Did he tell you anything about it, us, him and me? | Open Subtitles | , هل أخبرك شيئاً حول الأمر حولنا، هو وأنا ؟ |
Did he tell you he couldn't walk when he made his application? | Open Subtitles | هل أخبرك بأنه لا يستطيع التحرك عندما قام بطلب التعين ؟ |
Did he tell you that, uh, offering her the job has nothing to do with their past relationship, all due respect to you, and that she-she's the only person for the position? | Open Subtitles | هل أخبرك أنه بتقديمهِ وظيفةً لها ليس له علاقة بعلاقتهم السابقة مع كل الإحترام لك |
So, Did he tell you why he was in Rock Creek Park last night? | Open Subtitles | اذا، هل قال لك لماذا كان في متنزه روك كريك الليلة الماضية؟ |
Did he tell you what happened the night Daniel died? | Open Subtitles | هل أخبركِ بما حدث بالليله التي توفى بها دانييل؟ |
Did he tell you I said he must go to bed? | Open Subtitles | هل اخبرك بأنني قلت أن عليه البقاء في السرير؟ |
Did he tell you that's what I used to call him? | Open Subtitles | هل قال لكِ ان هذا ما أعتدتُ ان اناديه به؟ |
Did he tell you what he saw when you visited him on the school playground? | Open Subtitles | هل أخبرك من الذى رأه عندما قمتى بزيارته فى حديقه المدرسه |
- Did he tell you where the family is? | Open Subtitles | ـ ماذا؟ ـ هل أخبرك عن مكان العائلة؟ |
Did he tell you a bullet shattered my dad's T-9 vertebra? | Open Subtitles | هل أخبرك بالرصاصة التي هشمت الفقرة التاسعة بظهر أبي؟ |
I got here first. Did he tell you that? | Open Subtitles | أنا كنت هنا أولًا , هل أخبرك ذلك؟ |
Did he tell you what kind of information he was talking about? | Open Subtitles | هل أخبرك بنوع المعلومة التي كان يتكلم عنها ؟ |
Did he tell you I tried to pretend it was a burglary? | Open Subtitles | هل أخبرك أنني حاولت التظاهر أنها عملية سطو؟ |
Did he tell you he'll go in your house and eat some ramen before leaving? | Open Subtitles | هل قال لك أنه سيذهب لداخل منزلك و يأكل بعض الرامين قبل أن يذهب؟ |
Did he tell you that he's the one who taught her how to use the gun? | Open Subtitles | هل قال لك أنه هو واحد الذي علمها كيفية استخدام بندقية؟ |
Did he tell you about the fights he's been getting into with his brother and his dad? | Open Subtitles | هل قال لك عن المشاجرات اللتي كان يدخل فيها مع اخوه ووالده؟ |
I mean, Did he tell you why he was getting together with those guys? | Open Subtitles | أعني، هل أخبركِ لماذا إجتمع بأولئك الأشخاص؟ |
Did he tell you I was kidnapped when I was 16? | Open Subtitles | هل أخبركِ أنني تعرضت للخطف عندما كنت في السادسة عشر من عمري؟ |
Uh, Did he tell you who will be managing your account in his absence? | Open Subtitles | هل اخبرك من الذي سيقوم بإداره حسابك في غيابه؟ |
Did you ask him if he was good, or Did he tell you he was good? | Open Subtitles | هل أنتِ سألتيه , إن كان قادراً على تحمّل المسؤولية أم هو من قال لكِ أنّهُ قادر على ذلك ؟ |
Did he tell you anything about being on a sports program? | Open Subtitles | وقال انه اقول لكم شيئا عن كونه على برنامج الرياضة؟ |
That's enough. What Did he tell you? | Open Subtitles | هذا يكفي ماللذي قاله لك? |
Wait, Did he tell you that's what he wants? | Open Subtitles | انتظر، هل أخبركَ أن هذا هو ما يريده؟ |
What Did he tell you about himself? : | Open Subtitles | ما الذي أخبرك به عن نفسه؟ |
And Did he tell you that in spite of everything he had done to hide himself, that someone had recently recognized him? | Open Subtitles | وهل أخبرك أنه بالرغم من كلّ شيء فعله لإخفاء هويته أن شخص ما تعرف عليه مؤخرا؟ |
Did he tell you that he was too scared, too much of a frightened little bitch to go in after him? | Open Subtitles | أأخبرك أنه كان خائفاً جداً؟ أأخبرك أنه كان نذلاً مذعوراً ولم يستطع الخروج لمؤازرته؟ |
Did he tell you what he found? | Open Subtitles | وهل أخبركِ بما عثر عليه؟ |
So when I was gone, Did he tell you that we broke up? | Open Subtitles | لذا متى أنا إختفيتُ، هَلْ أخبرَك بأنّنا تَحطّمنَا؟ |
There's always a loophole. Did he tell you to stay in this apartment until he said it was ok to leave? | Open Subtitles | هل طلب منكِ أن تبقي بالشقة حتّى يأذن لكِ بالرحيل؟ |
Did he tell you I cut the breasts off adulterous women and force their infants suck their blood? | Open Subtitles | و هل اخبركي انني اقطع صدور العاهرات و اجبر اطفالهم علي مص دمائهم ؟ |