Uh, that was back When we were in junior high. | Open Subtitles | آه، ذلك كان في الماضي، عندما كنّا في الأعدادية. |
You know the day When we were in the truck driving around on the investigation? | Open Subtitles | تعرفين ذلك اليوم عندما كنّا في الشاحنة ننتقل بالجوار من اجل بحثنا؟ |
When we were in college, you wanted to be a great sports journalist. | Open Subtitles | عندما كنّا في الكليّة كنت تريد أن تكون صحفيّ رياضيّ عظيم |
When we were at the zoo, she liked the animal prints. | Open Subtitles | ، عندما كنّا في حديقة الحيوانات لقد أحبت ألوان الحيوانات |
it reminds When we were at school we talked about we work close. | Open Subtitles | أتذكّر؟ عندما كنّا في المدرسة تحدّثنا حول إنضممنا للعمل معا |
When we were at his house, | Open Subtitles | عندما كنّا في منزله، |
It all came back to me When we were in the east wing of the palace, how you ignored me for all those years, left me to wander this place like a ghost. | Open Subtitles | تذكّرت كلّ شيء عندما كنّا في الجناح الشرقيّ للقصر كيف تجاهلتني طيلة كلّ تلك السنوات وتركتني أهيم في هذا المكان كالشبح |
When we were in university, we all went to a brothel. | Open Subtitles | عندما كنّا في الجامعة ذهبنا جميعاً الى بيت للدعارة |
What about last night When we were in the living room? | Open Subtitles | ماذا عن الليلة الماضية عندما كنّا في غرفة الجلوس؟ |
When we were in the elementary school. | Open Subtitles | عندما كنّا في المدرسة الإبتدائيّة. |
I gave it to her When we were in the tree. Ha-ha! | Open Subtitles | أعطيتها إياه عندما كنّا في الشجرة |
When we were in my car, and I was running the show... | Open Subtitles | عندما كنّا في سيارتي ، وانا اادير العرض |
Remember When we were in the coffeehouse we decided I was gonna keep the cute guy's phone? | Open Subtitles | -بخير (فيبز)، أتذكرين عندما كنّا في المقهى وقررنا الاحتفاظ بهاتف الشاب الوسيم؟ |
You know, When we were in his office, | Open Subtitles | أتدري عندما كنّا في مكتبه |
Much, When we were in the Holy Land, do you remember anybody called Lardner? | Open Subtitles | (ماتش)، عندما كنّا في الأرض المقدّسة هل تتذكّر أي شخص يسمّى (لاردنير)؟ -لا. |
What a fine actress. We saw her in that movie When we were in Rome. | Open Subtitles | يا لها من ممثلة جيدة ، رأيناها في ذلك الفيلم عندما كنّا في (روما) |
When we were in Korea and a thousand screaming gooks came across our line we didn't call the police, we reacted. | Open Subtitles | عندما كنّا في (كوريا) واخترق ألف كوريّ صائح صفوفنا -لم نتصل بالشرطة بل قاومنا |
When we were in that place... | Open Subtitles | عندما كنّا في ذلك المكان... |
Do you remember When we were at the Val party... and the clog knocked me out and Elton got a towel of ice to cure me? | Open Subtitles | أتتذكّري عندما كنّا في حفلة الوادي والصندل الخشبي أوقعني |
Huh, When we were at sex store, | Open Subtitles | هاه , عندما كنّا في متجر النكاح |
Why didn't you tell us that When we were at the scene? | Open Subtitles | لمَ لم تقل عندما كنّا في الموقع؟ |
like we were at his age. | Open Subtitles | مثلنا عندما كنّا في عمره. |