
    "وادعي" - ترجمة من عربي إلى انجليزي

    • it was alleged
    • was allegedly
    • it is alleged
    • it has been alleged
    • were alleged
    • it was claimed
    • and pray
    • and allegedly
    • were allegedly
    • confrontations were said
    • armed confrontations were
    • participating in armed confrontations
    • Pray to
    it was alleged that despite the incident having been reported to the police, no investigation has taken place. UN وادعي أنه بالرغم من إبلاغ الشرطة بما حدث، لم تجر أي تحقيقات بصدده.
    it was alleged that some members of the mob were dressed in military clothing. UN وادعي أن بعض أفراد المجموعة كانوا يرتدون الزي العسكري.
    it was alleged that a proposal, approved by the Minister of Justice, had been submitted to the National Council of the Slovak Republic for the removal of UN وادعي أن مقترحا وافق عليه وزير العدل قد عرض على المجلس الوطني لجمهورية سلوفاكيا بتنحية الدكتور هارابين.
    They were each allegedly beaten and Marciana Benítez was allegedly sexually abused. UN وادعي أن كلا منهم قد ضرب وأن مارسيانا بينيتيز هتك عرضها.
    it is alleged that a similar incident had occurred eight months earlier. UN وادعي أن حادثا مماثلا وقع قبل ثمانية أشهر.
    it has been alleged that the owners were not previously informed. UN وادعي أن الملاك لم يكونوا قد أخبروا بذلك.
    it was alleged that Mr. Bitic was targeted because of his representation of Kosovar Albanian prisoners currently held in detention in Serbia. UN وادعي أن السيد بيتيك استهدف لتمثيله سجناء من ألبان كوسوفو وهم في الاحتجاز حالياً في صربيا.
    it was alleged that the judge had received death threats from the President of the Upper Tribunal of the State of Tabasco, Javier López y Conde. UN وادعي بأن القاضي كان قد تلقى تهديدات بالقتل من رئيس المحكمة العليا في ولاية توباسكو، خافيير لوبيس إيكوندي.
    it was alleged that their trials did not conform to international fair trial standards and that they had been tortured in order to extract confessions. UN وادعي أن محاكمتهم لم تكن تتوافق مع المعايير الدولية للمحاكمة العادلة، وأنهم عذبوا لانتزاع اعترافات منهم.
    In these cases, it was alleged that the influence of the military had further hindered the speedy, impartial administration of justice, and in some thwarted due administration of justice. UN وادعي أنه في هذه القضايا زاد نفوذ الجيش من إعاقة إقرار العدل على نحو سريع ونزيه، وفي بعضها حال دون حسن سير العدالة.
    it was alleged that the perpetrators were supporters of General Lino Oviedo, the jailed former army chief. UN وادعي أن المرتكبين هم من أنصار الجنرال لينو أوفييدو، الرئيس السابق للجيش، المسجون حاليا.
    it was alleged that this form of violence was carried out with the tacit approval of the police and that the police were reluctant to investigate such cases. UN وادعي بأن هذا الشكل من أشكال العنف يجري بموافقة ضمنية من الشرطة وأن الشرطة تعزف عن التحقيق في هذه القضايا.
    it was alleged that they had been denied family and legal access, had not been charged, and had not been brought before a judicial authority. UN وادعي أنهما حرما من الاتصال بأسرتيهما وبمحام، ولم توجه إليهما تهمة، ولم يحالا إلى سلطة قضائية.
    it was alleged that foreign elements had been involved in these actions. UN وادعي أن عناصر أجنبية اشتركت في هذه العمليات.
    Francisco Engono Micué was allegedly severely tortured and sustained serious injuries to his arms, feet, back and one eye. UN وادعي أن فرانشيسكو انغونو ميكوي عذب تعذيباً شديداً وأصيب اصابات جسيمة في ذراعيه وقدميه وظهره واحدى عينيه.
    He was allegedly subjected to beatings in the police station, said to have injured his right eye and left shoulder. UN وادعي أنه تعرض للضرب في مخفر الشرطة، كما قيل إنه عانى من إصابات في عينه اليمنى وكتفه اليسرى.
    Specifically, it is alleged that the charges stem from his opinions on the reunification of North and South Korea. " UN وادعي على وجه الخصوص أن الاتهامات تعود إلى آرائه المتعلقة بإعادة توحيد كوريا الشمالية وكوريا الجنوبية " .
    it has been alleged that the bodies are buried in a demeaning manner. UN وادعي أن الجثث تُدفن بطريقة مهينة.
    In both instances, the suspects were alleged to have committed robbery. They were forced to confess their crimes and were subsequently set alight. UN وادعي في الحالتين أن المشتبه فيهم قد ارتكبوا سرقة، وأجبروا على الاعتراف بجرائمهم ثم أشعلت فيهم النار.
    it was claimed that no objective criteria were set for their selection. UN وادعي أنه لا توجد معايير موضوعية لاختيارهم.
    Call in HAZMAT and pray to God that we don't need them. Open Subtitles اتصلي بفرقة التعامل مع المواد الخطرة وادعي الرب ألا نحتاجهم
    They were taken to Yogyakarta police command and allegedly tortured into signing a confession that they were members of the People's Democratic Party (PRD). UN واقتيد هؤلاء إلى قيادة شرطة يوغياكرتا وادعي أنهم عُذﱢبوا إلى أن وقﱠعوا على اعتراف بأنهم أعضاء في حزب الشعب الديمقراطي.
    They were allegedly beaten, hung from the ceiling, nearly suffocated and subjected to electric shocks on several parts of their bodies. UN وادعي أنهما ضربا، وعلقا من السقف، وأنهما كادا أن يختنقا وأنهما تعرضا لصدمات كهربائية في أجزاء عديدة من جسميهما.
    Many thousands of people not participating in armed confrontations were said to have lost their lives as direct victims of the conflict, for instance, through indiscriminate shelling or deliberate executions, or indirectly, as a consequence of sieges, blocking off water, food and medical supplies. UN وادعي أن آلاف اﻷشخاص لقوا حتفهم إما لوقوعهم ضحايا مباشرة للنزاع من خلال القصف العشوائي أو القتل المتعمﱠد أو كنتيجة غير مباشرة بسبب فرض الحصار وعدم السماح لوصول امدادات المياه والغذاء والدواء.

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