Is that him on the loud speaker? | Open Subtitles | هل هذا له على المتكلم بصوت عال؟ |
Is that him or her? | Open Subtitles | هل هذا له أو لها؟ |
Does this have something to do with our Bible-thumper? | Open Subtitles | هل هذا له علاقة مع ضارب الانجيل خاصتنا؟ |
I don't get it, Mulder. Does this have something to do with an X-File? | Open Subtitles | لا أفهم " مولدر " هل هذا له علاقة بالملفات الخفية ؟ |
Is this something to do with Yasumoto? | Open Subtitles | هل هذا له علاقة بــ "ياساموتو" ؟ |
Does that have something to do with why we're here? | Open Subtitles | هل هذا له علاقة بسبب وجودنا هنا؟ |
Does this have anything to do with Fred going gaga over Crystal? | Open Subtitles | هل هذا له علاقة بما يفعله فريد بالتسكع مع كريستال ؟ |
- Is that him? | Open Subtitles | - هل هذا له ؟ |
Does this have something to do with that favor he did you? | Open Subtitles | هل هذا له علاقة بالمعروف الذي أسداه لك؟ |
I wasn't sure the comic book would work. So Does this have something to do with your new job? | Open Subtitles | إداً هل هذا له علاقة بعملِكَ الجديد ؟ |
Does this have something to do with how it went when you told Donna about us? | Open Subtitles | هل هذا له علاقة بما آلت إليه الأمور عندما أخبرت (دونا) بشأننا؟ |
Is this something to do with Yasumoto? | Open Subtitles | هل هذا له علاقة بــ "ياساموتو" ؟ |
Does that have something to do with why we're here? | Open Subtitles | هل هذا له علاقة بسبب وجودنا هنا؟ |
Does this have anything to do with my daughter asking you to go with us when we move? | Open Subtitles | هل هذا له علاقه بأبنتى؟ سؤالك ان تاتى معنا عندما ننتقل |
Is this to do with the murder? | Open Subtitles | هل هذا له علاقة بالقتل؟ |
Does that make any sense? | Open Subtitles | هل هذا له معنى؟ |
Does it have something to do with my birth mother? | Open Subtitles | هل هذا له علاقة بأمي الحقيقية ؟ |
If I'm right, this has something to do with Emily, which means you're gonna have me to deal with, too. | Open Subtitles | لو كنت محقاً هل هذا له علاقه بإيميلي ويعني بأن ينبغي عليكِ أن تجعليني أتعامل مع هذا أيضاً |