They sent round to tell him to be ready, but he said he's a fever, and surgeon say he must stay abed on account of his lungs. | Open Subtitles | ارسلوا بطلبه ليكون مستعداً لكنه قال أنه مصابٌ بالحمى و الطبيب قال بأن عليه .ملازمة السرير لأجلِ رئتيه |
I don't know if you heard that, but he said he's going to gun it. | Open Subtitles | لا أعلم إن سمعتما ذلك لكنه قال أنه سيطلق النار على الأمر |
I don't know why, but he said he was doin'it for someone named Mary. | Open Subtitles | أنا لا أعلم لماذا .. لكنه قال أنه فعل ذلك من أجل واحده تدعى ماري |
We were going to have some sashimi but he says he can't because he already bought a plane ticket. | Open Subtitles | كنا سنأكل بعض السوشي لكنه قال أنه لا يمكنه ،لإنه قام بحجز الطائرة. |
But he said it was only fun when it was with his mother. | Open Subtitles | لكنه قال أنه يكون ممتع عندما يقوم به مع والدته فقط |
But he did say that if I can pull this off, the desk is mine. | Open Subtitles | لكنه قال أنه في حال يمكنني الخروج من هذا، المكتب هو لي. |
but he said he'll be a choir boy and it's one more shift. | Open Subtitles | لكنه قال أنه سيكون هادئاً وفي نوبة واحدة |
He retired last year, but he said he's willing to speak to us. | Open Subtitles | تقاعد العام الماضي، لكنه قال أنه مستعد للتحدث معنا |
And I told him I would never do that, but he said he couldn't take the chance. | Open Subtitles | وقلت له أنني لن أفعل ذلك لكنه قال أنه لا يستطيع ترك ذلك للصدفة |
He was about to go into kidney surgery, but he said he'd wait. | Open Subtitles | لقد كان على وشك أن يدخل جراحه للكلى و لكنه قال أنه سينتظر |
I wouldn't mention him in my piece if he quit, but he said he'd already agreed to take two more exams. | Open Subtitles | لكنه قال أنه وافق على أخذ المزيد من الإمتحانات |
I told him I can only hire one, but he said he's with you. | Open Subtitles | أخبرته أنه يمكنني استئجار واحد فقط لكنه قال أنه معك |
Yeah, but he said, he's for sure coming tomorrow. | Open Subtitles | نعم, لكنه قال أنه سيأتي غداً بكل تأكيد |
I asked him how, but he said he couldn't tell me. | Open Subtitles | سألته عن هذا، لكنه قال أنه ليس بوسعه إخباري |
They asked me to give him the new-student tour, but he said he wouldn't be here long. | Open Subtitles | طلبوا مني أن آخذه في جولة الطلاب الجدد لكنه قال أنه لن يبقى كثيراً |
but he said he came to Earth during the meteor shower. And there's more. | Open Subtitles | لكنه قال أنه جاء للأرض أثناء سيل النيازك وهناك المزيد |
Eric Marsh owned up to the robbery of the truck and the assault but he said he didn't have anything to do with the Torch. | Open Subtitles | إيريك مارش قام بعملية السطو والهجوم على الشاحنة لكنه قال أنه ليس مسؤولاً عما حدث لجريدة التورتش |
I told him I would pick him up, but he said he had a ride. | Open Subtitles | أخبرته أنى سأمرّ عليه لكنه قال أنه سيأتى بنفسه |
Courts aren't for certainty, but he says he was at home. | Open Subtitles | لا شئ مؤكد بالمحاكم لكنه قال أنه كان بمنزله فماذا يثبت العكس؟ |
But he said it looked like a sports car. | Open Subtitles | لكنه قال أنه يشبه سيارة رياضية. |
But he did say that the boyfriend, Devlin Smith, was "acting like an asshole." | Open Subtitles | لكنه قال أنه عشيقها (ديفيلين سميث) كان "يتصرف كالأحمق" |