Looks like he was getting high on his own supply. | Open Subtitles | يُشاهدُ مثل هو كَانَ يُصبحُ المستوى العالي على تجهيزِه الخاصِ. |
It was like he was looking for the right place to shoot him. | Open Subtitles | هو كَانَ مثل هو كَانَ يَبْحثُ عنه المكان الصحيح لضَرْبه. |
It's like he was leaving open the chance for rescue, the way he did with Betty Wright. | Open Subtitles | هو مثل هو كَانَ يَتْركُ إفتحْ الفرصةَ للإنقاذِ، الطريق هو عَمِلَ مَع بيتي رايت. |
It wasn't like it was the dark ages for God's sake. | Open Subtitles | هو ما كَانَ مثل هو كَانَ أجلَ لأجل اللهِ العصور المُظلمةَ. |
The sun came through the leaves, lit them up like it was on fire. | Open Subtitles | دَخلتْ الشمسُ من الأوراقِ، أضائَهم فوق مثل هو كَانَ محترق. |
The one time of the year when I get to do things my way, like it used to be in our home, with your mother and when you were kids. | Open Subtitles | سابقون مِنْ السَنَةِ عندما أَصِلُ إلى أعْمَلُ أشياءُ طريقُي، مثل هو كَانَ في بيتِنا، مَع أمّكَ ومتى أنت كُنْتَ أطفالَ. |
Looks like he was carrying some cocaine. | Open Subtitles | يُشاهدُ مثل هو كَانَ يَحْملُ بَعْض الكوكائينِ. |
And he walked around the truck slowly, like he was trying not to be noticed. | Open Subtitles | وهو مَشى حول الشاحنةِ ببطئ، مثل هو كَانَ يُحاولُ أَنْ لا يَكُونَ مُلاحَظ. |
Yeah, looks like he was on the desk face down, and he fell on to this thing. | Open Subtitles | نعم، يَبْدو مثل هو كَانَ على المنضدةِ مَعْكوساً، وهو سَقطَ إلى هذا الشيءِ. |
It's like he was disguising her, maybe to smuggle her out. | Open Subtitles | هو مثل هو كَانَ يَخفيها، لَرُبَّمَا لتَهريبها خارج. |
Looks like he was staying at the Maximus Hotel And Casino. | Open Subtitles | يُشاهدُ مثل هو كَانَ يَبْقى في فندقِ Maximus وكازينو. |
From my point of view, it looked like he was going to run a blitz on you. | Open Subtitles | مِنْ وجهةِ نظري، بَدا مثل هو كَانَ سيَرْكضُ a هجوم خاطف عليك. |
Even his hair was almost feminine. lt was like he was going through a transformation. | Open Subtitles | حتى شَعره كَانَ أنثويَ تقريباً. lt كَانَ مثل هو كَانَ يَمْرُّ بa تحويل. |
He looked out for Dembo, like he was his own kid. | Open Subtitles | إنتبهَ إلى Dembo، مثل هو كَانَ طفلَه الخاصَ. |
Sounds like he was in a pretty dark place. | Open Subtitles | يُصوّتُ مثل هو كَانَ في a مكان مُظلم جداً. |
And the more I did it, the more it seemed like it was possible. | Open Subtitles | والأكثر أنا عَمِلتُ هو، الأكثر بَدا مثل هو كَانَ محتملَ. |
I just... craved... your approval, like it was... somehow possible to get it. | Open Subtitles | أنا فقط... مُشتَهى... موافقتكَ، مثل هو كَانَ... |
Looks like it was just his leg. | Open Subtitles | يُشاهدُ مثل هو كَانَ فقط ساقه. |
This case still Pisses you off like it was yesterday. | Open Subtitles | - هذه الحالةِ ما زالَتْ يَسْكرُك مِنْ مثل هو كَانَ أمس. نعم، هو يَعمَلُ. |
Well, look at one of the older ones, like it was from a high school yearbook. | Open Subtitles | حَسناً، يَنْظرُ إلى أحد الواحد الأقدم، مثل هو كَانَ مِنْ a كتاب مدرسة عليا سنوي. |
You know, like it used to be. | Open Subtitles | تَعْرفُ، مثل هو كَانَ. |