I staked out the alley and befriended the garbage man who took it. | Open Subtitles | راقبت الزقاق وصادقَت رجلَ القمامةَ الذي أَخذَه. |
His heart was tortured with longing for what he had lost and with hatred for the thief who took it: | Open Subtitles | قلبه تعُذّبَ كثيرا بما فَقدَه وبالكراهيةِ والبغض لللصِّ الذي أَخذَه |
It appears he took it from one of the men that he assaulted this morning. | Open Subtitles | يَظْهرُ بأنّه أَخذَه مِنْ أحد الرجال الذي هاجمَ هذا الصباحِ. |
I thought when the Alexanders' took him in that he'd be okay. | Open Subtitles | إعتقدتُ متى عائلة ألكساندر أَخذَه في بأنَّ هو يَكُونُ موافقةَ. |
She took him to the city took him straight downtown | Open Subtitles | أَخذتْه إلى المدينةِ أَخذَه المدينةَ مباشرة |
It took him 30 seconds to turn the tables. | Open Subtitles | أَخذَه 30 ثانيةَ لإدَارَة المناضدِ. |
Oh, well, your Aunt Lindsay has probably taken it. | Open Subtitles | أوه، حَسناً، عمّتكَ ليندساي أَخذَه من المحتمل. |
He was three years ahead of us when Wade and I joined the football team, and he took it upon himself to make our lives miserable. | Open Subtitles | لقد كَانَ لثلاث سَنَواتَ أمامنا عندما كنا ويد وأنا منضمين إلى فريقِ كرةَ القدم وهو أَخذَه على نفسه |
Mac's wife, rose, died a year ago and Leslie took it pretty hard. | Open Subtitles | زوجة الماكِ، وردة، ماتَ قَبْلَ سَنَة وليزلي أَخذَه صعب جداً. |
'I took it slowly, gradually going higher and higher'until here I am, having lunch at the top of the Space Needle.' | Open Subtitles | ' l أَخذَه ببطئ، يَذْهبُ أعلى وأعلى بشكل تدريجي ' حتى هنا l صباحاً، تَغدّي في قمةِ إبرةِ الفضاءَ. ' |
The photographer who took it had a raging erection the entire session. | Open Subtitles | المصور الذي أَخذَه كَانَ عِنْدَهُ a يَعْصفُ إنتصاباً كامل الجلسةِ. |
He took it like a man,I'll give him that, | Open Subtitles | أَخذَه مثل رجل، أنا سَأَعطيه ذلك |
John took it from the bomb scene. | Open Subtitles | جون أَخذَه مِنْ مشهدِ القنبلةَ. |
Mr. Wise guy took it upon himself to go to the gymnasium. | Open Subtitles | السّيد Wise غاي أَخذَه على نفسه للذِهاب إلى الجمنازيومَ. |
But it took him seven years to tell me. | Open Subtitles | لَكنَّه أَخذَه سبع سَنَواتِ لإخْباري. |
Smith took him upstairs. | Open Subtitles | سميث أَخذَه الى الطابق العلوي. |
Ra took him and possessed his body, like a parasite, looking for a host. | Open Subtitles | أَخذَه * رع * وإمتلكَ جسمَه مثل الطفيل يبحث عن مضيف |
You know, it took him a little time to warm up, but, uh, now we're family. | Open Subtitles | تَعْرفُ، أَخذَه a وقت صَغير لتَسْخين، لكن , uh، الآن نحن عائلي. |
His father took him to the track in Saratoga. | Open Subtitles | أبوه أَخذَه إلى مسار في Saratoga. |
Where would he have moved to if he had taken it badly? | Open Subtitles | حيث يَنتقلُ إليه إذا هو هَلْ أَخذَه بشكل سيئ؟ |