
    "كان لوحده" - ترجمة من عربي إلى انجليزي

    • was alone
    • been alone
    • Was he alone
    • was by himself
    • was on his own
    The victim was alone, and there was no forced entry into the apartment. Open Subtitles الضحية كان لوحده و لم يكن هناك أي مؤشر للدخول عنوة الى الشقة
    The Enchanter took me in, provided protection when I was alone and frightened. Open Subtitles الساحر أخذني في، الحماية المجهّزة عندما أنا كان لوحده وخائف.
    You waited until you knew that he was alone, you took his gun, and you killed him. Open Subtitles انتظرت حتى عرفت أنه كان لوحده أخذت مسدسه وقتلته
    They had declared Petrosyan an " Armenian saboteur " and insisted that he had crossed the border as part of a " commando group " , although the evidence clearly showed that he had been alone, unarmed and not wearing any uniform. UN وأعلنت تلك السلطات أن بيتروسيان " مخربٌ أرمني " وأكدت أنه عبر الحدود في إطار " مجموعة من الكوماندوس " مع أن الأدلة تبين بوضوح أنه كان لوحده وأنه لم يكن مسلحاً أو مرتدياً ملابس رسمية.
    So when he went on this shopping spree, Was he alone? Open Subtitles عندما قام بحفلة التسوق هذه, هل كان لوحده ؟
    Lastly, we can't help but notice that he was by himself when he died. Open Subtitles وفي الأخير, نحن لانستطيع المساعدة لكن الملاحظ أنه كان لوحده عندما مات
    But of course, we all know that doesn't mean he was alone. Open Subtitles لكن بالطبع, كلنا نعرف هذا لا يعني أنه كان لوحده
    A police spokesperson says... it appears he was alone in the car... Open Subtitles أي ناطق بإسم شرطة يقول... يظهر هو كان لوحده في السيارة...
    Traveling with another party, it says, but I got the impression, he was alone. Open Subtitles سفر بالحزب الآخر، يقول، لكنّي أصبحت الإنطباع، هو كان لوحده.
    Jacob was an only child- Thus he was alone when the abused occurred. Open Subtitles لذا فقد كان لوحده عندما حدثت الإساءات
    I was surprised, but not unduly worried that he was alone. Open Subtitles تفاجئت ، لكن لَيس بإفراط بأنه كان لوحده
    - No, he was alone. Open Subtitles ـ لا، كان لوحده
    Looks like Henry was here, but I don't think he was alone. Open Subtitles يبدو أنّ (هنري) كان هنا لكنْ لا أظنّه كان لوحده
    Robin was alone when he came upon a woman in trouble. Open Subtitles (روبن) كان لوحده عندما وقع على امرأة في مشكلة
    - Yeah, he was alone. Open Subtitles ـ نعم، كان لوحده
    He was alone when we recorded this. Open Subtitles هو كان لوحده عندما سجلنا هذا.
    He was alone in the woods. Open Subtitles لقد كان لوحده في الغابة.
    Nobody does anything alone. Vega was alone. Open Subtitles لا أحد يفعل أيّ شيء لوحده فـ(فيغا) كان لوحده
    He's been alone for a day. Open Subtitles هو كان لوحده لمدّة يوم.
    - Was he alone or with Decker? Open Subtitles هل كان لوحده أو مع ديكير؟
    She said Mason was by himself. Open Subtitles لقد قالت أن ميسون كان لوحده.
    Sure you do. You say he was on his own, alone. Open Subtitles بلى, أنت كذلك قلت أنه كان لوحده, وحيداً

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