"سموه" - Translation from Arabic to English

    • His Highness
    • His Grace
    • His Eminence
    • His Royal Highness
    • they call it
    • called it
    • they named
    • His Majesty
    • They called him
    • Emir
    • for his
    In 1962, when Samoa became the first Pacific island country to achieve full independence, His Highness was appointed head of State. UN وفي عام 1962، عندما أصبحت ساموا أولى بلدان جزر المحيط الهادئ التي تحقق الاستقلال الكامل، عُيِّن سموه رئيسا للدولة.
    His Highness also called for setting up a sea lift in which all the Arab countries would participate in order to transport humanitarian assistance to the Gaza Strip as soon as possible. UN كما دعا سموه إلى إقامة جسر بحري تشارك فيها جميع الدول العربية لنقل المساعدات الإنسانية إلى قطاع غزة في أسرع وقت ممكن.
    His Highness then thanked and praised you for the valuable efforts you are continuing to make, and expressed the hope that the inspection teams would carry out their tasks as quickly as possible so as to pave the way for the lifting of the sanctions imposed on our brothers and sisters in Iraq. UN كما تمنى سموه أن تنجز فرق التفتيش مهامها المرجوة في أسرع وقت ممكن تمهيدا لرفع العقوبات عن الشعب العراقي الشقيق.
    His Grace means that the cardinal has some prejudice against my daughter. Open Subtitles يعني سموه,إن للكاردينال رأياً مجحفاً بحق ابنتي
    His Grace has a troublesome nature and I don't want to see him here ever again. Open Subtitles سموه لديه طابع مزعج وأنا لا أريد رؤيته هنا مجددا, مطلقا
    I agreed with the king that His Eminence had many talents. Open Subtitles وافقت جلالته على أن سموه كان لديه عدة مواهب
    Some of my colleagues will surely recall His Highness's participation at the United Nations throughout his 40-year career. UN وقد يذكر الزملاء الأعضاء مشاركة سموه الفعالة لمدة أربعين عاما في منظمتنا الدولية.
    Moreover, His Highness reaffirmed Qatar's commitment to meet the internationally agreed official development assistance target relative to its gross national product. UN كما أكد سموه على التزام دولة قطر بتقديم النسبة المقررة من إجمالي الدخل القومي كمساعدة إنمائية.
    His Highness also offered to host the first Review Conference of the International Conference on Financing for Development. UN وتقدم سموه بمبادرة لاستضافة مؤتمر المتابعة الأول للمؤتمر الدولي المعني بتمويل التنمية.
    On behalf of the General Assembly, I request the representative of Samoa to convey our condolences to the Government and the people of Samoa and to the bereaved family of His Highness. UN بالنيابة عن الجمعية العامة، أرجو من ممثل ساموا أن يعرب عن تعازينا لساموا حكومة وشعبا، ولأسرة سموه المحزونة.
    The remains of His Highness now lie in state in Samoa's Parliament building. UN وجثمان سموه يرقد الآن في مبنى برلمان ساموا.
    His Highness played a prominent role in leading Samoa towards independence, and will therefore be remembered as the father of Samoa. UN لقد أدى سموه دورا بارزا في قيادة ساموا نحو الاستقلال، ولذلك سوف يُذكَر باعتباره أبا لساموا.
    In 1990 the people of Samoa celebrated 50 years of continuous service to the Government by His Highness. UN وفي عام 1990 احتفل شعب ساموا بمرور 50 عاما على خدمة سموه المتواصلة للحكومة.
    In the year 2000 His Highness was bestowed with the Grand Order of Samoa for his dedicated service to the country. UN وفي عام 2000، مُنح سموه أرفع وسام في ساموا بسبب تفانيه في خدمه البلد.
    May I say, on behalf of all His Grace's loyal servants and staff, that we are as heart-broken and wretched as Your Grace must be on this unhappy day. Open Subtitles نيابة عن جميع خدم سموه وموظفيه الموالين بأن قلوبنا قد إنفطرت وحزنت بقدر ماهو متوقع من سموك في هذا اليوم التعيس
    For we all loved His Grace as much as you, his wife, and son, loved him. Open Subtitles لأننا جميعا أحببنا سموه بقدر ما قمتما أنتما زوجته وابنه بمحبته
    His Grace, Bishop Gardner, having examined the heretic Anne Askew, requests Your Majesty's permission to order the arrests of three of Her Majesty's ladies. Open Subtitles سموه, الأسقف غاردنر بعد فحصه للزنديقة آن آسكيو يطلب إذن جلالتكم
    - As His Eminence proposes. That you join a religious community of your choosing and take a vow of perpetual chastity. Open Subtitles كما اقترح سموه, أن تنضمي إلى الكنيسة من اختيارك, وتتخذي عهداً بالعفة
    His Royal Highness presented a number of ideas and notions that represent a valuable contribution to efforts aimed at promoting and vitalizing the role of the United Nations. UN وقدم سموه جملة من الأفكار والتصورات تشكل إسهاما ثريا للجهود المبذولة من أجل تعزيز وتفعيل دور الأمم المتحدة.
    That's why they call it the past, because it's passed. It's done, it's over with. Open Subtitles لذا سموه الماضي لأنه مضى لقد انتهى، انتهى بالنسبة لي
    The times food critic called it the best new restaurant in Manhattan. Open Subtitles ناقدوا الطعام في جريدة التايمز سموه ذلك أفضل مطعم جديد في منهاتن
    they named him after you. They idolize you. Open Subtitles لقد سموه على اسمك ، انت مثالهم الاعلى
    Now His Majesty needs to eat and rest well. Open Subtitles الآن يحتاج سموه إلى الأكل و الراحة جيداً
    The Russians, They called him the ghost because they couldn't kill him. Open Subtitles لكن الروس سموه (الشبح) لانهم لم يتمكنوا من قتله
    The Council offers the Emir of Bahrain, His Excellency Sheikh Hamad Bin Isa Al Khalifa, the ruling family and the people and Government of Bahrain its sincere condolences and commiseration, and wishes Bahrain and its fraternal people continuing progress, growth and prosperity under the wise leadership of His Excellency the Emir. UN ويرفع المجلس الوزاري خالص العزاء وصادق المواساة لحضرة صاحب السمو الشيخ حمد بن عيسى آلي خليفة أمير دولة البحرين واﻷسرة الحاكمة الكريمة وشعب وحكومة دولة البحرين، متمنيا لدولة البحرين وشعبها الشقيق اضطراد التقدم والازدهار والرخاء بقيادة سموه الرشيدة.

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