He was wearing white makeup on his face and body. | Open Subtitles | . كان يضع مستحضراً أبيض الّلون على وجهه وجسده |
There is no marking to suggest he was wearing a seat belt. | UN | وليست هناك علامات تدل على أنه كان يضع حزام الأمان. |
I was in my bedroom, and I kind of looked out, and I saw, like, this man, and he was putting a body in the trunk of his car. | Open Subtitles | كنت في غرفة نومي، وكنت انظر إلى الخارج، ورأيت هذا الرجل، كان يضع جثة في صندوق سيارته |
The last time I saw him, I was on the desert, and he was putting my mother into a prison. | Open Subtitles | المرة الأخيرة التي رأيته ، كنت بالصحراء و كان يضع أمي بالسجن |
he put a star on the bottle for every day it aged. | Open Subtitles | لقد كان يضع نجمة على الزجاجة عن كل يوم تعتق فيها |
Officer Diaz. Subject had his hands in his pockets. | Open Subtitles | ضابط دياز.المشتبه به كان يضع يديه في جيوبه. |
I think He had the man's body in the trunk. | Open Subtitles | أعتقد بأنه كان يضع جثة الرجل في صندوق السيارة |
When he fucked me, he would put one of those big hands over my face and turn it away, so he wouldn't have to look into my eyes. | Open Subtitles | عندما يعاشرني كان يضع إحدى هاتين اليدين الكبيرتين على وجهي ثم يديرها حتى لا يضطر للنظر إلى عيوني |
And I don't know what kind of cologne he was wearing, but it was intoxicating. | Open Subtitles | ولا أعرف أي نوعٍ من الكولونيا كان يضع لكنها كانت روعة |
To the point where my father was wearing a wire the night he died. | Open Subtitles | حقيقة أن والدي كان يضع جهـاز تسجيل ليلة مقتـله |
Dude thought he was wearing a wire - and blew his head off. | Open Subtitles | إعتقد الرجل أنّه كان يضع أداة تنصت ففجّر رأسه. |
Guy on the other end of the line was wearing one of those voice distorter things. | Open Subtitles | رجل آخر على الخط كان يضع احدى مزيفات الصوت تلك. |
The chemo's relatively recent. And he was wearing makeup. | Open Subtitles | العلاج الكيماوي بالآونة الأخيرة ولقد كان يضع مستحضر تجميل |
Maybe she found out that he was putting something even nastier in the food and he, you know, paid her off to-to keep quiet. | Open Subtitles | ربّما إكتشفت أنّه كان يضع شيئاً أكثر سوءاً في الطعام، وقد رشاها لتبقى صامتة. |
He knew someone was putting horse meat in the stew and was threatening to expose the company. | Open Subtitles | كان يعلم أنّ أحداً كان يضع لحم حصان في اليخنة وكان يهدد بفضح الشركة. |
He wasn't in my field. He was putting up foreclosure signs by the side of the road. | Open Subtitles | لم يكن في حقلي لقد كان يضع الافته بجانب الطريق |
I don't care if he put me through law school or not. | Open Subtitles | لا يهمني إذا كان يضع لي من خلال مدرسة القانون أم لا. |
Did he put his arm around my shoulder and tell me we'd try again tomorrow when I didn't? | Open Subtitles | هل كان يضع ذراعه حول كتفي ويخبرني اننا سوف نحاول غداً عندما لااصطاد شيئاً ؟ |
he put his hand on my ass every chance he got. | Open Subtitles | كان يضع يده على مؤخرتي كلما سنحت له الفرصة |
They think he tried to stop the car in time, but henry had his headphones on, and i guess he didn't look when he was crossing. | Open Subtitles | يعتقدون انه حاول ايقاف السياره في الوقت المحدد لكن "هنري" كان يضع سماعة أذن واعتقد انه لم ينظر عندما كان يعبر 33 00: |
Well, he had his left hand in his pants pocket pressed against his leg the whole time. | Open Subtitles | كان يضع يده اليسرى في جيبه الخلفي و يضغط على ساقه طوال الوقت |
Every time I saw him, He had a bandana on his face. | Open Subtitles | كل مرة رأيته فيها كان يضع منديلاً مُلوناً على وجهه |
He would put a portion of his paycheck in an account every month. | Open Subtitles | كان يضع جزءاً من راتبه في حسابه كلّ شهرٍ. |
What has been putting that shit all over the walls? | Open Subtitles | ما كان يضع ذلك التغوط في جميع أنحاء الحيطان؟ |
Nice guy, Quincy. Looks like he's trying to put the bite on his own boss. | Open Subtitles | شخص ذكي يبدوا أنه كان يضع الطعم لاصطياد مديره |
He used to put a nickel on the top of it, and then I'd snatch it off. | Open Subtitles | كان يضع النيكل على رأسه، ثم أود أن انتزاع تشغيله. هم، عظيم. |