"الى منزله" - Translation from Arabic to English

    • to his house
    • to his home
    • home to
    • home for
    • at his house
    • into his house
    Later, I drove to his house to confront them. They weren't home. Open Subtitles بعدها قدت سيارتى الى منزله لمواجهتهم و لكنهم لم يكونوا هناك
    He was taken to his house where his wife, Arzu Şahin, was also arrested. UN وأخذ الى منزله حيث قبض أيضا على زوجته ارزو شاهين.
    His wife was arrested when the soldiers took him back to his house. UN وعندما أعاده الجنود الى منزله اعتقلوا زوجته.
    You will go to his home and bring me back a full, detailed report. Open Subtitles وسوف تذهب الى منزله ثم ائتني تقرير كامل ومفصلة.
    Dear M, ..this time when I went home to my village.. Open Subtitles عزيزي ميم ، هذه المرة.. عندما توجهت الى منزله لقريتي..
    - Sir, his name's Mahmoud, he's got bombs and he's coming home for his birthday. Open Subtitles هو أسمه محمود ومعه قنابل وهو عائد الى منزله ليحتفل بعيد ميلاده
    That's why you were at his house after work. Open Subtitles هذا سبب ذهابك الى منزله بعد العمل
    They asked him for identification and threatened to arrest him because he did not have it, whereupon Molina offered to go to his house to fetch it. UN وطلبوا منه أوراق هويته وهددوا باعتقاله ﻷنه لم يكن يحمل أوراق هويته معه. وعرض عليهم أن يذهب الى منزله لاستحضارها.
    One witness stated that a member who was on guard in the cooperative's tobacco storeroom came to his house to warn him that a military truck had arrived. UN وذكر أحد الشهود أن عضوا كان يحرس مخزن التبغ في التعاونية جاء الى منزله ليحذره من وصول شاحنة عسكرية.
    Yesterday, I went to his house. The car wasn't there. Open Subtitles بالأمس, ذهبت الى منزله السيارة لم تكن هناك
    Never went to his house, never touched his bank accounts. Open Subtitles لم يعد الى منزله مطلقا ، وحسابه البنكي لم يستخدم
    I went over to his house to see if he was gonna buckle. Open Subtitles لقد ذهبت الى منزله لأنظر اذا كان سوف ينحني
    Which is basically, I was dating this guy... sorry if that's an overshare... and I went over to his house one day and I was starving, and he had nothing to eat. Open Subtitles والذي بشكل اساسي كنتُ اواعد هذا الشخص اسفة ان كانت هذه تفاصيل زائدة وانا ذهبت الى منزله ذات يوم وكنت جائعة
    Don't take his calls, don't go to his house, even to yell at him. Open Subtitles لا تجيبي على اتصالاته ولا تذهبي الى منزله وحتى لو اردتي الصراخ عليه
    Is it sick if all I want to do is go over to his house and show his wife all the pictures of his junk on my phone? Open Subtitles هل من المرضى إذا كل ما تريد القيام به هو الذهاب الى منزله وإظهار زوجته جميع الصور من غير المرغوب فيه له على هاتفي؟
    She sent him a million e-mails. She probably even went to his house. Open Subtitles لقد ارسلت له مليون ايميل ربما ايضا ذهبت الى منزله
    You will go to his home and bring me back a full, detailed report. Open Subtitles وسوف تذهب الى منزله ثم ائتني تقرير كامل ومفصلة.
    As a gesture of openness and conciliation... he's invited you to his home. Open Subtitles كبادرة للانفتاح والمصالحه فهو يدعوك الى منزله
    And that's why you went to his home one final time... Open Subtitles وهذا هو سبب ذهابك الى منزله اخر مرةِ
    When you came home, were you coming home to me or him? Open Subtitles عندما جئت المنزل ، كنت عائدا الى منزله لي أو له؟
    He turned in all his work early and went home for the weekend. Open Subtitles انهى اعماله باكرا وذهب الى منزله لعطلة نهاية الأسبوع
    I arrived at his house around 8:45. Open Subtitles لقد وصلت الى منزله حوالي الساعة 8: 45 .
    Now all we need is for one of us to go into his house and get his router number. Open Subtitles الان كل ما نحتاجه هو ذهاب احدنا الى منزله وأخذ رقم جِهاز التوجيه خاصته

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