
    "غاضبه مني" - ترجمة من عربي إلى انجليزي

    • mad at me
    • angry with me
    • angry at me
    • pissed at me
    • upset with me
    Listen, I can understand why you'd be mad at me. Open Subtitles اسمعي انا استطيع ان افهم لماذا انتِ غاضبه مني
    Oh, my God, I am so relieved. I thought you were mad at me. Open Subtitles يا إلهي, انا مرتاحه جداً اعتقدت انكِ غاضبه مني
    You're not mad at me for wanting to go back, right? Open Subtitles أنتِ لستِ غاضبه مني لرغبتي بالعوده صحيح؟
    I just thought you were angry with me for taking Gerry away. Open Subtitles أنا أعتقدت فقط أنك غاضبه مني لانني أخذت جيري بعيد
    She's already very angry at me. Open Subtitles هي بالفعل غاضبه مني.
    Oh, that thing happened in the yard. I wonder if she's still mad at me. Open Subtitles ذلك الشيء حدث في الساحه يا ترى هل ما تزال غاضبه مني
    Laurel does have the right to be mad at me, and I did overstep my boundaries. Open Subtitles لوريل لديها الحق بأن تكون غاضبه مني وانا تجاوزت حدودي
    Say you and I were close, and I did somethin'to make you mad at me, and we didn't talk for a long time. Open Subtitles لنفترض بان انا وانتي كنا قريبين من بعض ثم قمت بعمل شيء جعلك غاضبه مني ولم نتحدث لوقت طويل
    You still can't be mad at me because of what happened between us? Open Subtitles لا تستطيعين البقاء غاضبه مني بسبب ماحصل بيننا ؟
    And then I told my mom and she got mad at me! Open Subtitles ثم أخبرت أمي و أصبحت غاضبه مني
    Are you mad at me or something? . Open Subtitles هل انتي غاضبه مني او شيء كهذا ؟
    Mommy was mad at me when I wanted it. Open Subtitles امي كانت غاضبه مني عندما اردته
    When you're mad at me? Oh, you're one to talk about games. Open Subtitles عندما تكونين غاضبه مني - إذا أنت من يتكلم عن هذه الألاعيب -
    And I understand if you're still mad at me. Open Subtitles واتفهم ذلك اذا لازلتِ غاضبه مني
    You're totally not mad at me, right? Open Subtitles أنتِ لست غاضبه مني , أليس كذلك؟
    'Cause now she's mad at me. I'm mad at her. Open Subtitles لأنها الآن غاضبه مني وأنا غاضب منها
    How long do you think she'll be mad at me for? Open Subtitles لكم تظن أنها ستبقى غاضبه مني ؟
    How long are you gonna pretend to be mad at me, Gena? Open Subtitles إلىمتىستبقي.. تدعي أنك غاضبه مني جينا؟
    You're angry with me because of a decision that she made for me. Open Subtitles أنت غاضبه مني بسبب قرار اتخذته من أجلي
    Because she's angry with me... Open Subtitles لــ أنها غاضبه مني
    No, I think she was angry at me. Open Subtitles اعتقد انها كانت غاضبه مني
    That's-- I didn't want to say it, but I don't want to come here for $500 and have you be pissed at me, when I can go get that for free from practically every other woman I've ever met. Open Subtitles لم اكن اريد قول هذا ولكني لا اريد أن احضر إلى هنا و ادفع 500 دولار و اجدك غاضبه مني
    There would have been 28 girls that were really upset with me. Open Subtitles كانت هناك حوالي 28 فتاه غاضبه مني

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