
    "you were with him" - ترجمة من انجليزي إلى عربي

    • كنت معه
    • كنتِ معه
    • كنت برفقته
    • كانوا معه
    you were with him 24/7 for months, and you missed the most fundamental thing about the man. Open Subtitles لقد كنت معه على مدار الساعة لمدة شهور وفاتك أبسط شيء عن الرجل
    That guy earlier, you were with him in Tony's house. Open Subtitles ذلك الرجل في الوقت السابق، الذي كنت معه في منزل توني
    It wasn't us. But you just admitted you were with him. Open Subtitles .لم نكن الفاعلين - .لكنّك اعترفت أنّك كنت معه -
    Police think he committed suicide the same night that you were with him. Open Subtitles الشّرطة تعتقد أنّه انتحر نفس اللّيلة التي كنتِ معه.
    Right. Can you confirm you were with him on Monday night? Open Subtitles حسنا, هل يمكنك تأكيد أنكِ كنتِ معه ليلة الأثنين؟
    you were with him for, what, an hour, and you had a nice talk? Open Subtitles كنت برفقته لمدة ساعة وخضتما حديثاً لطيفاً؟
    I believe you were with him on the last night he was seen alive. Open Subtitles أظن بأنك كنت معه في آخر ليلة شوهد فيها حياً
    The walk that you took together. you were with him. Open Subtitles المشية التي ذهبتما فيها معاً، كنت معه بالفعل.
    Last night, you were with him, and as far as we know, from what we can gather, you were the last person who saw him alive. Open Subtitles الليلة الماضية كنت معه وبقدر ما نعلم من ما لدينا انتي آخر شخص شاهده على قيد الحياة
    When you were with him on the trail, did he take his helmet off? Open Subtitles ،عندما كنت معه على الممر هل قام بخلع خودته ؟
    I mean, you were with him when he helped that killer whale - find its way home. Open Subtitles أعني لقد كنت معه عندما ساعد هذا الحوت القاتل في العودة لموطنه
    He told me to not scold you too much because you were with him all night. Open Subtitles اخبرنى الا اوبخك كثيرا لانك كنت معه طوال الليل
    According to the detective on the case, you were with him on the night of the murder. Open Subtitles وفقا للمخابرات بشأن هذه القضية كنت معه في ليلة القتل
    So you were with him last friday when he was being questioned by the FBI? Open Subtitles لذا أنت كنت معه الجمعة الماضية عندما كان يستجوب بمكتب التحقيقات الفدرالي؟
    I know that he didn't know you long, but I'm glad you were with him. Open Subtitles أنا أعلم أنه لم يعرفك لوقت طويل لكنني سعيدة أنك كنت معه
    I heard him-- you were with him that night? Open Subtitles لقد سمعته لقد كنتِ معه تلك الليلة ؟
    You lived with your brother, you were with him on the balcony this morning, and you still want me believe that you have nothing to do with this? Open Subtitles أنت تعيشين مع أخيكِ و كنتِ معه في الصاله هذا الصباح وأنت مازلتِ تريدينا أن نعتقد بأنكِ لا تعرفي أي شيء عن هذا
    you were with him an hour ago. Was anything wrong? Open Subtitles كيلستين , كنتِ معه منذ نحو ساعة هل حدث أي شيء غير طبيعي ؟
    You say you were with him and won't tell me where. Open Subtitles تقولين أنك كنتِ معه ولا تقولين أين
    you were with him, last night, weren't you, at the cafe when he was killed? Open Subtitles كنت برفقته الليلة الماضية ، أليس كذلك؟ في المقهى عندما قتل
    - We were at a wedding. - And you were with him? Open Subtitles ـ كنا في عرس ـ وأنت كنت برفقته
    Your mother will know you were with him. Open Subtitles أمك سوف تعلمون كانوا معه.

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