Your face tells me that you came to school directly after the night club. | Open Subtitles | .وجهك يخبرنى انك اتيت الى هنا مباشرة بعد عودتك من الملهى |
You're afraid I'll think you came tonight... because you felt sorry for me. | Open Subtitles | انت خائف سافكر انك اتيت الليلة لأنك تشعر بالأسى اتجاهي |
So I guess you came here in hot tub time machine, too. | Open Subtitles | انا اظن انك اتيت الى هنا فى الحوض الساخن, ايضا. |
From where I'm sitting, I would tell you that if you came into my courtroom, | Open Subtitles | من حيث اجلس اود ان اقول لك انه لو انك اتيت الى قاعة محاكمتي |
Thank God you have come. We are getting late. I was Just going to call you again. | Open Subtitles | الحمد لله انك اتيت الان ، لقد تاخرنا كثيرا كنت سوف اذهب لاتصل بك مرة اخرى |
My coder monkeys said you came by, that your time-stamp fix was genius. | Open Subtitles | المبرمجين لدينا قالوا انك اتيت بحل عبقري |
Max said you came here to find your father. | Open Subtitles | ماكس قال انك اتيت هنا كي تجد والدك |
Call the police and tell them you came on your own. Frank's going to tell them that someone's forcing me to say it, and they're still going to come after us. | Open Subtitles | اتصلي بالشرطة وأخبريهم انك اتيت معنا بارادتك فرانك سيقول لهم ان احدهم اجبرني على قول هذا وسيلحقون بنا |
I mean, a friend of mine at the bank said you came in and you paid your mortgage in cash. | Open Subtitles | اقصد صديق لي في المصرف قال انك اتيت ودفعت الرهن نقداً |
Tyler, I can't believe you came down here to comfort me like this. | Open Subtitles | تايلر ,لا اصدق انك اتيت الى هنا لتواسيني هكذا |
All I'd have to say is that you came at me with a gun, we struggled and you fell. | Open Subtitles | ، كل ما عليّ قوله هو هذا ، انك اتيت اليّ مع مسدس . لقد تصارعنا وانت سقطت |
I'm actually really glad you came to me, because I know exactly what to do. | Open Subtitles | انا حقا سعيدة انك اتيت لي لأني اعلم تماما ما يجب فعله |
Tell me did something happen or you came for the food. | Open Subtitles | قل لي هل حدث شيء ام انك اتيت لاجل الاكل فقط؟ |
And, uh, I like that you came to therapy today. | Open Subtitles | ويعجبني انك اتيت إلى المعالجة اليوم |
Looks like you came to play hardball. | Open Subtitles | يبدو انك اتيت هنا لتلعب دور القاسي |
Milk, honest to God, I'm really glad you came here today. | Open Subtitles | ميلك , حقاً أنا سعيد انك اتيت هنا اليوم |
You look like you came from the North Pole. | Open Subtitles | يبدو انك اتيت من القطب الشمالي |
LISTEN, I APPRECIATE THAT you came BY,BUT... | Open Subtitles | اسمع ، انني اقدر انك اتيت ، ولكن |
IT REALLY MOVES ME THAT you came, THEN. | Open Subtitles | ان ذلك حقاً يسعدني انك اتيت اذاً |
YEAH, YOU WON'T REGRET you came. HE FUCKING KILLS. | Open Subtitles | نعم ، لن تندم انك اتيت هو يقتل من الضحك |
Tell him you have come to pay the £4.10 that I owe him. | Open Subtitles | قل له انك اتيت لتدفع له المبلغ الذى يريده منى |