"لأسرته" - Translation from Arabic to English

    • his family
    • s family
    • their families
    • of his
    • the family
    • his or her family
    He was poorly fed during these six days in detention and neither his family nor lawyer knew of his whereabouts. UN وكانت تغذيته سيئة طيلة تلك الأيام الستة التي قضاها رهن الاحتجاز ولم يكن لأسرته ولا لمحاميه علم بمكانه.
    He was poorly fed during these six days in detention and neither his family nor lawyer knew of his whereabouts. UN وكانت تغذيته سيئة طيلة تلك الأيام الستة التي قضاها رهن الاحتجاز ولم يكن لأسرته ولا لمحاميه علم بمكانه.
    He was poorly fed during these six days in detention and neither his family nor lawyer knew of his whereabouts. UN وكانت تغذيته سيئة طيلة تلك الأيام الستة التي قضاها رهن الاحتجاز ولم يكن لأسرته ولا لمحاميه علم بمكانه.
    The Working Group was, in particular, concerned that information on the detention of one individual had reportedly not been made available to that person's family. UN وأعرب الفريق العامل عن قلقه، بصفة خاصة، لما زُعم من أن المعلومات المتعلقة باحتجاز أحد الأشخاص لم تُتح لأسرته.
    Day-care centres serve severely disabled children, who return to their families in the evening. UN مراكز الرعاية النهارية، وتُعنى بخدمة شديدي الإعاقة في فترة الصباح على أن يعود المعاق لأسرته في المساء؛
    his family was reportedly not allowed to renew its residency status in Kuwait and had obtained refugee status in Australia. UN وأفيد أنه لم يُسمح لأسرته بتجديد إقامته في الكويت وأنها تمكنت من الحصول على مركز لاجئ لدى أستراليا.
    I would like to take this opportunity to express my deepest personal and official condolences to his family, the people of Finland and us all. UN وأود أن أغتنم هذه الفرصة لأعرب عن عميق تعازي الشخصية والرسمية لأسرته وشعب فنلندا ولنا جميعا.
    We would like to express to his family and the whole people of Barbados our affection and sincere condolences. UN ونود أن نعرب لأسرته ولشعب بربادوس بأسره عن مودتنا وتعازينا الخالصة.
    It is, as it were, not only a loss for his family and his country, but it is also an incalculable loss for the African continent. UN ولم يكن فقده خسارة لأسرته وبلده فحسب، ولكنه أيضا خسارة لا تحصى للقارة الأفريقية.
    He was poorly fed during these six days in detention and neither his family nor lawyer knew of his whereabouts. UN وكانت تغذيته سيئة طيلة هذه الأيام الستة رهن الاحتجاز ولم يكن لأسرته ولا لمحاميه علم بمكانه.
    He was poorly fed during these six days in detention and neither his family nor lawyer knew of his whereabouts. UN وكانت تغذيته سيئة طيلة هذه الأيام الستة رهن الاحتجاز ولم يكن لأسرته ولا لمحاميه علم بمكانه.
    The Special Rapporteur was informed that Kyaw Ko Ko had been transferred to another prison, and his whereabouts have still not been disclosed to his family. UN وأبلغ المقرر الخاص بأن كياو كو كو نقل إلى سجن آخر وأنه لم يكشف بعد لأسرته عن مكان وجوده.
    On behalf of the Conference on Disarmament and on my own behalf, I wish to express our sincere condolences to his family and to the Japanese people. UN فبالنيابة عن مؤتمر نزع السلاح، وبالأصالة عن نفسي، أود أن أعرب عن خالص تعازينا لأسرته وللشعب الياباني.
    It is further reported that on the following day, a court ordered his release but he was not in fact released, it being explained to his family that his previously suspended life imprisonment sentence had been reimposed. UN وذكر أيضا أن محكمة أمرت في اليوم التالي بالإفراج عنه إلا أنه لم يفرج عنه في الواقع وفسر ذلك لأسرته بأن حكم السجن المؤبد الذي كان قد أُوقف تنفيذه سابقا قد أعيد فرضه.
    his family was reportedly not allowed to visit him in detention. UN ولم يُسمح لأسرته بزيارته أثناء الاحتجاز.
    The military was said to have refused to allow his family to visit him at his place of detention. UN ورفضت السلطات السماح لأسرته بزيارته في المكان الذي كان محتجزاً به.
    his family has allegedly been refused access to him and he has reportedly not yet seen a lawyer. UN ولم يسمح لأسرته بالاتصال به كما لم يُسمح له بالاتصال بمحام.
    Mr. Shamoun's family was only allowed to visit him for the first time in 2005. UN ولم يسمح لأسرته بزيارته لأول مرة إلا في عام 2005.
    The victim or the victim's family could obtain reparations pursuant to various texts, depending on whether death, bodily injury or violation of human rights had occurred. UN ويجوز للضحية أو لأسرته الحصول على تعويض بناء على مختلف النصوص، حسبما إذا حدثت وفاة أو أضرار بدنية أو انتهاكات للحقوق الأساسية.
    Generally, it is not necessary for a person supporting a family to have more than one job to ensure an adequate standard of living for the family. UN وبصفة عامة، لا يحتاج الفرد الذي يعيل أسرته إلى القيام بأكثر من عمل واحد لتأمين مستوى معيشي لائق لأسرته.
    Other facts to be considered must include the duration and purpose of the alien's residence in Finland, the nature of the residence permit issued to him or her, the alien's ties to Finland and the cultural and social ties to the home country of his or her family. UN وتشمل الوقائع الأخرى التي يتعين مراعاتها مدة إقامة الأجنبي في فنلندا والغرض منها، ونوع تصريح الإقامة الصادر له، وارتباطاته بفلندا والصلات الثقافية والاجتماعية بالبلد الأصلي لأسرته.

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