There's only, like, one other dude, and you let him hit you with a wrench. | Open Subtitles | لا يوجد سوى رجل واحد وتركته يضربك بمفتاح الربط |
But yet you stood around long enough to field a job offer and you let him talk shit about me? | Open Subtitles | لكنك بقيت هُناك لوقت كافي حتى يتم تقديم فرصة عمل لك وتركته يتحدث بالهُراء عني ؟ |
You had this guy cold on major narcotics trafficking and you let him walk. | Open Subtitles | لديك ذلك الرجل المتهم بقضية تهريب المخدرات كبيرة وتركته يرحل. |
Traitor to our home world, murderer of your own father, and you let him go? | Open Subtitles | خائن لعالمنا قاتل والدك وأنت تركته يذهب ؟ |
I got him in 15 minutes and you let him off by morning. | Open Subtitles | أمسكته بـ 15 دقيقة وأنت تركته يهرب بالصباح |
The first artificial personality to develop complex emotions, and you let him sever his wireless, floating point connections. | Open Subtitles | شخصية الاصطناعي الأول ،لتطوير المشاعر المعقدة وسمحت له بالانفصال عن الاتصال اللاسلكي بعيداً عن نقطة الاتصال |
Says here you had him in custody and you let him go. | Open Subtitles | أتقول هُنا أنك كُنت تمتلكه في حضانتك وتركته يذهب ؟ |
You had him and you let him go. Find him again. | Open Subtitles | كان تحت ناظريك وتركته يهرب والآن إعثر عليه |
Kublai was on our land, surrounded by our army, your blade to his throat, and you let him ride away. | Open Subtitles | كان "قوبلاي" على أرضنا, محاطاً بجيشنا, ونصلك على عنقه, وتركته يرحل. |
You had Malik single handedly with tangky and you let him go? | Open Subtitles | كان بحوزتك موزع أساسي وتركته يرحل |
You gave that boy wine, and you let him take the blame. | Open Subtitles | أعطيت الصبي النبيذ وتركته يتحمّل اللوم |
That man killed our child, and you let him go! | Open Subtitles | ذلك الرجل ، لقد قتل ابنتنا وتركته يذهب |
and you let him leave? Alone? | Open Subtitles | وتركته يرحل بمفرده؟ |
You had him in your sights, and you let him get away. | Open Subtitles | كان أمامك وتركته يفر منك. |
He's got three nuclear weapons on him and you let him leave the country? | Open Subtitles | لديه ثلاثة قنابل نووية وأنت تركته يغادر البلاد ؟ |
The son of God, and you let him die with your careless, faithless sins. | Open Subtitles | أبن الآله .وأنت تركته يموت من خطاياك وأهمالك |
We were in position to make the capture and you let him get away. | Open Subtitles | كنا بوضعٍ يمكّننا من القبض عليه, وأنت تركته يفلت. |
Some cunt killed your brother and you let him go? | Open Subtitles | شخص وغد قتل شقيقك وأنت تركته يذهب. |
I heard about a guy who almost killed you with a motorcycle, and you let him keep his car? | Open Subtitles | سمعت عن رجل كاد يقتلك بدراجته وسمحت له بالاحتفاظ بسيارته؟ |
- and you let him in the stadium. - That's not... that's not what happened! | Open Subtitles | ـ وسمحت له بالدخول للملعب ـ ذلك ليس .. |
and you let him carry that? | Open Subtitles | وجعلتَه يحمل هذا العبئ؟ |
and you let him in. | Open Subtitles | وأنت سمحت له بالدخول |
and you let him do it. | Open Subtitles | وأنتِ تركته يفعل ذلك |