Yoon Jae would understand if he knew it was that kid. | Open Subtitles | يون جاى سيتفهم ان عرف انه كان لأجل هذا الولد |
You said if you saw this face... You may be swayed towards Seo Yoon Jae again and that you couldn't do it. | Open Subtitles | فكرتك قلتِ لا يمكنك فعل هذا لانه ان رأيت هذا الوجه فستقعين بغرام يون جاى ثانيه |
Since I have to tell her that Yoon Jae and I will be starting over again. | Open Subtitles | على ان اخبرها انى سابدأ من جديد مع يون جاى |
If I want to get the things I had planned on getting done... I have to get away from Seo Yoon Jae's mom's overt interference or concern. | Open Subtitles | ان اردت ان احل هذه المسالة فعلينا ان نتجنب قلقكِ المفرط من والدة ام سو يون جاى |
The first time I met Yoon Jae's mother with him in the past... | Open Subtitles | فى السابق .. حتى عندما قابلت ام والده يون جاى لاول مره |
Thinking that if Seo Yoon Jae come back... You're expecting that you can become her daughter-in-law to be again? | Open Subtitles | مازلتِ تأملين فى ان تصبحى كنتها عاد سو يون جاى ؟ |
So that the Seo Yoon Jae that you like returns... Please make sure to pray fervently. | Open Subtitles | لارجاع الاجاشى الذى تحبية يون جاى افركيها بما يكفى لصنع النار |
When I think about it... Seo Yoon Jae's saved my life, and even gave me his body. | Open Subtitles | بالتفكير فى الامر يون جاى لم ينقذنى فحسب و لكن سمح لى باستخدام جسده |
You said to make sure that Yoon Jae's mother has no reason to come to this house. | Open Subtitles | قلت انك لا تريد ان تأتى ام يون جاى وتتحرى احوالك |
I gave up because I thought Yoon Jae didn't love me. | Open Subtitles | لقد تخليت عن ذلك لانى ظننت ان سو يون جاى لا يحبنى |
If you want to test how Seo Yoon Jae feels, just get married. | Open Subtitles | ان اردت ان تختبرى مشاعر سو يون جاى فتزوجيه فحسب |
Why do I have to tell you something that even Yoon Jae doesn't remember? | Open Subtitles | امر لا يتذكره يون جاى حتى ؟ لما على ان اخبرك شيئا كهذا ؟ |
Now that Yoon Jae's back, are you gaining confidence? | Open Subtitles | والان بما ان يون جاى عاد تسترجعين ثقتك بنفسك ؟ |
So did you cheat with Yoon Jae or not? ! | Open Subtitles | اذاَ هل خنتينى مع يون جاى ام لا ؟ |
I'm going to hold on to whoever Seo Yoon Jae's mom brings and get married! | Open Subtitles | انا ساتمسك باى واحده ستحضرها لى ام يون جاى كى اتزوجها |
Even though I can't do it like Seo Yoon Jae, putting it on yourself is irksome. | Open Subtitles | بالرغم من انه لا يمكننى فعلها كـ سو يون جاى لكن ان وضعه بنفسك امر يضايق |
You said I could think of you as Yoon Jae. | Open Subtitles | لماذا .. قلت انه يمكننى ان افكر بك وكأنك يون جاى |
Even if Yoon Jae marries, I want to continue meeting you, mother. | Open Subtitles | حتى ان تزوج يون جاى ساواصل رؤيتكِ يا امى |
That is the picture that Yoon Jae's father drew when Yoon Jae was a child. | Open Subtitles | وهذه الصوره رسمها والد يون جاى عندما كان يون جاى صغيراَ |
Go to her, and give her this. Mother-in-law? Ah, Yoon Jae's mom? | Open Subtitles | بالنسبة لى لم يكن هناك شيئا لم استطع فعله من أجلك يون جاى |