"أخذته إلى" - Translation from Arabic to English

    • took him to
    • take him to
    • took to
    • taking him to
    • took it to the
    • brought him to
    • I took it to his
    • you take
    • took him in
    You took him to your lab, where you froze him in your ice chamber. Open Subtitles أخذته إلى المختبر الخاص بك حيث جمدته في غرفة التجميد الخاصة بك
    I took him to a Catholic church on an island and said he was an orphan. Open Subtitles أخذته إلى كنيسة كاثوليكية في جزيرة، وقال أنهُ يتيم.
    I took him to the ER and he said he'd pass me if I picked him up in an hour. Open Subtitles أخذته إلى الطوارئ ووعدني انه سوف ينجحني انه اقلته خلال ساعة
    If you take him to any of your people, they'll find out all about it. Open Subtitles إذا أخذته إلى أي من شعبك، هم معرفة كل شيء عن ذلك.
    Do you still have the tablet I took to China? Open Subtitles أمازال لديك الحاسوب اللوحي الذي أخذته إلى "الصين"؟
    Might've made it, but the ambulance taking him to the hospital ran a red light, got plowed by a truck, finished him right off. Open Subtitles لقد كان سينجو لكن سيارة الإسعاف أخذته إلى المستشفى فضربته شاحنة وأنهته على الفور
    So, you captured the sword, brought it back here, then took it to the auction and drove the price up. Open Subtitles إذاً، إنّك سرقت السيف، و اعدته إلى هُنا، و من ثم أخذته إلى المزاد و قمت برفع سعره.
    I know you brought him to the mall, but we got a picture of you... leading him out of the mall. Open Subtitles أعرف بأنك أخذته إلى مركز التسوق و لكننا حصلنا على صورة لكَ و أنت تقوده إلى خارج مركز التسوق
    I took it to his home in Badula Qulp. Open Subtitles أخذته إلى منزله في (بادولا كولب)
    I took him to the hospital, and I had him checked out while I made my rounds. Open Subtitles ‫أخذته إلى المستشفى ‫وأخضعته لفحوصات بينما قمت بجولتي
    After you forced him to drink himself to death you took him to his brother's house. Open Subtitles ، بعد أن أجبرته على الشرب حدّ الموت . أخذته إلى منزل أخيه
    Now I hear you took him to a gun range? Open Subtitles وأسمعُ الآن بأنّك أخذته إلى تدريبات مُسلّحة؟
    God, Charlotte, she took him to what was supposed to be my grave. Open Subtitles ياإلهي شارلوت لقد أخذته إلى القبر الذي من المفترض أن يكون لي
    You found a man who was lying in the street, injured, you took him to hospital, and then you fled the scene. Open Subtitles بأنّك وجدت رجلاً مستلقياً على الأرض وكان مصاباً .. أخذته إلى المشفى ، ومن ثمّ هربت ..
    Oh, I took him to some great places to eat. Open Subtitles أخذته إلى بعض الأماكن الرائعه لتناول الطعام
    If you take him to the train, Pa, I'm going with you. Open Subtitles إن أخذته إلى القطار يا أبي، فأنا ذاهب معك
    Will you take him to his motel and stay with him Open Subtitles هلا أخذته إلى فندقه وبقيتِ معه
    Her kid took to me, mainly because on our first meeting I took him to the zoo and held him upside down by his ankles. Open Subtitles ، طفلها أحبني ...لأنني في لقائنا الأول ... أخذته إلى حديقة الحيوان وعلقته لأسفل من كاحله
    I met him taking him to his table a couple of times. Open Subtitles ربما أخذته إلى طاولته . عدة مرات ." ياللمسيح , " بين
    I took it to the jeweler, it was a little bit big and I didn't want it to slip off the wrist. Open Subtitles لقد أخذته إلى الصائغ كان كبيراً نوعاً ما ولم أرده أن ينزلق من معصمي
    When he was ill as a baby I brought him to a laundry. Open Subtitles عندما كا مريضا في صغره أخذته إلى مغسلة الملابس
    I took it to his home in Badula Qulp. Open Subtitles أخذته إلى منزله في (بدولا كولب)
    I took him in here, and we're gonna take care of him. Open Subtitles أخذته إلى هنا، وأتفقنا أني سأهتم به

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