"leave to themselves" - قاموس انجليزي عربي


    "leave to themselves" - ترجمة من انجليزي إلى عربي

      لا توجد ترجمات سياقية.

    Furthermore, following the refusal of leave to appeal to the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council in relation to the judgment of the Full Bench of the Supreme Court delivered on 7 September 2006, the authors did not avail themselves of a further remedy inasmuch as they did not apply for special leave to the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council as provided for under section 81, paragraph 5, of the Constitution. UN وبالإضافة إلى ذلك، وعقب رفض الإذن بالاستئناف أمام اللجنة القضائية للمجلس القضائي الخاص فيما يتعلق بالحكم الذي أصدرته المحكمة العليا بكامل هيئتها في 7 أيلول/سبتمبر 2006، لم يستفد أصحاب البلاغ من سبيل انتصاف آخر لأنهم لم يطلبوا إذناً خاصاً بالاستئناف أمام اللجنة القضائية للمجلس القضائي الخاص حسبما تنص على ذلك الفقرة 5 من المادة 81 من الدستور().
    Furthermore, following the refusal of leave to appeal to the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council in relation to the judgment of the Full Bench of the Supreme Court delivered on 7 September 2006, the authors did not avail themselves of a further remedy inasmuch as they did not apply for special leave to the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council as provided for under section 81, paragraph 5, of the Constitution. UN وبالإضافة إلى ذلك، وعقب رفض الإذن بالاستئناف أمام اللجنة القضائية للمجلس القضائي الخاص فيما يتعلق بالحكم الذي أصدرته المحكمة العليا بكامل هيئتها في 7 أيلول/سبتمبر 2006، لم يستفد أصحاب البلاغ من سبيل انتصاف آخر لأنهم لم يطلبوا إذناً خاصاً بالاستئناف أمام اللجنة القضائية للمجلس القضائي الخاص حسبما تنص على ذلك الفقرة 5 من المادة 81 من الدستور().
    3.3 Furthermore, the author alleges that his right to an appeal, under article 14, paragraph 5, has been violated, arguing that an application for Special leave to Appeal is not a full appeal, as it deals only with " special leave issues " , rather than the grounds of appeal themselves. UN 3-3 كذلك، يزعم صاحب البلاغ أن حقه في الاستئناف بموجب الفقرة 5 من المادة 14 قد انتهك، إذ يدعي أن طلب الإذن الخاص للاستئناف لا يُعَد طعنا كاملا، لأنه لا يتعلق إلا بمسائل " الإذن الخاص " ، وليس بأسباب الاستئناف في حد ذاتها.
    Parental leave - Parents, including adoptive parents, who are public officers, and who have been in government employment for at least one year, are allowed to avail themselves of one year of unpaid leave to take care of each of their children under the age of six. UN :: الإجازة الوالدية - الوالدون، بمن في ذلك الوالدون المتبنون، الذين هم موظفون عموميون والذين هم في التوظيف الحكومي مدة سنة على الأقل، يسمح لهم بالحصول على إجازة غير مدفوعة الأجر مدتها سنة واحدة لرعاية كل من أطفالهم دون سن السادسة.
    Let's leave the boys to themselves. Open Subtitles لنترك رجلين يتقتلان
    Any time that delegations would like us to leave their pristine organization to themselves, I cannot speak exactly for the United States Government, but I suspect that all delegations would need to do is ask. UN وفي أي وقت تريدنا الوفود أن نترك لها منظمتها الطاهرة هذه، ولا أستطيع أن أتكلم باسم حكومة الولايات المتحدة، فإنني اعتقد أن كل ما يلزم أن تفعله الوفود هو أن تطلب ذلك.
    The visitors have indicated that it is difficult for staff on study leave to reintegrate themselves into the organization. UN وأشار الزوار إلى أنه من الصعب بالنسبة للموظفين الذين حصلوا على إجازة للدراسة إعادة إدماج أنفسهم في المنظمة.
    They are also able to divide a further three months' leave between themselves as they wish. UN وباستطاعتهما أيضا تقسيم إجازة أخرى لمدة ثلاثة أشهر فيما بينهما كما يرغبان.
    For instance, employers wield total physical and psychological power and control over the children, who are completely dependent on their employer for their basic needs, unable to leave their place of work owing to fear of reprisals against themselves or their families, and work in physically and socially isolated and remote areas where they are not able to report abuse or have access to justice. UN For instance, employers wield total physical and psychological power and control over the children, who are completely dependent on their employer for their basic needs, unable to leave their place of work owing to fear of reprisals against themselves or their families, and work in physically and socially isolated and remote areas where they are not able to report abuse or have access to justice.
    82. Session 2 focused on whether there were circumstances so extreme that home States should advise companies against starting operations there, and advise those with existing operations to suspend them - or leave the companies to decide for themselves whether or not to continue with their investment, but without the home country providing any financial or diplomatic support. UN 82. Session 2 focused on whether there were circumstances so extreme that home States should advise companies against starting operations there, and advise those with existing operations to suspend them - or leave the companies to decide for themselves whether or not to continue with their investment, but without the home country providing any financial or diplomatic support.
    (g) Ensure that both women and men have access to parental leave and other forms of leave, including maternity and paternity leave, and provide incentives to men to avail themselves of this leave, including, inter alia, through earmarked entitlements for fathers, and awareness-raising campaigns for the general public, schools, workplaces and other relevant institutions; UN (ز) كفالة حصول كل من المرأة والرجل على الإجازة الوالدية وغيرها من أنواع الإجازات الأخرى، بما في ذلك إجازتي الأمومة والأبوة، وتوفير الحوافز للرجال كي يتفرغوا لهذه الإجازات، وذلك بوسائل من بينها تحديد استحقاقات خاصة بالآباء، وتنظيم حملات لرفع درجة الوعي لدى عامة الجمهور وفي المدارس وأماكن العمل والمؤسسات الأخرى ذات الصلة؛
    204. While a great many Lebanese were displaced during the conflict, many others were unable to flee either due to fear related to the ongoing attacks and insecurity; destroyed or damaged roads, bridges and other basic infrastructure; lack of means to secure transport; difficulties related to age or disability; or unwillingness to leave relatives or friends, who were themselves unable to leave. UN 204- وبينما شُردت أعداد كبيرة جداً من اللبنانيين أثناء الصراع، لم يتمكن كثيرون آخرون من الهرب إما بسبب الخوف المتصل بالهجمات المستمرة وانعدام الأمن؛ أو بسبب الطرق والجسور والبنى التحتية الأساسية الأخرى المدمرة أو المصابة بأضرار؛ أو الافتقار إلى وسائل نقل مأمونة؛ أو الصعوبات المتصلة بالعمل أو العجز؛ أو عدم الاستعداد لترك الأقارب أو الأصدقاء الذين كانوا هم أنفسهم غير قادرين على المغادرة.
    (f) The procedure outlined provides judges with the opportunity to deal with the situation themselves and allows corrupt judges to leave quietly or be investigated and removed after due process. UN (f) The procedure outlined provides judges with the opportunity to deal with the situation themselves and allows corrupt judges to leave quietly or be investigated and removed after due process.
    63. One of the main issues that arose during the above-mentioned visit was the inability of women to leave the shelter owing to lack of employment, family support or any means to support themselves and their children. UN 63. One of the main issues that arose during the above-mentioned visit was the inability of women to leave the shelter owing to lack of employment, family support or any means to support themselves and their children.
    Due to the end-of-season payment system, migrant workers can find themselves trapped because if they attempt to leave an exploitative situation before the end of the season, they forfeit their earnings for the work they have done. UN Due to the end-of-season payment system, migrant workers can find themselves trapped because if they attempt to leave an exploitative situation before the end of the season, they forfeit their earnings for the work they have done.
    Without facilities nearby (or in existence at all), women have to leave their homes at night, putting themselves at risk of sexual assault or other personal attacks. UN Without facilities nearby (or in existence at all), women have to leave their homes at night, putting themselves at risk of sexual assault or other personal attacks.
    CEDAW urged Greece to ensure equal opportunities in the labour market and recommended stronger efforts to lower female unemployment, eliminate occupational segregation, both horizontal and vertical, and to narrow and close the wage gap between women and men. CEDAW also urged Greece to develop incentives to encourage more men to avail themselves of parental leave. UN وحثت اللجنة اليونان على كفالة تكافؤ الفرص في سوق العمل وبتعزيز الجهود لتخفيض البطالة بين الإناث والقضاء على العزل المهني، على المستويين الأفقي والعمودي، وتقليص فجوة الأجور بين النساء والرجال وسدها وحثت اللجنة أيضاً اليونان على استحداث حوافز لتشجيع المزيد من الرجال على الاستفادة من الإجازة الوالدية(27).
    I should like to inform you that the Government of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, on 31 March, called on all citizens of Kosovo and Metohija, especially Kosmet Albanians, not to leave their homes, least of all their State, despite NATO air strikes against civilian targets, to sympathize with others in need and to help each other and the country to defend themselves against the NATO aggression. UN وأود إبلاغكم بأن حكومة جمهورية يوغوسلافيا الاتحادية طلبت من جميع المواطنين في ٣١ آذار/ مارس في كوسوفا وميتوخيا، وخاصة ألبان الكوسميت، عدم مغادرة ديارهم، وعلى اﻷخص عدم مغادرة دولتهم، على الرغم من الهجمات الجوية التي تقوم به الناتو ضد اﻷهداف المدنية، وأن يبدوا روح التعاطف مع المحتاجين، وأن يمدوا يد العون إلى بعضهم البعض وإلى بلدهم دفاعا عن أنفسهم ضد عدوان الناتو.
    The purpose of this measure is to remedy the situation of female public servants who, under the old legislation regarding leave without pay and leave for the purpose of converting to half-time employment, often found themselves obliged to resign from their posts in order to devote themselves to rearing their children. UN وهذا التدبير من شأنه تحسين حالة الموظفين من الجنس الأنثوي اللاتي تحت سلطة القانون السابق في مجال الإجازة بدون مرتب والإجازة للعمل بدوام لنصف الوقت، يتجهن غالبا إلى التخلي عن وظائفهن من أجل التفرغ لتعليم أطفالهن.
    29. Encourages Member States to adopt and implement legislation and policies to promote the reconciliation of work and family responsibilities, including through increased flexibility in working arrangements such as part-time work, and to ensure that both women and men have access to maternity, paternity, parental and other forms of leave and are not discriminated against when availing themselves of such benefits; UN 29 - تشجع الدول الأعضاء على اعتماد وتنفيذ تشريعات وسياسات لتعزيز التوفيق بين مسؤوليات العمل والأسرة، بطرق من بينها زيادة المرونة في ترتيبات العمل مثل العمل بعض الوقت، وعلى ضمان إمكانية حصول النساء والرجال على إجازات الأمومة والأبوة والوالدية وغير ذلك من أشكال الإجازة دون التمييز ضدهم عند الاستفادة من هذه المزايا؛

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