
    "from sleeping" - ترجمة من انجليزي إلى عربي

    • من النوم
    • النوم عن
    He was also prevented from sleeping. UN كما تعرض لصعقات كهربائية ومُنع أيضاً من النوم.
    He had been tied to a bed for most of the time and at night prevented from sleeping. UN وكان يُقيﱠد بسرير لمعظم الوقت ويُمنع من النوم بالليل.
    After each torture session, loud music was played to prevent him from sleeping. UN وبعد كل جلسة تعذيب كانت تُبث موسيقى صاخبة لمنعه من النوم.
    It consisted of beating him while he was blindfolded and had his hands tied, preventing him from sleeping by waking him up every hour, and threatening him with rape. UN وتمثل التعذيب في ضربه بينما كان معصوب العينين مقيّد اليدين ومنعه من النوم عن طريق إيقاظه كل ساعة وتهديده بالاغتصاب.
    He was prevented from sleeping for long periods and severely beaten several times. UN وقد حُرِم من النوم لفترات طويلة وتعرّض مراراً لضرب مبرح.
    He was prevented from sleeping by the loud music being played and lights being kept on constantly. UN وحُرم من النوم بسبب تشغيل الموسيقى الصاخبة وتشغيل الإضاءة باستمرار.
    He was prevented from sleeping by the loud music being played and lights being kept on constantly. UN وحُرم من النوم بسبب تشغيل الموسيقى الصاخبة وتشغيل الإضاءة باستمرار.
    The light was switched on around the clock, which prevented her from sleeping. UN وكان المصباح الكهربائي يشعل على مدار الساعة، الأمر الذي منعها من النوم.
    Loud music, which kept him from sleeping, was played continuously in the room. UN وكانت تذاع باستمرار في الغرفة موسيقى مرتفعة منعته من النوم.
    It is claimed that they used formalin on him a second time and, all through the night, prevented him from sleeping. UN وخُدّر مرة ثانية بالفرمول ومُنع على ما يزعم من النوم طوال كامل الليلة.
    As he was continuously yelling and screaming and keeping the other prisoners from sleeping, a towel was taped around his mouth, but it was removed after 10 minutes. UN ولما كان يصيح ويصرخ باستمرار ويمنع السجناء اﻵخرين من النوم وضعت خرقة في فمه، ولكن تمت ازالتها بعد ذلك بعشر دقائق.
    He charged that his interrogators had placed a chair on his chest and jumped on it and prevented him from sleeping sufficiently. UN وادعى أن مستجوبيه وضعوا كرسيا على صدره وشرعوا يقفزون عليه ومنعوه من أخذ نصيبه من النوم.
    They were not given any food or drink and were prevented from sleeping. UN ولم يقدم إليهم أي طعام أو شراب ومنعوا من النوم.
    He spent the night in the barracks, where the guards prevented him from sleeping. UN وقضى الليلة هناك حيث منعه الحراس من النوم.
    They're just a couple bad decisions away from sleeping beneath an underpass, am I right? Open Subtitles إنهما على مسافة بضعة قرارات سيئة من النوم تحت النفق هل أنا محق؟
    My test subject had a unique condition which prevented him from sleeping. Open Subtitles مريضي الذي اختبرت عليه الدواء لديه حالة فريدة والتي تمنعه من النوم.
    But sometimes the body chemistry goes a little haywire, and they can really amp you up,keep you from sleeping. Open Subtitles لكن أحياناً كيمياء الجسم تكون هيستيرية لحد مرتفع وهي يمكن بالفعل إبقائكِ مستيقظة, تمنعكِ من النوم
    Because I just woke up from sleeping in the clinic like I always do. Open Subtitles لأنني استيقظت لتوي من النوم في العيادة كما أفعل دوما
    Yeah, but it's probably just from sleeping in the truck. Open Subtitles نعم، لكن قد يكون السبب غالباً من النوم في الشاحنة
    Okay, you don't think about a girl at the drugstore unless you're sleeping with her or you have an unfortunate souvenir from sleeping with her. Open Subtitles انت لا تفكر بشأن فتات في الصيدلية ما لم تنوي ان تنام معها او لديك تذكار مؤسف من النوم معها

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