He clearly had a struggle with the hose, knocking over one of my potted plants, tracking dirt. | Open Subtitles | ومن الواضح انه خاض صارعاً هذا الخرطوم. وارتطم باحدى نباتاتي. اتعقب الأوساخ. |
He clearly had intercourse with someone after he committed the murder. | Open Subtitles | من الواضح انه مارس الجنس مع شخصا ما بعدما ارتكب الجريمة |
I mean, he obviously wants both of us out of the way. | Open Subtitles | اعني انه من الواضح انه يريد ابعادنا نحن الاثنان عن طريقه |
Homer, he obviously got out alive if he wrote the article. | Open Subtitles | هومر, من الواضح انه خرج حيا لو انه كتب المقال |
My so-called sickness... is clearly not improving with Your Majesty's treatment. | Open Subtitles | لما يسمى بمرضي ومن الواضح انه لايوجد تحسن بعلاج جلالتك |
He's calmed down a bit, but he's clearly still dissociative. | Open Subtitles | لقد هداء قليلاً, لكن من الواضح انه غير مستقر. |
No. Clearly he will be bound when you go a year. | Open Subtitles | رقم الواضح انه ستكون ملزمة عندما تذهب سنويا. |
He's obviously a social guy; you should cut him some slack. | Open Subtitles | من الواضح انه شخص اجتماعي يجب ان تعطيه بعض الراحه |
Ducoflex 9090. Apparently, he knew he was allergic to the stuff. | Open Subtitles | دوكوفليكس 9090 ومن الواضح انه علم ان لديه حساسية منه |
It's obvious he made himself a place to sleep, but... | Open Subtitles | من الواضح انه جهز لنفسه مكانا للنوم ولكن |
And then, I lied to him about you, and He clearly followed me that day. | Open Subtitles | وبعدها كذبت عليه حولك و من الواضح انه تبعنى ذلك اليوم |
OK, why is he taking credit for killings He clearly didn't do? | Open Subtitles | حسنا ، لما هو يهتم بجرائم قتل من الواضح انه لم يرتكبها ؟ |
He clearly knew where the cameras were. You see how he's walking backwards in certain areas? | Open Subtitles | من الواضح انه يعرف أين توجد الكاميرات أترون كيف يمشي للوراء في مناطق معينة؟ |
I think he wanted attention. he obviously didn't fit in. | Open Subtitles | أظنه يريد لفت الإنتباه, من الواضح انه لم يندمج |
I mean, he obviously has money to eat here. | Open Subtitles | من الواضح انه يملك المال لتناول الطعام هنا |
he obviously wanted people to know that he got his revenge. | Open Subtitles | من الواضح انه يريد الناس أن نعرف أن حصل على الانتقام له. |
They changed him. He is clearly more dangerous than before. | Open Subtitles | لقد غيروه، من الواضح انه أكثر خطورة من قبل |
Okay, look, your husband is clearly in pain over this divorce, and we have each other. | Open Subtitles | حسنا انظري زوجك من الواضح انه يعاني الم الطلاق ولدينا بعضنا البعض |
Well, he's clearly not, because he's not, and we are. | Open Subtitles | حسنا ، الواضح انه ليس هنا للأنه ليس هنا ، و نحنا هنا |
Well, he's clearly not in a proper state of mind to make that decision. | Open Subtitles | حسنا ، من الواضح انه ليس في وضع يؤهله ذهنيا لاتخاذ مثل هذا القرار |
Well, clearly, he's not taking this very seriously. | Open Subtitles | حسنا، من الواضح انه لا يأخذها على محمل الجد. |
He's obviously doing everything he can to conceal his identity. | Open Subtitles | من الواضح انه يفعل كل ما يمكنه ليلغي هويته |
He's a book dealer, and apparently he found some Grimm books. | Open Subtitles | انه تاجر كتب ومن الواضح انه وجدب بعض كتب الجريم |
If Giles was headed here... It's obvious he never arrived. | Open Subtitles | لو ان جيلز كان سيتجه الى هنا من الواضح انه لم يصل قط |
evidently, he came to kill your client, after some college interview went south. | Open Subtitles | من الواضح, انه أتى لقتل موكِّلكِ, بعد ان فشلت مقابلة ما للجامعة. |