
    "Ivette" - ترجمة من انجليزي إلى عربي

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    Ivette last saw her father in 1998, when she was only four months old. UN وآخر مرة رأت فيها إيفيت أباها كان عام 1998 وكانت حينئذ لا تبلغ من العمر سوى أربعة شهور.
    Although Ivette was but beginning her journey through life, she was in fact emulating that heroic exploit that both the Vikings and that most famous Genovese Admiral claim for their own. UN ورغم أن إيفيت كانت في مستهل حياتها إلا أنها أظهرت مآثر بطولية تحاكي بطولات الفايكينغ وأشهر أدميرالات جنوة.
    Every single one, not forgetting little Ivette whom in her tender innocence has helped us to discover the truth. UN كل واحد منهم يطالب به حتى إيفيت الصغيرة التي ساعدتنا في براءة على اكتشاف الحقيقة.
    The same happened to other well-known Cuban musicians, such as Ivette Cepeda, la Charanga Habanera, and the orchestra of Elito Revé and his Charangón, promoted by other Cuban companies and representation agencies. UN وحدث الشيء نفسه كذلك لموسيقيين كوبيين مشهورين مثل إيفيت سيبيدا، ولا شانغارا هابانيرا، وأوركسترا إليتو ريفي وتشارانغون، التابعين لشركات ووكالات أخرى ذات تمثيل كوبي.
    Ms. Salanueva applied for and received a visa, which was later revoked, in order to visit her husband at the penitentiary in Loreto, Pennsylvania, accompanied by her daughter, Ivette. UN لقد تقدمت السيدة سالانويفا بطلب للحصول على تأشيرة الدخول بهدف زيارة زوجها في سجن لوريتو، ببنسيلفينيا، برفقة ابنتها الصغرى، وحصلت عليها بالفعل، ثم ألغيت.
    Ivette discovered a world of immeasurable evil that forced her to wait in the arms of her mother before the building where her father was incarcerated so that he could glimpse her wild curly hair and her first tentative steps through the skylight of his prison cell. UN لقد اكتشفت عالما ينم عن الشر إلى أبعد الحدود، مما جعلها تنتظر في أحضان أمها قبالة المبنى الذي حُبس فيه أبوها حتى تسمح له بأن يرى من كوة زنزانته شعرها المجعد الغجري وأولى خطواتها.
    By refusing to grant a visa to Ms. Salanueva, the United States Government is preventing her little daughter, Ivette González, only six years of age, from visiting her father, whom she has not seen since she was a baby. UN وبرفض الحكومة منح تأشيرة للسيدة سالانويبا، فإنها تمنع بنتها الصغيرة إيفيت غونزالس، ذات الست سنوات، من زيارة والدها الذي لم تره منذ كانت رضيعة.
    :: Ivette González Salanueva was born on 24 April 1998 in Miami, Florida. UN :: Ivette González Salanueva was born on 24 April 1998 in Miami, Florida.
    :: On 12 September 1998, Ivette's life and that of her family changed cruelly and dramatically. UN :: On 12 September 1998, Ivette ' s life and that of her family changed cruelly and dramatically.
    Ivette was cared for by her paternal great-grandmother. UN Ivette was cared for by her paternal great-grandmother.
    Therefore she preferred that Ivette not be brought to see her. UN Therefore she preferred that Ivette not be brought to see her.
    Ivette has not seen her father for more than four years. UN Ivette has not seen her father for more than four years.
    :: If Ivette is an American citizen what has prevented her from seeing her father during the last four years? UN :: If Ivette is an American citizen what has prevented her from seeing her father during the last four years?
    Olga Salanueva had managed to provide Ivette with a stable home and an affectionate family environment in Cuba. UN Olga Salanueva had managed to provide Ivette with a stable home and an affectionate family environment in Cuba.
    :: The Convention on the Rights of the Child is directly relevant to Ivette's case. UN :: The Convention on the Rights of the Child is directly relevant to Ivette ' s case.
    Olga Salnueva, Ivette González and Adriana Pérez were present at the Commission's 59th period of sessions. UN Olga Salnueva, Ivette González and Adriana Pérez were present at the Commission ' s 59th period of sessions.
    With her, Olga Salanueva, wife of René and mother of Ivette. UN With her, Olga Salanueva, wife of René and mother of Ivette.
    On 23 April 2002, the State Department revoked the visa it had previously granted to Olga Salanueva, wife of René González, thereby forbidding her and Ivette, her four-year old daughter with René, from " visiting " . UN ففي 23 نيسان/أبريل 2002، أقدمت وزارة الخارجية على إلغاء تأشيرة كانت قد منحتها لأولغا سالانويفا ، زوجة رينيه غونساليس، ومنعتها هي وابنتها إيفيت التي تبلغ من العمر أربع سنوات من زيارته.
    Some day little Ivette will be able to read, in the minutes of the trial, the unbelievable declarations of the Government's representative who saw a potential " spy " in that little girl. UN وسيكون بوسع إيفيت الصغيرة، في يوم من الأيام، أن تقرأ في محاضر المحاكمة البيانات الغريبة التي أدلى بها ممثل الحكومة الذي اعتبرها " جاسوسة " محتملة.
    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has continually requested the United States authorities to reconsider these arbitrary denials and comply with their international obligations by allowing Olga and Adriana to exercise the inalienable right to visit their spouses and little Ivette to see her father. UN وقد طلبت وزارة الخارجية من السلطات الأمريكية باستمرار أن تعيد نظرها في رفضها التعسفي، وتستجيب لالتزاماتها الدولية، بأن تسمح لهما بممارسة حقهما غير القابل للتصرف حق زيارة زوجيهما وحق الصغيرة إيفيت في زيارة والدها.

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