"لحيته" - Translation from Arabic to English

    • his beard
    • a beard
    • grow
    • beard was
    • pulled out
    He just doesn't know it yet, so I'm basically his beard. Open Subtitles هو لا يعلم بعد بذلك لذلك أنا في الأساس لحيته
    Some RNA soldiers called him names and pulled his beard. UN وشتمه بعض أفراد الجيش الملكي النيبالي وجرُّوا لحيته.
    His toenails were allegedly pulled out, his beard and moustache and half his head were shaven, his thighs were burned by setting on fire a chemical rubbed on them. UN ونزعت أظافر رجليه وحلقت لحيته وشاربه ونصف رأسه وحرق فخذاه بإشعال مادة كيميائية تم دعكهما بها.
    He died the following day, with his body bearing the marks of numerous injuries and bruises and his face swollen in the area where his beard had been pulled out. UN وتوفي في اليوم التالي ووجدت بجسده إصابات وكدمات كثيرة كما وجد انتفاخ في وجهه من جراء انتزاع لحيته.
    Later that day, the author complained to the Inspector of Prisons, who gave the author permission to grow a beard again. UN وفي وقت لاحق من ذلك اليوم، اشتكى صاحب البلاغ إلى مفتش السجون، الذي أذن له بإطلاق لحيته من جديد.
    This gentleman here was found to have rubber tires on his tractor four years ago, and his punishment was to have his beard cut. Open Subtitles هذا الرجل هنا كان يضع كفرات مطاطيه على جرارته قبل 4 سنوات و عقابه كان قص لحيته
    Do you want to tell these people who cut his beard, Bishop? Open Subtitles هل تريد اخبار هؤلاء الناس من قام بقص لحيته,بيشوب؟
    Also, that's the same day that he shampoos his beard. Open Subtitles و ايذا ذلك اليوم نفس اليوم الذي يغسل لحيته بالشامبو
    Okay, um- well, I thought it was really gross that he never shaved his beard. Open Subtitles حسنا, امم.. حسنا, أعتقد أنه من الفظيع عدم حلق لحيته.
    And he's saying these brilliant things about how he's got stuff in his beard. Open Subtitles ويقول أشياءً بارعة عن كيفيّة وجود بواقي الأكل على لحيته.
    His tears run down his beard, like winter's drops from eaves of reeds Open Subtitles فالدموع تسيل من خلال لحيته نظير غيث الشتاء من سقوف القصب
    The smell of his tobacco, the rustling of his silk robe, his beard on my cheek... Open Subtitles رائحة تبغه صوت عبائته الحريرية لحيته على وجتني
    I am also the one who is afraid to grow his beard and wear a cap. Open Subtitles أنا الذي يحتقر بمجرد أن يسبل لحيته و يلبس عمامته
    Yes, his hair is long. Yes, his beard is unshaven. Open Subtitles نعم ، شعره طويل نعم ، لحيته غير محلوقة
    - I don't know, he shaved his beard, he's lost a little weight, he's been leaving when shift is over. Open Subtitles لا أعلم , لقد حلق لحيته خسر وزنه كان ذاهب عند إنتهاء العمل
    His eye was like this his beard went like this and he walked like this... Open Subtitles كانت عينه هكذا و لحيته كانت منحنية بهذا الشكل و كان يمشى بهذه الطريقة
    "His eyes were large and black, with a touch of brown. his beard was thick. Open Subtitles كانت عيناه كبيرة وسوداء مع لمسة من اللون البني وكانت لحيته كثيفة
    You're thinking you can trace his location before he passed away from the clues in his beard. Open Subtitles أتفكر بأنك يمكنك تتبع موقعه قبل وفاته من الأدلة على لحيته
    I'm 25, but I can't grow a beard for shit. Open Subtitles أنا عمري 25، ولكن لا أستطيع أن تنمو لحيته لالقرف.

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