His mucky little fingers ruined a pair of $80 tights. | Open Subtitles | اصابعه الصغيرة القذرة افسدت زوجٌ من الجوارب بـ80 دولار |
At any given moment, father's fingers were in many pies, so I'm reviewing events both great and small which might have been influenced by his removal. | Open Subtitles | في هذا الحال لان والدي اصابعه في العديد من الفطائر لذلك انا ادقق في كل الاحداث الصغيره والكبيره |
His sense of self does not extend to the fingers of his left arm. | Open Subtitles | احساسه الذاتي لا يتمدد إلى اصابعه في اليد اليسرى |
Thereserve,castilho he'scolorblind and missing a finger. | Open Subtitles | الاحتياطي كاستيلهو مصاب بعمى الوان و فاقد لاحد اصابعه |
What if it doesn't know not to pick up knives or stick its finger in an electric socket? | Open Subtitles | ماذا لو لم يعرف الا يلعب بالسكاكين او يضع اصابعه بالمأخذ الكهربائية؟ |
Oh, absolutely. I'm on the case. Soon Mike will have the world of entertainment at his fingertips. | Open Subtitles | بالتاكيد ,انا مسيطر على الامور سيكون لمايك قريبا عالم الترفيه بين اصابعه |
For Moses knowses His toeses aren't roses | Open Subtitles | شمشون يعلم ان اصابعه ليست ورود |
I mean, what if he can't use his fingers at all? | Open Subtitles | أعني, ماذا لو لم يستطع استخدام اصابعه اطلاقاً؟ |
one time during a drug bust, he had one of his fingers shot off. | Open Subtitles | مره خلال القاء القبض في قضيه مخدرات تعرضت احدى اصابعه للبتر بطلقه ناريه |
So Sticky fingers has this power where anything he touches sticks to his fingers. | Open Subtitles | اذا الاصابع اللزجه لديها القوة حيث عندما يلمس اي شيء اصابعه اللزجه |
I just found out I'm actually going to be tall, so I'm no longer comfortable hanging out with someone whose teeth are bigger than their fingers. | Open Subtitles | انا اكتشفت للتو بأني سأكون طويل القامة لذلك انا لم اعد مرتاح في الخروج مع شخص اسنانه اطول من اصابعه |
He said never trust a man, that wants to put his fingers in your butt. | Open Subtitles | انه يقول لا تثق ابداً برجل يريد وضع اصابعه في مؤخرتك |
He let Count Elrond, his greatest foe, slip through his fingers because he thought only of protecting Vivian. | Open Subtitles | ترك الكونت "الروند"، خصمه الأعظم يهرب من بين اصابعه لانه اعتقد فقط ان هذا يحمي "فيفيان". |
As things stand, the dream that Mio grabbed onto, may slip through his fingers. | Open Subtitles | الحلم الذي تمسك فيه ميو قد ينزلق من خلال اصابعه ؟ |
So you put your pills in his drink, he nods off, you wrap his fingers around your gun, and then you get to live really well. | Open Subtitles | فوضعت أقراصك في مشروبه فشعر بالإغماء فوضعت اصابعه حول السلاح ثم أصبحت تعيش جيداً |
Oh, wait. He could still draw you unless you cut off his fingers, too. | Open Subtitles | آوه مهلا, يستطيع رسمك الا اذا قطعتي اصابعه ايضاً |
Like there's a special type of gum at the end of each finger that can pick up money or merchandise. | Open Subtitles | كنوع خاص من الصمغ في نهاية اصابعه حيث يستطيع التقاط النقود والبضائع |
What's your take on that? Patrick puts his finger to his lips and you obey, that how it works? | Open Subtitles | باتريك يضع اصابعه على شفتيه وانت تطيع ، أهكذا هي الخطة ؟ |
That would be true if she's talking about what his finger smells like. | Open Subtitles | ذلك سيكون حقيقة اذا كانت تسأله عن رائحة اصابعه |
His fingertips are stained. Looks like red phosphorous. | Open Subtitles | اطراف اصابعه ملوثة انظر ، يبدو انه الفوسفور الاحمرِ |
No, it's this thing Christopher started doing, kissing his fingertips. | Open Subtitles | لا, انه الشئ الذى بدأ (كرستوفر) بعمله تقبيل اصابعه |
Moses, he knowses his toeses aren't roses... | Open Subtitles | "شمشون يعرف ان اصابعه ليست ورود. |
However, you still get freezer burn and discoloration, like his toes. | Open Subtitles | ولكن مع ذالك تبقى علامات بعد التجميد مثل اصابعه |