let's find him first. I want to hear his side of the story. | Open Subtitles | لنجده أوّلًا، أودّ سماع جانبه من الحكاية. |
Well, then let's find him, and see if he can spark your curiosity for more. | Open Subtitles | حسنا إذن، لنجده ولنكتشف إذا كان سيحرض فضولك للأكثر |
So, let's find him before he does. | Open Subtitles | إذاً لنجده قبل أن يفعل |
And we came here to find it for you and the other victims. | Open Subtitles | و نحن جئنا اليك لنجده ، لك و للضحايا الاخرين |
There's a boy out there who's terrified counting on us to find him, | Open Subtitles | هنالك طفل بالخارج خائف يعتمد علينا لنجده |
let's find him and get this over with. | Open Subtitles | لا تَغْتَر لنجده وننتهي منه |
Well, let's find him and talk to him. | Open Subtitles | لنجده ونتحدث معه |
let's find him together. | Open Subtitles | لنجده معاً. |
Uh, yeah, let's find him. | Open Subtitles | أجل، لنجده. |
All right, let's find him. | Open Subtitles | حسنًا، لنجده. |
let's find him. | Open Subtitles | لنجده |
Okay, let's find him. | Open Subtitles | حسناً , لنجده |
let's find him. | Open Subtitles | لنجده. |
- Well, let's find him. | Open Subtitles | -حسناً، لنجده |
It took us some time to find it. | Open Subtitles | احتجنا لبعض الوقت لنجده. |
And we will do everything that we can to find it. | Open Subtitles | وسوف نفعل كل ما بوسعنا لنجده |
Then that is all the more reason for us to find him ourselves. | Open Subtitles | هذه أسباب أكثر لنجده بأنفسنا. |