I really thought that I could make a difference. | Open Subtitles | لقد ظننت حقاً أنه باستطاعتي أن أشكل فارقاً |
I really thought you were gonna get me that time. | Open Subtitles | لقد ظننت حقاً بأنكم ستتغلبون عليَّ هذه المرة |
You know, I really thought that that bouncer was bluffing with the Taser. | Open Subtitles | اوتعلم لقد ظننت حقاً ان الحارس يكذب بشأن الصاعق الكهربي |
Did you really think I'd be okay with this? | Open Subtitles | هل ظننت حقاً انني سأكون بخير وهذا يحصل ؟ |
Do you really think that she just gave you that car with no strings attached? | Open Subtitles | هل ظننت حقاً بأنها اعطتك تلك السيارة بدون أيَّ مطالب ؟ |
For a minute, I actually thought you had a twin brother. | Open Subtitles | لدقيقه, ظننت حقاً أن لك أخ توأم |
Yeah, we really believed that. When I was a kid, I seriously thought I would protect the Earth. | Open Subtitles | اجل لقد كنا واثقين بشأن ذلك عندما كنا صغارا لقد ظننت حقاً بأنني سأحمي الأرض |
Two weeks and nothing. I really thought he'd text. | Open Subtitles | مر أسبوعان ولم يحدث شئ ظننت حقاً أنه سيراسلكِ |
I missed you all the time, and I really thought that when you retired, that it would be our time again. | Open Subtitles | افتقدك طوال الوقت, وقد ظننت حقاً أنك عندما تتقاعد, سيحين وقتنا مجدداً. |
I really thought I had a shot of getting out of here. | Open Subtitles | لقد ظننت حقاً بأنه كانت لدي فرصه لعدم حدوث هذا |
No,it's fine. No,it's pretty lame,actually. I really thought I'd have time to go to the market, but the phones were ringing off the hook. | Open Subtitles | لا,هذا سئ للغاية,في الواقع,لقد ظننت حقاً بأنه أمامي وقت للذهاب للسوق |
You really thought you could double-cross me? | Open Subtitles | هل ظننت حقاً بأنه يممكني خيانتي؟ |
I really thought we had a chance this time. | Open Subtitles | ظننت حقاً بأن لدينا فرصة هذه المرة |
I really thought we mended fences. | Open Subtitles | ظننت حقاً اننا اصلنا ذات البيّن |
I really thought you'd be more supportive. | Open Subtitles | ظننت حقاً انك ستكون مشجعاً أكثر |
You really think I would tell everyone at my work that we had sex twice? | Open Subtitles | هل ظننت حقاً اننى سأخبر الجميع فى العمل اننا تضاجعنا مرتين ؟ |
You really think I was gonna turn the family buisness over to you? | Open Subtitles | هل ظننت حقاً أنني سأحول إدارة أعمال العائلة لك ؟ |
Did you really think you'd get away with it? | Open Subtitles | هل ظننت حقاً أنك سنتفدين من هذا ؟ |
Did you really think you could destroy this ship? | Open Subtitles | هل ظننت حقاً بأنك قادر ، على تدمير هذه السفينة |
You actually thought you could run from me. | Open Subtitles | لقد ظننت حقاً من انك تستطيعي الهرب مني |
- No, I'm such an idiot... to think that I actually thought | Open Subtitles | سام"، أرجوكِ" - ...لا، أنا مغفلة - لأنى ظننت حقاً |
Aww, Alan. You seriously thought a guy like you had a shot with me? | Open Subtitles | هل ظننت حقاً شخص مثلك لديه فرصة معي ؟ |