And that begs the question... Are they really that smart? Ah... | Open Subtitles | ...وهذا يثير السؤال هل هن حقاً ذكيات؟ أحب طريقة تفكيرك |
- in furthering their education. - Are they articulate? | Open Subtitles | بموتصلة تعليمهن هل هن واضحات بطلبهن |
Are they sorry the Jews are no longer here or pleased? | Open Subtitles | هل هن سعيدات ان اليهود غادروا أم لا؟ |
The question is: Are they hackers? | Open Subtitles | السؤال هو هل هن قراصنة ؟ |
Are those really mermaids? | Open Subtitles | هل هن عرائس بحر فعلاً؟ |
Are they Gamma material? | Open Subtitles | هل هن مناسبات لغاما? |
Are they skinny, or Are they fat? | Open Subtitles | هل هن نحيفات، أم بدينات؟ |
Are they your roommates, or...? | Open Subtitles | هل هن شريكاتِك في الغرفة؟ |
- Are they what's most important? | Open Subtitles | هل هن كثيرو الأهميه ؟ |
Are they really Married to jesus? | Open Subtitles | هل هن حقاً متزوّجات من الربّ؟ |
Are they so poor? | Open Subtitles | هل هن فقيرات جداً ؟ |
But yeah, Are they hot? | Open Subtitles | نعم ولكن هل هن مثيرات؟ |
- Are they friends of yours? | Open Subtitles | هل هن صديقات لك ؟ |
Are they girl scouts? | Open Subtitles | هل هن فتيات كشافة؟ |
Jesus Christ. Are they all right? | Open Subtitles | يالهي, هل هن بخير؟ |
Are they... with you? | Open Subtitles | هل هن ... معكِ؟ |
- Are they going to undress? | Open Subtitles | - هل هن ذاهبات لخلع الملابس؟ |
- Are those hookers? | Open Subtitles | هل هن مومسات؟ |