"لا اعتقد انه" - Translation from Arabic to English

    • I don't think he
    • I don't think it's
    • don't think he's
    • don't think I
    • - I don't think
    • I don't think that
    • didn't think he
    • I don't think we
    • I don't think you
    • I think it
    • 't think it was
    • I didn't think it
    • don't think that's
    • I don't think there's
    I don't think he's ready to hear that yet. Not now. Open Subtitles لا اعتقد انه مستعد لسماع هذا الان ، ليس بعد
    I don't think it's what you think. I don't think he's dead. Open Subtitles انا لا اعتقد ما تعتقده انا لا اعتقد انه قد مات
    I don't think I'm allowed to take phone numbers. Open Subtitles لا اعتقد انه مسموح لي باخذ ارقام الهواتف
    I wish he were. Somehow I don't think he is a Triad. Open Subtitles اتمنى لو انه كذلك بطريقة ما، لا اعتقد انه من المافيا
    I don't think he'll make a move on me again. Open Subtitles انا لا اعتقد انه سيقوم بحركه معي مره اخرى
    I don't think he should be here when the detectives come around. Open Subtitles لا اعتقد انه يجب ان يكون هنا عندما يأتي المحققون حولها.
    I don't think he'll be coming back here any time soon. Open Subtitles لا اعتقد انه سيعود الي هنا في اي وقت قريب
    I don't think he's eaten a lot of meals lately. Open Subtitles لا اعتقد انه كان يأكل الكثير من الوجبات مؤخرا
    I don't think he thinks she's missing. Open Subtitles أنا لا اعتقد انه يعتقد انها في عداد المفقودين.
    I don't think it's morally wrong, I really don't except I don't think the animal is into it. Open Subtitles لا اعتقد انه خطأ اخلاقياً لا اعتقد ذلك ما عدا ان الحيوان لن يريد فعل ذلك
    I don't think it's fair to use my biological disadvantages against me. Open Subtitles لا اعتقد انه امر عادل في ان تستخدمي اموري البيولوجية ضدي
    I don't think it's an exaggeration to say he is the most hated man in all of England right now. Open Subtitles لا اعتقد انه من المبالغه ان اقول انه الرجل الاكثر كرهاً في انجلترا كلها
    Yeah, but that's what bothers me. I don't think I would have. Open Subtitles وهذا مايزعجني لا اعتقد انه كنت سأحاسب عليه
    - I don't think we should. - Oh, I know we shouldn't. Open Subtitles لا اعتقد انه يجب علينا اعلم انه لا يجب علينا
    I don't think that was as vicious a burn as he thinks. Open Subtitles لا اعتقد انه رد مفحم بالدرجه التي يتوقعها
    I didn't think he'd want me part of this. Open Subtitles أنا لا اعتقد انه سوف تريد مني جزءا من هذا.
    I... I don't think we should have the bee at the pour. Open Subtitles لا اعتقد انه يجب ان تتواجد هذه النحله اثناء عمليه الصب
    Mrs. Torrance, I don't think you have anything to worry about. Open Subtitles مسز تورنس.. لا اعتقد انه يوجد اي شيء لتقلقي عليه
    No, I think it'll be lovely when it's finished. Open Subtitles لا , اعتقد انه سيكون رائعا بعد الانتهاء منه
    I didn't think it was necessary to discuss it with you, Wells. Open Subtitles لا اعتقد انه كان من الضروري مناقشة الموضوع معك ، جاك
    I don't think that's gonna cut it, old boy. Open Subtitles لا اعتقد انه يمكن اصلاح هذا ايها الفتى الكبير
    I don't think there's anything wrong with the action on this piano. Open Subtitles لا اعتقد انه يوجد اي شيء خطاء في حركه هذا البيانو

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