
    "لا يريده" - ترجمة من عربي إلى انجليزي

    • doesn't want it
    • don't want him
    • he doesn't want
    • didn't want him
    • he don't want
    • don't want it
    • they don't want
    • doesn't want him
    • did not want
    And I won't have my baby raised in a home that doesn't want it. Open Subtitles أنتِ لا تعرفين ما سيفعلونه ولن أجعل أبني يكبر في منزل لا يريده فيه أحد
    The girl doesn't want it, her father doesn't want it, and don't even ask me. Open Subtitles الفتاة لا تريده، والوالد لا يريده. وحتى أنهم لم يسألوني.
    The doctor don't want him to have any visitors. Open Subtitles الطبيب لا يريده أن يحظى بأي زوار.
    he doesn't want her to see'em till their perfect. Open Subtitles هو لا يريده أن تراهما إلى أن يصبحا مثاليين
    I know he didn't even want kids... he didn't want him. Open Subtitles وأدرك إنه لا يريد أطفال حتى، إنه لا يريده.
    See, white man don't leave much for old Psalms except for what he don't want for hisself. Open Subtitles أفهمت، الرجل الأبيض لم يقدم الكثير لى باستثناء ما لا يريده لنفسه.
    If you was to hand a drunk a drink and tell him he don't want it, what do you think he'd say? Open Subtitles و أخبرته بأنه لا يريده ماذا تظن بأنه سيقول ؟
    Selling someone something they don't want is the same thing as refusing them service altogether. Open Subtitles بيع شيء لشخص لا يريده يعتبر مثل رفض الخدمة تماماً
    I can't blame him for that either, because I could never tell him the truth that... that George doesn't want him. Open Subtitles لا استطيع ان الومه بشأن هذا ايضاً لاني لا استطيع ابداً ان اخبره الحقيقة ان ان جورج لا يريده
    Well, the thing about poison is that the human body doesn't want it, so when it's ingested, it does its best to expel it. Open Subtitles الأمر الذي يدور حول السم هو أن جسم الإنسان لا يريده إذا لما يُحقن، يحاول قدر المستطاع طرده
    But he doesn't want it because we're not married. Open Subtitles لكنه لا يريده لأننا لسنا متزوجين
    Yeah, he knows. But he doesn't care. He doesn't want it. Open Subtitles أجل يعلم و لكنه لا يأبه هو لا يريده
    The president says he doesn't want it, Open Subtitles الرئيس قال أنه لا يريده
    The sheriffs don't want him. Open Subtitles الشريف لا يريده
    - I don't want him in sight of my sister. Open Subtitles - آي لا يريده على مرأى من أختي.
    What he doesn't want is me to get any of the trust money later on. Open Subtitles ما لا يريده هو أن لا يتم اعطائي .. أي من أموال المنظمة
    He gets what he wants, and he doesn't want what he doesn't get. And my knowing that is the only gift he'll ever need from me. Open Subtitles إنّه يحصل على مايريده ، وما لا يريده لا يحصل عليه
    The sheriff didn't want him to be able to talk to anybody, including a lawyer. Open Subtitles المأمور لا يريده بإن يكون قادراً على التحدث مع إي شخص ..
    So he set fire to the world that didn't want him. Open Subtitles لذا اشعل النار في العالم الذي لا يريده
    Well, I do think it's silly to give someone $7,000 if they don't want it. Open Subtitles حسنا ، أنا أعتقد أنه من السخيف اعطاء شخص ما 7000 آلاف دولار وهو لا يريده
    Maybe there's somebody out there that really doesn't want him to put on this play. Open Subtitles ربما هناك شيء ما لا يريده ان يقيم هذا العرض
    General San Martin, liberator of Argentina, Chile and Peru, had been passionately committed to people's right to choose their own government, and would surely be ashamed to see Argentina attempting to subjugate the islands and impose upon them a rule they did not want. UN إن الجنزال سان مارتن، محرر الأرجنتين وبيرو وشيلي كان متمسكا بشدة بحق الشعوب في اختيار الحكومة التي يريدونها لأنفسهم، وكان سيشعر بالمهانة إذا رأى الأرجنتين تحاول إخضاع الجزر وفرض حكم لا يريده سكانها.

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