Mom knew you were smoking'cause you smelt like an ashtray and your voice was deeper than dad's. | Open Subtitles | لقد علمت والدتنا أنكِ كنتي تدخنين لأن راحتكِ كانت كمنفضة السجائر تماماً وصوتكِ كان أخشنُ من صوتِ والدي |
Why didn't you tell me you thought you were pregnant? | Open Subtitles | لماذا لم تخبريني أنكِ كنتي تعتقدين بأنكِ حامل؟ |
you were married to another man at this time. | Open Subtitles | ووجدنا أنكِ كنتي متزوجة برجل آخر في هذا الوقت |
Why didn't you tell me you thought you were pregnant? | Open Subtitles | لماذا لم تخبريني أنكِ كنتي تظنين بأنكِ حامل؟ |
you were said to be in hospital with illness once he passed away. | Open Subtitles | قيل أنكِ كنتي في المستشفى بسبب المرض حالما وافته المنية |
Dude, I wanted to tell you. you were hilarious today in drama class. | Open Subtitles | يا صديقتي ، كنت أودُّ أن أخبركِ أنكِ كنتي مُضحِكة للغاية اليوم في حصة الدراما |
Well, enough to tell me you were very good at your job. | Open Subtitles | حسناً ، كافٍ ليخبرني أنكِ كنتي جيدة فيما تفعليه |
I bet you were a cheerleader in high school, weren't you? | Open Subtitles | أراهن أنكِ كنتي بفريق المشجعات بالمدرسة الثانوية، أليس كذلك؟ |
Just remember you were here and you didn't see me. Katherine! | Open Subtitles | تذكري فقط أنكِ كنتي هنا و لم ترينني، حسناً؟ |
You said you were looking for me. | Open Subtitles | قلتي أنكِ كنتي تبحثين عني ماذا كانت خطتك؟ |
I know you were up all nightwith the baby, and I reallyappreciate it. | Open Subtitles | لا بأس بذلك, أعرف أنكِ كنتي طوال الليل مع الطفلة وأقدر ذلك حقا |
I know you were finally making some friends here. | Open Subtitles | أعرف أنكِ كنتي قد بدأتي أخيراً في تكوين صداقات هنا |
Oh, I'm sorry. I forgot. you were sick the day they taught law at law school. | Open Subtitles | آسف، أنسى دائماً أنكِ كنتي مريضة يوم حصة القانون بكلية الحقوق |
It's my understanding that you were quite close. | Open Subtitles | وأنا على علم أنكِ كنتي قريبة منه |
You could say you were with me and Joyce. | Open Subtitles | تستطيعن القول أنكِ كنتي معي أنا وجويس. |
Think you were chatting me up at the bar. | Open Subtitles | أعتقد أنكِ كنتي تدردشين معي عند البار |
Halley, I know you were with Macon Forrester. | Open Subtitles | هالي .. أعرف أنكِ كنتي مع ماكون فورستور |
Because the police said that you were the only person there, | Open Subtitles | لأن رجال الشرطة قالوا أنكِ كنتي وحدك |
Look, I-I talked to dad, and it turns out you were telling the truth. | Open Subtitles | لقد... لقد تحدثت لوالدي و اتضح أنكِ كنتي محقة |
That means you were looking at me. | Open Subtitles | هذا يعني أنكِ كنتي تنظرين إليّ |