
    "his jaw" - ترجمة من انجليزي إلى عربي

    • فكه
    • فكّه
    • فكيه
    Not only were there ligature marks on victim 3's arms, but his jaw was dislocated as well. Open Subtitles لم يكن هناك أثار تقييد على أيدي الضحية الثالثة فقط لكن فكه تم خلعه أيضا
    He said the next night, his jaw really still hurt. Open Subtitles قال أن الليلة التالية لهذا كان فكه يؤلمه بشدة
    The warder then requested that the author remove his pants and forced him on the ground, which caused a dislocation of his jaw and his front teeth. UN ثم طلب الحارس منه خلع سرواله ودفع به إلى الأرض ما تسبب في خلع فكه وأسنانه الأمامية.
    He had been shot in the head and the throat, and his jaw was fractured. UN وتبين أنه أطلق عليه الرصاص في رأسه وفي حلقه وكان فكّه مكسورا.
    The physical abuse was such that it resulted in dislocation of his jaw and irreversible damage to his teeth, to the point that they had to be removed. UN ووصل الاعتداء البدني إلى حد من العنف أدى إلى خلع فكه وإلى تلف في أسنانه لا يمكن إصلاحه واستلزم خلعها.
    He has reportedly not received any medical treatment for his jaw, which is said now to be frozen. UN وقيل إنه لم يتلق أي رعاية طبية لعلاج فكه الذي يقال إنه أُصيب الآن بالجمود.
    He whispered that he felt pain everywhere, that he was unable to walk or stand, that he urinated blood, and that he could not talk because his jaw was either dislocated or broken. UN وقال لها همساً إنه يشكو من آلام في كامل جسده، وأنه غير قادر على المشي أو الوقوف، وأنه يتبول دماً، وأنه لا يقدر على الكلام بسبب خلع فكه أو كسره.
    A forensic report had also stated that his death was due to a pathological condition and could not be attributed to the fact that his jaw had been broken. UN كذلك ورد في تقرير للطب الشرعي أن وفاته ترجع إلى حالة باثولوجية ولا يمكن ارجاعها إلى حقيقة أن فكه قد كسر.
    He was subsequently transferred to the airport at Sleptsovskaya, where officials allegedly broke his nose with a club and broke his jaw with a rifle butt. UN ونقل بعد ذلك إلى مطار سليبتسوفسكايا ويزعم أن مسؤولين كسروا أنفه هناك وكسروا فكه بعقب بندقية.
    Uh, he was struck by lightning as a child and his fillings fused his jaw shut. Open Subtitles ضربته صاعقة عندما كان طفلا و صهرت مشاعره مغلق فكه
    No, you know what, his jaw is so swollen, he couldn't talk if he wanted to. Open Subtitles لا، اتعرف ماذا فكه متورم لذلك انه لن يستطيع التحدث إذا أراد ذلك
    The female praying mantis begins to kill the male by devouring his jaw. Open Subtitles أنثى السرعوف تبدأ بقتل الذكر بإلتهام فكه
    One of these dumb kids broke his jaw on a Jawbreaker. Why would you even do that? Open Subtitles احد الاطفال الاشقياء قام بكسر فكه بآلة حلوى
    He broke his jaw sophomore year after a motorcycle accident, and had it wired shut. Open Subtitles لقد كسر فكه في السنة الثانية لدراسته بعد حادثة دراجة نارية
    Then I took a rock and smashed it so hard into his face, he not only lost most of his teeth but most of his jaw as well. Open Subtitles و بعدها أحضرتُ صخرة و أضربها على وجه بقوة، إنه لم يفقد أسنانه و حسب و إنما معظم فكه قد فقده أيضاً.
    Sometimes he just speaks normally, but his jaw is clenched. Open Subtitles أحيانا أنه يتحدث فقط عادة، ولكن المشدودة فكه.
    I thought he was gonna break his teeth, he clenched his jaw so tight. Open Subtitles ظننت أنه سيكسر أسنانه لقد ضغط على فكه بشدة
    He allegedly had been tortured by various means and was unable to swallow as a result of blows to his jaw and chin. UN وادﱡعي أنه عذب بمختلف الوسائل وأنه أصبح عاجزاً عن الابتلاع كنتيجة للضربات التي وجهت إلى فكّه وذقنه.
    Sorry about this last piece of business. - Break his jaw. Open Subtitles متأسف، نسيت هدية الوداع قوموا بكسر فكّه ..
    It is unfair to indict a man when his jaw is swollen and tongue mangled and who is therefore unable to rise to his own defense! Open Subtitles من الظلم انتقاد رجل فكّه متورّم ولسانه مبتور ولذلك فهو عاجز عن الدفاع عن نفسه
    Furthermore, he could not chew, as his jaw bones were dislocated. UN وبالإضافة إلى ذلك، فإنه لم يكن بوسعه مضغ الطعام نظراً لخلع عظام فكيه.

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