he was shot while the car was in motion? | Open Subtitles | هو ضُرِبَ بينما السيارةَ هَلْ كَانتْ في الحركةِ؟ |
And with no exit wound, I don't think he was shot. | Open Subtitles | وبدون جرحِ خروجِ، أنا لا أعتقد هو ضُرِبَ. |
No soot around the hole, so he was shot from at least three feet away. | Open Subtitles | لا سخامَ حول الفتحة، لذا هو ضُرِبَ مِنْ على الأقل ثلاثة أقدامِ بعيداً. |
We're looking for the kid he raced the night he was shot. | Open Subtitles | نحن نَنْظرُ للطفلِ تَسابقَ الليل الذي هو ضُرِبَ. |
Indicates that he was standing when he was hit. | Open Subtitles | يُشيرُ بأنّه كَانَ المقام متى هو ضُرِبَ. |
he's been shot before. | Open Subtitles | هو ضُرِبَ قبل ذلك. |
So he was shot in the head, left to right. | Open Subtitles | لذا هو ضُرِبَ في الرأس، اليسار إلى الحقِّ. |
That was an ambush, he was shot from the left-hand side, and there was nothing that you could have done about it. | Open Subtitles | ذلك كَانَ كميناً، هو ضُرِبَ مِنْ الجهة اليسرى، وكان هناك لا شيءُ ذلك أنت كان يُمكنُ أنْ تَعْملَ حوله. |
It can't be a coincidence he was shot just like Kay Coleman, execution-style. | Open Subtitles | هو لا يُمكنُ أَنْ يَكُونَ a صدفة هو ضُرِبَ مثل كاي كولمان، طراز الإعدام. |
he was shot at close range and left on a pile of fish in one of your investments. | Open Subtitles | هو ضُرِبَ مدى قريبَ وتَركَ على a كومة السمكِ في إحدى إستثماراتِكِ. |
Mayoral candidate Al Giardello was making a campaign appearance early this morning when he was shot by an unidentified assailant. | Open Subtitles | المرشّح البلدي الGirdello كَانَ يَجْعلُ حملة ظهور في وقتٍ مبكّرٍ من هذا الصباح عندما هو ضُرِبَ مِن قِبل مُهاجمِ غير معروفِ. |
he was shot in the abdomen. | Open Subtitles | هو ضُرِبَ في البطنِ. |
Monk, he was shot twice... once in the back 20 feet away. | Open Subtitles | Monk، هو ضُرِبَ مرّتين... عندما في الأقدامِ الخلفيةِ الـ20 بعيداً. |
he was shot. | Open Subtitles | هو ضُرِبَ. |
he was shot. | Open Subtitles | هو ضُرِبَ. |
he was shot. | Open Subtitles | هو ضُرِبَ. |
he was shot. | Open Subtitles | هو ضُرِبَ. |
he was shot. | Open Subtitles | هو ضُرِبَ. |
Position of the body suggests he was hit as he entered. | Open Subtitles | موقع الجسمِ يَقترحُ هو ضُرِبَ كما دَخلَ. |
he was hit with an axe at least 18 times, so whether they were just there or they took a couple of swings, it means that someone else took the rest of the swings. | Open Subtitles | هو ضُرِبَ بفأسِ على الأقل 18 مرة، لذا سواء هم كَانوا فقط هناك أَو هم أَخذوا إرجوحتين، يَعْني الذي شخص آخر |
Help him, he's been shot. | Open Subtitles | ساعدْه، هو ضُرِبَ. |