They were just chess pieces you needed to sacrifice, right? | Open Subtitles | كانوا مجرد قطع الشطرنج أحتاجيت التضحية بهم، أليس كذلك؟ |
It wasn't anything-- They were just making plans to go to dinner tonight. | Open Subtitles | لم يكن شيئا مهما كانوا مجرد يخططون للذهاب لتناول العشاء الليلة |
They were just talking about Gavin Lloyd on the radio. | Open Subtitles | هم كَانوا فقط يَتكلّمونَ حول غافن لويد على الراديو. |
They were just on the RV, and we got them off of it. | Open Subtitles | لقد كانوا بقرب الشاحنة و نحن قمنا بأخذهم من عندها. |
Actually, they didn't. They were just trying to scare you. | Open Subtitles | في الواقع، لم يفعلوا ذلك كانوا فقط يحاولون تخويفكي |
They said They were just dialing numbers and I picked up. | Open Subtitles | قالوا أنهم كانوا يتصلون بأي رقم وأنني قمت بالرد عليهم |
Max, all those girls... They were just magic feathers. | Open Subtitles | ماكس , كل هؤلاء الفتيات كانوا مجرد ريش سحري |
When you played the Russians and the Ukrainians, They were just the unpredictable teams. | Open Subtitles | عندما كنت لعبت الروس والأوكرانيين، كانوا مجرد فرق لا يمكن التنبؤ بها. |
You know, if They were just friends or lovers, there might not be an official record of their relationship. | Open Subtitles | تعرف,ان كانوا مجرد أصدقاء أو أحباب قد لا يكون هناك سجل رسمي عن علاقتهم |
They were just here a second ago. | Open Subtitles | تلك المساعدةِ؟ هم كَانوا فقط هنا قَبْلَ ثانية. |
He was hit with an axe at least 18 times, so whether They were just there or they took a couple of swings, it means that someone else took the rest of the swings. | Open Subtitles | هو ضُرِبَ بفأسِ على الأقل 18 مرة، لذا سواء هم كَانوا فقط هناك أَو هم أَخذوا إرجوحتين، يَعْني الذي شخص آخر |
They were just here a few minutes. | Open Subtitles | لا. هم كَانوا فقط هنا بضعة دقائق. |
They were just saying that in college, like girls have sex all the time. | Open Subtitles | لقد كانوا يقولون ذلك في الكُليّة ودائماً يمارسون الجنس |
They were just a couple of poor no-name slobs. | Open Subtitles | لقد كانوا بعض المساكين القذرين دون أسماء |
Well, they... They were just askin'about, you know, who he'd been hangin'around with, that sort of thing. | Open Subtitles | لقد كانوا يتسائلون عن بعض الأمور فقط ..عن الأشخاص اللذين كان يتسكع معهم .وأسئلةٌ أخرى من هذا القبيل |
But when they actually arrived she told them They were just arguing. | Open Subtitles | ولكن عندما وصلوا فعلاً أخبرتهم بأنّهم كانوا فقط يتجادلون. |
And it's no big deal. They were just messing around. | Open Subtitles | وهذا ليس بالأمر الكبير كانوا فقط يعبثون |
They said They were just trying to clean up the neighborhood. | Open Subtitles | لقد قالوا أنهم كانوا فقط يحاولون أن ينظفوا الحي |
An anonymous hacker confessed that the plagiarism story was fake, said They were just messing with us. | Open Subtitles | اعترف أحد القراصنة المجهولين إن قصة الانتحال كانت وهمية قال أنهم كانوا يعبثون معنا |
Actually, They were just leaving, dear. | Open Subtitles | في الحقيقة كانوا على وشك الرحيل، عزيزتي |
'Cause I'm pretty sure They were just here, and you told them you'd handle it, so handle it. | Open Subtitles | لأني متاكده انهم كانوا هنا قبل قليل وقلتِ لهم انكِ ستتولين المشكلة لذا هيا ماذا ستفعلين |
They were just two kids doing Shakespeare in the park and each other in the parking lot. | Open Subtitles | لقد كانا مجرد طفلان يقلدان مسرحيات شيكسبير ويتضاجعانِ سويةً في الحديقة |
They were just the things the mothers happened to have on them when they had to get rid of the children. | Open Subtitles | لقد كانت مجرد أشياء وجدت الأمهات أن يتم وضعها عليهم عندما توجّب عليهن . التخلص من الأطفال |
They were just trying to be nice to you, that's all. | Open Subtitles | أنهم فقط يريدون التلطف معك هذا كل ما في الأمر |
The cities of Hebron, Jenin and Nablus are safer places today than They were just a few months ago. | UN | وأصبحت مدن الخليل وجنين ونابلس أماكن أكثر أمنا اليوم عما كانت عليه قبل مجرد بضعة شهور. |
I know They were just as ready to cap me as they were you. | Open Subtitles | أعلم أنّهم كانوا مُستعدّين لإنهاء حياتي مثلما كانوا سينهون حياتك. |
Have you ever walked up to people and realized They were just talking about you? | Open Subtitles | هل فى مرة مشيت للناس وأدركت بأنهم كانوا يتحدثون عنك؟ |
It turns out They were just two real ugly girls. | Open Subtitles | حتي اتضح أنهم ليسوا مخنثس لقد كانو قبيحات حقا |
I suppose They were just trying to survive. | Open Subtitles | أظن أنهما كانا يحاولان البقاء على قيد الحياة فحسب. |