He owned this apartment until he died and left it to me in his will, which was just probated. | Open Subtitles | قبل 43 عاما تملك هذه الشقة حتى مات وتركها لي في وصيته التي تم للتو المصادقة عليها |
Now, you've been with Christian 18 months, even though he put you in his will after just 12. | Open Subtitles | الآن، لقد كنت مع كريستان 18 شهرا على الرغم من انه وضعك في وصيته بعد 12 شهر فقط |
He specified in his will that no matter how natural in appearance the circumstances of his death a private inquest should be conducted to determine whether any one of you his former study group murdered him. | Open Subtitles | نص في وصيته بأنه مهما بدت ظروف وفاته طبيعية فتحقيق خاص يجب أن يتم إجرائه لتحديد ما إذا كان أحدكم أعضاء مجموعته الدراسية |
Left me his scissors in his will. President Lincoln, sir. | Open Subtitles | والحلاق الذي قبله ترك لي مقصاته في وصيته |
It was in his will, which is the same answer that I gave you seven years ago. | Open Subtitles | كان هذا في وصيته و هذه نفس الإجابة التي قلتها لك منذ 7 سنوات. |
We know that Charles left his fortune to you and Yvette, but he failed to include language in his will that would exclude his bastard children from laying claim to their share of it. | Open Subtitles | لك ول ايفيت ولكنه فشل في ادخال اللغة في وصيته الذي يستثنى أطفاله اللقطاء منوضع المطالبة بحصتهم |
I made sure that he'd left you money in his will, but he was threatening to leave you with nothing. | Open Subtitles | لقد ضمنت بان يحفظ لك اموالا في وصيته ولكنه كان يهدد بان لا يترك لك شيئا |
You just must've done something really wrong that made him not wanna give you anything else in his will. | Open Subtitles | انت فقط فعلت شيئاً خاطيء هذا جعله لا يعطيك شيئاً اخر في وصيته |
Your father and I were lovers and he left me absolutely nothing in his will | Open Subtitles | أنا و والدك كنا عشيقان و لم يترك لي أي شيء في وصيته |
Would you tell your boss Graves Thomas left him a little something in his will? | Open Subtitles | قولي لرئيسك غريفز توماس ترك له شيء في وصيته |
He stated in his will that he wished for you to inherit all his financial assets. | Open Subtitles | لقد ذكر في وصيته ، أنه يوصي لكِ بكامل أمواله |
He put us up in this house. He put you in his will. | Open Subtitles | هو تركنا في هذا المنزل، و ذكركِ في وصيته |
He died last year, and I got Judy in his will. | Open Subtitles | عندما مات العام الماضي تركها لي في وصيته |
in his will, he confessed to the belt case. | Open Subtitles | في وصيته ذكر أنه الذي سـبب الحريق |
You're his heir; you're in his will. | Open Subtitles | -انت وريثته مكتوبة في وصيته -لماذا هناك وصيّة اصلاً ؟ |
He left me absolutely nothing in his will. | Open Subtitles | لم يترك لي شيئاً مطلقاً في وصيته |
Mr. Carter chose to name me in his will. | Open Subtitles | السيد كارتر إختار أن يسميني في وصيته |
in his will, he stipulated that his funeral take place at dusk. | Open Subtitles | "في وصيته اشترط أن تكون جنازته في وقت الغسق " |
Thomas provided for you and Natalie in his will. | Open Subtitles | توماس قدمت لك وناتالي في وصيته. |
That's why Dumbledore left it to you in his will. | Open Subtitles | و لهذا تركه لك دمبلدور في وصيته |