We opened our home to you because We thought you were in trouble. | Open Subtitles | لقد فتحنا لكِ بيتنا لأننا ظننا أنك في ورطة. |
We thought you were going to the dam. How come you went to the town instead? | Open Subtitles | ظننا أنك ذهبت للسد, كيف ذهبت للمدينة بدلاً من ذلك؟ |
Thanks, Moe. I'm sorry We thought you were a baby-napper. | Open Subtitles | شكراً مو، ونحن آسفون لأننا اعتقدنا أنك خاطف أطفال |
Um, We thought you were gonna give me shit about filibuster reform. | Open Subtitles | إعتقدنَا بأنّك كُنْتَ ذاهِباً إلى الى توبيخي بخصوص إصلاح المماطلة السياسيةِ. |
We thought you were supposed to be the good guy. | Open Subtitles | إعتقدنا أنك ستكون الرجل الصالح |
Well, there he is. We thought you were out for the night. | Open Subtitles | هاهو ذا , لقد اعتقدنا انك ستنام الليل كله |
Your mom will be pleased. We thought you were doing drugs or something. | Open Subtitles | أمك ستسعد، فلقد ظنناك تروّج المخدرات أو ما شابه. |
Well, We thought you were gonna miss the boat. | Open Subtitles | حسنا، كنا نظن أنك لم تفوت ستعمل القارب. |
Um, We thought you were crashing at your boyfriend's tonight. | Open Subtitles | ظننا أنّك ستبيتين بمنزل صديقك الليلة |
Two of my men pulled you out of the lake. We thought you were dead too. Do you remember very much? | Open Subtitles | اثنان من رجالى سحباك من البحيرة ظننا أنك ميتة أيضاً، أتتذكرين الكثير؟ |
We thought you were crazy. We shouldn't have. | Open Subtitles | ظننا أنك مجنون ، كان علينا أن نصدقك |
Remember, when We thought you were a double, you told me to ask you somethingonly Will would know. | Open Subtitles | أتتذكر ، عندما ظننا أنك عميل مزدوج لقد أخبرتني أن أسألك شيئاً لا يعرفه سوى (ويل) |
For two years, you put us through hell, Alex! We thought you were dead! | Open Subtitles | لمدة عامين، أقحمتنا في الجحيم، ظننا أنك مت! |
We thought you were doing your own thing, you said you had work. | Open Subtitles | اعتقدنا أنك تعمل؛ لأنك أخبرتنا أن لديك عمل |
- After all these years, We thought you were a confirmed bachelor. | Open Subtitles | اعتقدنا أنك قررت أن تبقي عاذباً و أنا كذلك |
We thought you were a fag. But fags don't drink like that. | Open Subtitles | إعتقدنَا بأنّك كُنْتَ فقيرا لكن الفقراءَ لا يَشْربونَ هكذا |
We thought you were supposed to be the good guy. | Open Subtitles | إعتقدنا أنك ستكون الرجل الصالح |
We thought you were the most wonderful man in the world. | Open Subtitles | اعتقدنا انك أروع أنسان فى العالم |
Oliver, you were gone. Dead. At least We thought you were, and we had to go on with our lives. | Open Subtitles | ميّتًا، أو أقلها ظنناك ميّتًا، وتحتم أن نواصل حياتنا. |
We thought you were away. | Open Subtitles | اعتقدنا كنت بعيدا. |
When We thought you were dead, each one of us had to figure out why we were doing all this. | Open Subtitles | عندما كنا نظن كنت قد لقوا حتفهم، كل واحد منا كان لمعرفة لماذا كنا تفعل كل هذا. |
We thought you were part of the group. | Open Subtitles | ظننا أنكما من المجموعة |
We thought you were taking us to your house. | Open Subtitles | لقد ظننا بأنك تأخذنا الى منزلك. |
All this was so much easier when We thought you were dead. | Open Subtitles | كل هذا كان أسهل بكثير عندما ظنناكِ ميتة. |
As a matter of fact, We thought you were already dead. | Open Subtitles | في حقيقة الأمر أعتقدنا أنك ميت |
We just came here because We thought you were jerking our chain. | Open Subtitles | جئنا إلى هنا فقط لأننا كنا نعتقد أنك كنت تغيظنا. |