"معصميه" - Translation from Arabic to English

    • his wrists
    • the wrists
    • wrists and
    • wrist
    He's unable to rotate his wrists as he cuts. Open Subtitles انه غير قادر لتدوير معصميه كما انه يقطع.
    Medical examinations are said to have revealed bruises and swellings in his face, bruised ribs, abrasions to his wrists and an injury to his left eye. UN وقيل إن الفحوصات الطبية قد أظهرت وجود رضوض وانتفاخ في وجهه ورضوض في ضلوعه وكشط في معصميه وإصابة في عينه اليسرى.
    his wrists and legs were also reportedly cut with a blade. UN وأفادت التقارير كذلك أن معصميه وساقيه قد جرحت بشفرة.
    Police officers tied his wrists and ankles behind his back and then beat him with a whip. UN وأوثق ضباط الشرطة معصميه مع كاحليه خلف ظهره وجلدوه بالسياط.
    At the SSI headquarters in Shubra he was allegedly subjected to suspension from the wrists, resulting in a dislocated left arm. UN وفي مقر تحقيقات أمن الدولة في شبرا، زعم أنه تعرض للتعليق من معصميه نتج عنه التواء في الذراع اليسرى.
    One journalist was beaten on the soles of his feet and on his upper body, and was suspended by his wrists for several hours. UN وضُرب أحد الصحفيين على أخمص قدميه وفي أعلى جسمه، وعُلق من معصميه طيلة ساعات.
    He also states that he was burned with cigarettes on the back of his neck and that the handcuffs cut into his wrists and hands. UN ويفيد أيضاً بأنه أُحرق بالسجائر على مؤخرة عنقه وبأن الأصداف أصابت معصميه ويديه بجروح عميقة.
    He also states that he was burned with cigarettes on the back of his neck and that the handcuffs cut into his wrists and hands. UN ويفيد أيضاً بأنه أُحرق بالسجائر على مؤخرة عنقه وبأن الأصداف أصابت معصميه ويديه بجروح عميقة.
    He retained scars on his wrists eight months after the incident. UN وكانت آثار الاصابة ظاهرة على معصميه بعد ثمانية شهور من الواقعة.
    Some of the blows were dealt while he was hung up by his wrists. UN وتلقى عدداً من الضربات بينما كان معلقاً من معصميه.
    Hey, grab his wrists and hold him, hold him, hold him. Open Subtitles مهلا، والاستيلاء على معصميه ويحملونه، ويحملونه، ويحملونه.
    You'll need to help him sew those back on his wrists. Open Subtitles سوف تحتاجين لمساعدته في حياكة هؤلاء على معصميه
    We did find clear rope-burn marks on his wrists and ankles. Open Subtitles لقد وجدنا اثارا واضحة للحرق على معصميه وكاحليه
    You can see abrasions on his wrists and ankles, lividity on his torso. Open Subtitles يمكنك رؤية تآكلاتٍ على معصميه و كاحليه، و كون جذعه شاحبًا.
    See, if his heart had still been beating when his wrists were slit, that tub would be a deeper red. Open Subtitles انظروا، لو أن قلبه كان ما يزال ينبض ،عندما تم شَق معصميه فإن ذلك الحوض سيكون أحمر داكن أكثر
    The rose tint suggests he was dead or nearly dead before his wrists were slit. Open Subtitles اللون الوردي الخفيف يشير إلى أنه توفي أو كاد أن يتوفى قبل أن يتم شَق معصميه
    I really have to put some ice on his wrists Open Subtitles أنا حقا يجب أن أضع بعض الثلج على معصميه
    The shock was so big that it broke both of his wrists. Open Subtitles كانت صدمه عنيفه للغايه لدرجة انها قامت بكسر معصميه
    And then Robin Williams is gonna slit his wrists out here. Open Subtitles وبعد ذلك روبين ويليامز سيشق معصميه بالخارج هنا
    And the rope-burn patterns on his wrists indicate that his hands were bound behind his back. Open Subtitles وحروق الحبل حول معصميه مما يمثل أن يديه كانتا خلف ظهره
    He was allegedly subjected to electric shocks, beatings, suspension by the wrists and left in his underclothes for prolonged periods. UN وزعم أنه تعرض لصدمات كهربائية وللضرب والتعليق من معصميه وأنه ترك في ملابسه الداخلية لفترات طويلة.
    We found him dead on the floor beside the box... his wrist cut. Open Subtitles عثرنا عليه ميتًا على الأرض بجانب الصندوق وقد تم تمزيق معصميه

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