف شكرني ؟ |
Afterwards, everybody's thanking me. | Open Subtitles | بعدئذ , شكرني الجميع |
He thanked me, but considering I only Was 14 I could not't Peace Corps. | Open Subtitles | لقد شكرني ، وقال لأنني مازلت في الرابعه عشر لا يمكنني ان أنضم الى مباحثات السلام |
When I rolled up earlier and he was digging in the garden, he thanked me, then he mumbled something about being the last to know. | Open Subtitles | عندما أتيت مبكره وكان يحفر بالحديقه شكرني ، و قال شيئاٌ |
He thanked me for our time together and told me that it had helped him through a rough patch and that he would never forget me. | Open Subtitles | شكرني لوقتنا سوياً وأخبرني أنَّ علاقتنا ساعدته في مرحلةٍ حرجة وأنّه لن ينساني أبداً أليس ذلك لطيفاً؟ |
So you know not one person, not one thanked me for the donation. | Open Subtitles | إذا لا تعرفين شخصاً واحداً شكرني من أجل التبرع |
And so the day that I told him, he, he just thanked me and said that he was going to die. | Open Subtitles | و لذا فإن اليوم الذي أخبرته فيه قام هو فقط بأن شكرني و قال أنه كان سوف يموت |
He thanked me for everything I did for him. | Open Subtitles | لقد شكرني على كلّ شيء فعلتهُ لأجله. |
He even thanked me for getting rid of the Chemist. | Open Subtitles | . لقد شكرني لأنني قبضت علي الصيدلي حتي |
Well, he, uh, thanked me for protecting you. | Open Subtitles | حسناً، لقد شكرني على حمايتِكَ. |
I saved him.You know how he thanked me? | Open Subtitles | هل تعرف كيف شكرني لأني أنقذت حياته ؟ |
The way you looked at me when he thanked me for saving his life. | Open Subtitles | - الطريقة التي نظرت بها إلي حينما شكرني على إنقاذ حياته |
So polite, he... he thanked me for calling him to let him know his mother had died. | Open Subtitles | بكُل احترام, لقد... شكرني لأني اتصلت به... واخبرته ان والدتهُ توفت. |
When i came to, he thanked me. | Open Subtitles | عندما أستيقظت هو شكرني |
He did just thank me, right? | Open Subtitles | لقد شكرني لتوه، أليس كذلك؟ |
Then why did he thank me? | Open Subtitles | إذا لماذا شكرني ؟ |
Did anyone thank me? | Open Subtitles | هل شكرني أحدكم؟ |
Arthur's thanking me, Uther's grateful, you're proud... | Open Subtitles | آرثر)، شكرني) ... آوثر) ممتن، وأنت فخور) |
Someone's thanking me. | Open Subtitles | هناك من شكرني. |