Who knows what he did to her in all that time? | Open Subtitles | الذي يَعْرفُ ما هو عَمِلَ إليها في كُلّ ذلك الوقتِ؟ |
And if it's anything like what he did before, he may hunt and kill until he finds the right one. | Open Subtitles | وإذا هو أيّ شئُ مثل ما هو عَمِلَ قبل ذلك، هو قَدْ يُطاردُ ويَقْتلُ حتى يَجدْ الصحيحَ الواحد. |
I don't know how he did it, but he did it. | Open Subtitles | أنا لا أَعْرفُ كَيفَ هو عَمِلَ هو، لَكنَّه عَمِلَ هو. |
he did her breasts, and they turned out ok. | Open Subtitles | هو عَمِلَ صدورَها، وهم ظَهروا على ما يرامهم. |
All things considered, I'm just as glad it did. | Open Subtitles | باعتبار كُلّ الأشياء، أنا مُجَرَّد كمسرور هو عَمِلَ. |
Like he didn't care if he did it with or without me. | Open Subtitles | مثل هو لَمْ يُردْ إذا هو عَمِلَ هو مَع أَو بدوني. |
I don't know why my brother did what he did. | Open Subtitles | أنا لا أَعْرفُ لِماذا أَخّي عَمِلَ ما هو عَمِلَ. |
Cassius didn't do anything wrong; he did his job. | Open Subtitles | كاسيوس ما عَمِلَ أيّ شئَ خاطئ؛ هو عَمِلَ شغلَه. |
Victor will dump you as he did with Ai Ning. | Open Subtitles | فيكتور سَيَتخلّصُ منك بينما هو عَمِلَ مَع Ai Ning. |
That you saw the same things that he did. | Open Subtitles | بأنّك رَأيتَ نفس الأشياءِ التي هو عَمِلَ. |
It's like he was leaving open the chance for rescue, the way he did with Betty Wright. | Open Subtitles | هو مثل هو كَانَ يَتْركُ إفتحْ الفرصةَ للإنقاذِ، الطريق هو عَمِلَ مَع بيتي رايت. |
Then we'll just have to look at what he did. | Open Subtitles | ثمّ نحن سَنَنْظرُ فقط يَجِبُ أَنْ في ما هو عَمِلَ. |
And you know he did something to make sure he got the unsub's attention. | Open Subtitles | وأنت تَعْرفُ هو عَمِلَ شيءاً للتَأْكيد أصبحَ الغير ثانويَ الإنتباه. |
Did you see what he did to that cinder block? | Open Subtitles | رَأيتَ ما هو عَمِلَ إلى ذلك الطابوق الصخري؟ |
If he did this, he's not limiting himself to perversity. | Open Subtitles | إذا هو عَمِلَ هذا، هو لَيسَ يُحدّدُ نفسه إلى العنادِ. |
Danny didn't have enough talent to play the way he did today. | Open Subtitles | داني ما كَانَ عِنْدَهُ بما فيه الكفاية موهبةُ للِعْب الطريقِ هو عَمِلَ اليوم. |
he did our taxes and paid them, or so I thought. | Open Subtitles | هو عَمِلَ ضرائبَنا ودُفِعَهم، أَو لذا إعتقدتُ. |
he did lots of amazing, amazing things. | Open Subtitles | هو عَمِلَ الكثير مِنْ تَعَجُّب، الأشياء المُدهِشة. |
But if you don't follow the path of destiny that shapes the future as I know it, the world won't end up as it did in my time. | Open Subtitles | لكن إذا أنت لا تَتْلي طريق القدرِ ذلك يُشكّلُ المستقبلَ كما أَعْرفُه، العالم لَنْ يَنتهي بينما هو عَمِلَ في وقتِي. |
Well, of course not, because that would be insane if it did. | Open Subtitles | حَسناً، بالطبع لَيسَ، لأن ذلك سَيَكُونُ مجنونَ إذا هو عَمِلَ. |