He was actually trying to hide what he was doing. | Open Subtitles | انه كان يحاول ان يخفي ما كان يفعله فعلاً |
It's obvious he really cared about what he was doing. | Open Subtitles | من الواضح أنه أهتم حقاً حول ما كان يفعله |
He knew exactly what he was doing when he enlisted. | Open Subtitles | كان يعرف بالضبط ما كان يفعله عندما نضم للجيش |
Oh, I love the weather, but I could never do what he did. | Open Subtitles | أحب الطقس، لكن لن أستطيع أبداً فعل ما كان يفعله. |
He knew precisely what he was doing there and the likely consequences of his action. | UN | أنه كان يعرف بالتحديد ما كان يفعله هناك والعواقب المحتملة لما فعله. |
I'm sure he had no idea what he was doing. | Open Subtitles | انا متأمد انه لم يكن لديه فكرة عن ما كان يفعله |
He was afraid that the rest of DHS would find out about what he was doing. | Open Subtitles | كان خائف أن يكتشف بقية الأمن القومى ما كان يفعله لكن لماذا يقحم نفسه فى مشكلة |
We need to find out what he was doing on that road last night. | Open Subtitles | نحتاج لمعرفة ما كان يفعله في ذاك الطريق الليلة الماضية |
We got him on tape, and I don't know how you get into this storytelling thing but he's gonna say that's what he was doing there and that creates plausible deniability. | Open Subtitles | لقد سجلناه على شريط وأنا لا أعلم كيف أتيتم بموضوع القصة هذا ولكنه سيقول أن هذا ما كان يفعله |
Just knew he couldn't do what he was doing anymore. | Open Subtitles | كل ما عرفه هو انه لا يستطيع أن يستمر فى ما كان يفعله |
what he was doing was to help build the plumbing for modern hypertext. | Open Subtitles | ما كان يفعله هو إنّه كان يساهم في بناء البنية التحتية للنصّ التشعبي المعاصر |
But depending on what he was doing, it creates a very different character to how the law should be thinking about it. | Open Subtitles | فحسب ما كان يفعله حقًّا، سيختلف كلّيّا مدخل كيفية تعاطي القانون مع ذلك. |
I gotta figure out what he was doing at the crash. | Open Subtitles | عليّ أنْ أكتشف ما كان يفعله في موقع التحطّم |
His job was to support Mac now, and that's what he was doing. | Open Subtitles | وظيفته كانت مساندة ماك الآن و هذا ما كان يفعله |
We still don't have any evidence that he knew what he was doing. | Open Subtitles | ما زلنا لا نملك دليلاً على أنه كان يعرف ما كان يفعله |
He injected me with a vaccine when he realized how dangerous what he was doing was. | Open Subtitles | وحقن لي مع لقاح عندما أدرك مدى خطورة ما كان يفعله. |
I just came here to tell you that I had no idea what he was doing. | Open Subtitles | أتيت لأخبرك أني لم أعرف ما كان يفعله فحسب |
He was always threatening me. It was what he did. It was who he was. | Open Subtitles | لقد كان يهددني دائما ، وذلك ما كان يفعله ، لقد كان هو |
Look. The bloke never went out. All he did was sit in that flat. | Open Subtitles | انظر, إنه لم يخرج مطلقاً, كل ما كان يفعله أن يجلس بالشقة |
what he's doing with the eye experiments, he's trying to work out how much the imagination, what he calls the will or the fancy, contributes towards vision. | Open Subtitles | ظهرت عدة دوائر سوداء لامعة ما كان يفعله بتجربة العين هو محاولة معرفة ،كمّ التخيّل، ما دعاه الإرادة أو التوهّم |
Not officially, but effectively, that's exactly what he's been doing. | Open Subtitles | رسميا لا ، لكن فعليا هذا بالضبط ما كان يفعله |