"اخذتي" - Translation from Arabic to English

    • You took
    • taking
    • 've taken
    • take the
    • took the
    • you take
    You took Nate's virginity on that bar, when I loved him. Open Subtitles لقد اخذتي عذرية نايت علي هذا البار حينما كنت احبه
    You took my wife, You took my child, and you lied to my face for weeks. Open Subtitles اخذتي زوجتي و اخذتي ابني و كذبتي علي لأسابيع
    I'm glad You took a chance on him, even if you are going away to have your baby. Open Subtitles انا سعيدة لانك اخذتي فرصه معه حتى لو كنتي سوف تذهبين بعيدا لانجاب طفلك
    I just remembered you taking my hand, and then saying those words. Open Subtitles اذا فقط اتذكر انك اخذتي يدي وقلت الكلمات
    You've taken great risks for us, for the cause. Open Subtitles لقد اخذتي مخاطر كبيرة لنا، من أجل القضية
    You wanna take the lens cap off or something? Open Subtitles هل اخذتي العدسة على السقف اوي شيء من هذا القبيل
    Since you boldly took the money, I guessed although you have no pride, you would keep your words. Open Subtitles عندما اخذتي مني المال بشكل جرئ , أعتقدت بأن لديك كبرياء ,بان تفي بكلامك
    D'you take a first aid course? - Something like that. Open Subtitles هل اخذتي كورس اسعافات اولية شيء من هذا القبيل
    You took out W100,000,000 and hand-delivered it to the person who isn't a doctor. Open Subtitles اخذتي مئة مليون وسلمتها شخصياً لذلك الذي مازال ليس طبيب
    You took a job from somebody who deserved it more. Open Subtitles اخذتي وظيفه وكان يستحقها شخص كفاءته اعلى منك
    You took my money to start it, and I took fair compensation. Open Subtitles انتي اخذتي امالي لبدء تشغيله وانا اخذت تعويض عادل
    You took something completely absurd and multiplied it by 3. Open Subtitles احسنتي، اخذتي شيئا سخيفا بالكامل وضاعفتيه ثلاث مرات
    Did you know that when You took Dan to the Campbell apartment and set up a camera to seduce him for the whole world to see? Open Subtitles هل كنتي تعلمي ذلك حينما اخذتي دان الي الشقة ووضعتي له كاميرا لكي تضلليه امام الجميع
    After You took away everything that Henry promised me? Open Subtitles بعدما اخذتي كل شيء كان قد وعدني به هنري؟
    Imagine my surprise when I found out that You took Jake Ballard with you. Open Subtitles تخيلي دهشتي عندما اكتشفت بأنكٍ اخذتي جيك باليرد معك
    You're coming back tomorrow and you're taking Nam Yi? Open Subtitles ستعودين في الغد , لكنك اخذتي نامي معكي ايضاً؟
    Charley: Wait, I thought you were taking time off from work? Open Subtitles لحظة ، ظننت أنك اخذتي وقت راحة من العمل
    You've taken everything you've been through, all the pain, and you turned it into strength. Open Subtitles لقد اخذتي كل ما خضتيه بحياتكِ كل الألم, وحولتيه إلى قوة لكِ
    You'll be with me in all the people whose pain you've taken away. Open Subtitles ستكونين معي ومع جميع الناس الذين اخذتي الامهم بعيدا
    Why did you take the piano when it was my time up with the kids? Open Subtitles لماذا اخذتي البيانو عندما كان وقتي مع الاطفال؟
    So... if you take the same train tomorrow, I'll pay you back. Open Subtitles اذا اذا اخذتي نفس القطار غدا سارجع نقودك
    Yeah, and I decided to stay here because I thought we were building a life together, and you got on a plane, and You took the job. Open Subtitles و صعدتي علي طائرة و اخذتي الوظيفة و ندمت علي ذلك منذها
    Take away a man's technology, you take away his manhood. Open Subtitles إذا اخذتي تكنولوجيا الرجل، كأنكِ تأخذين رجولته

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