My whole life I thought My father died in that fire, but now I know who he is and I know he's alive! | Open Subtitles | كنت أعتقد طوال حياتي أن والدي مات في ذلك الحريق و لكن الآن أنا أعرف من هو و أعرف أنه على قيد الحياة |
My father died in a fire. I was 4. | Open Subtitles | والدي مات في حريق، عندما كنت في الرابعة من عمري. |
Everyone believes that My father died of a heart attack, but I know the truth... mother poisoned him. | Open Subtitles | يعتقد الجميع أنّ والدي مات بسكتة قلبيّة لكنّي أعرف الحقيقة والدتي سمّمته |
My dad died in Fallujah when I was 6, Mr. Beaumont. | Open Subtitles | والدي مات في الفلوجة عندما كنتُ في السادسة من عمري يا سيد بومونت |
My father is dead, and I release you from that vow. | Open Subtitles | والدي مات وأنا أحلك من هذا العهد |
My daddy died, too. Same way. | Open Subtitles | والدي مات بالطريقة ذاتها أيضًا |
YO, My dad's dead, DAD'S DEAD. | Open Subtitles | انت, لقد مات والدي, مات والدي. |
I blamed you because my father's dead And it's my mother's fault. | Open Subtitles | ألقيتُ اللومَ عليكَ لأنّ والدي مات و والدتي هي الملامة |
My father died when I was in my twenties and you don't believe that his soul, call it his lifeforce is still here somehow living inside you? | Open Subtitles | والدي مات و أنا في العشرينيات من عمري ولا تؤمن أن روحه,سمِّها جوهر حياته ما زالت موجودة هنا بشكل من الأشكال؟ تعيش داخلك ؟ |
My father died hustling on these streets when I was two years old. | Open Subtitles | والدي مات جوعاً على الطرق عندما كان عمري عامين فقط |
My father died in a fight, trying to take a man's time. | Open Subtitles | والدي مات في قتالٍ محاولاً أخذ وقتِ رجلٍ. |
My father... Died an innocent man, betrayed by the woman he loved. | Open Subtitles | والدي مات وهو رجل بريئ وخانته المرأة التي يحب |
My father died, and my mother managed by being on the street, | Open Subtitles | والدي مات. و والدتي أدارت أحوالها عبر البقاء في الشارع |
You told me My father died when I was a little girl. I just... | Open Subtitles | ... لقد أخبرتني أن والدي مات عندما كُنت فتاة صغيرة ، أنا |
My father died yesterday, and you never even came home. | Open Subtitles | والدي مات ليلة أمس ولم تحضر للبيت حتى |
And yes, My father died last week. | Open Subtitles | و أجل والدي مات الأسبوع الماضي |
No. If My dad died before he had a chance to tell me | Open Subtitles | لا لو أن والدي مات قبل أن تتاح له الفرصة لاخباري |
My dad died for you. I don't even know how you even talking about him like that. | Open Subtitles | والدي مات من أجلك، أنا لا أعلم حتي كيف تتحدث عنه هكذا |
My father is dead. | Open Subtitles | والدي مات |
Wasn't bad enough My daddy died in Vietnam. | Open Subtitles | لم يكن سيئا كفاية والدي مات في فيتنام |
My dad's dead and it's my fault. | Open Subtitles | والدي مات وهو خطأي. |
I'm sure Ripley told you. my father's dead. | Open Subtitles | أنا متأكد من ان ريبلي قال لك ان والدي مات |
I had always thought that my father had died a long time earlier. | Open Subtitles | كنت أظن أن والدي مات منذ فترة طويلة. |