I don't care. I just need to know he's alive. | Open Subtitles | لا اهتم , اريد فقط ان اعلم انه حي |
he's alive and I'm the only one who can capture him. | Open Subtitles | انه حي و انا الوحيداللذي يستطيع القبض عليه |
he's alive and he's healthy. We found out two months ago and decided not to tell you. | Open Subtitles | انه حي وفي اتم صحة لقد اكتشفنا ذلك منذ شهرين وقررنا عدم اخباركم |
We will need proof he's alive before agreeing to your terms. | Open Subtitles | سنحتاج لبرهان على انه حي قبل نوافق على شروطك |
It's alive! | Open Subtitles | اضغط على الازرار يجب ان يحيا الوحش انه حي |
But maybe he's alive. Maybe he's on dialysis. | Open Subtitles | لكن ربما انه حي ربما انه في مرحلة غسيل كلى |
That kid could be dead with your ability, and the only reason he's alive is cause of your kindness, and that scares you. | Open Subtitles | هذا الفتى كان يمكن أن يموت بسبب قدرتك و السبب الوحيد انه حي هو بسبب طيبتك و هذا يخيفك |
Yesterday when I found you in the spare room, you said, "he's alive." | Open Subtitles | امس عندما وجدتك في غرفة الغيار انت قلتي انه حي |
You know, I think it's by the grace of God that he's alive today. | Open Subtitles | اتعرف, اظن ان ذلك بسبب نعمة الله انه حي اليوم |
he's alive, he's got a couch, a goddamn blanket. He's snug as a bug. | Open Subtitles | انه حي و لديه اريكه و مرتاح في الدفء مثل العثه |
We know he's alive and won't fail us, because he is a part of us now. | Open Subtitles | نحن نعرف انه حي ولن يخسرنا لأن هو جزءُ منّا الآن. |
Boss, that cop took Foxy to Maple Hospital. he's alive. | Open Subtitles | يا زعيم، ذلك الشرطي قد اخذ فوكسي الى المستشفى، انه حي |
- he's alive, yes. We're working on him right now. | Open Subtitles | انه حي , نحن نعمل على حالته الان |
I think he's alive, hold on. Yeah. he's alive. | Open Subtitles | اعتقد انه حي انتضري نعم انه حي |
This is a kind of magic trick, you do not think he's alive? | Open Subtitles | انه نوع من الخدع السرية الا تظن انه حي |
Now, assuming he's alive, the officer would be 55 today. | Open Subtitles | بفرض انه حي سيكون بعمر 55 اليوم |
he's alive in you. And he's trying to tell you something. | Open Subtitles | انه حي بداخلك وهو يحاول ان يخبرك شيئا |
I know he's alive out there. I know he is. | Open Subtitles | اعرف انه حي هناك اعرف انه كذلك |
...he's alive, he's not alone, and this tells us who we're dealing with. | Open Subtitles | ...انه حي , وانه ليس وحده وهذا يخبرنا مع من نتعامل |
It's alive with what physicists call quantum fluctuations. | Open Subtitles | انه حي مع ما يطلق عليه الفيزيائيين تقلبات الكم. |
The vacuum, contrary to what one normally expects from the vacuum, is alive. | Open Subtitles | الفراغ، على عكس ما يتوقعه المرء عادة من الفراغ، انه حي. |
Easy. Oh, no, no. We got a lively one. | Open Subtitles | على مهلك, على مهلك انه حي |