"بزوجته" - Traduction Arabe en Anglais

    • his wife
    • his own wife
    • his spouse
    • the wife
    • on his
    When he asked for permission to phone his wife to tell her, he was apparently beaten again. UN ويقال إنه ضُرِب من جديد عندما طلب الإذن للاتصال بزوجته عبر الهاتف لينقل لها الخبر.
    What kind of man doesn't know if he cares about his wife? Open Subtitles أي رجل لا يعلم إذا كان يهتم بزوجته أم لا ؟
    They met this morning, picked up his wife then separated. Open Subtitles لقد تقابلوا هذا الصباح و إلتقوا بزوجته ثم إنفصلوا
    He called his wife 15 minutes after seeing her on TV. Open Subtitles اتصل بزوجته قبل 15 دقيقة بعد أن رآها في التلفاز.
    I will not see him corrupted by this endless quest for power, to live a life where he cannot even trust his own wife. Open Subtitles لنْ أراه يفسد بطلب السلطة اللامتناه هذا ليعيش حياةٍ لا يمكنه فيها حتى أنْ يثق بزوجته
    Okay, as if tonight weren't already more confusing than the Lost finale, Liam just called me his wife. Open Subtitles حسنا، كما وأن الليلة لم تكن أصلا أكثر مربكة من النهاية الضائعة، ليام دعاني للتو بزوجته.
    He had on one occasion obtained permission to telephone his wife and children and he received visits from his mother. UN وقد حصل مرة على إذن بالاتصال هاتفياً بزوجته وأبنائه، وتلقّى زيارات من والدته.
    He had on one occasion obtained permission to telephone his wife and children and he received visits from his mother. UN وقد حصل في مناسبة على ترخيص للاتصال بزوجته وأطفاله عن طريق الهاتف، في حين تلقّى زيارة والدته في مناسبات عديدة.
    He had on one occasion obtained permission to telephone his wife and children and he received visits from his mother. UN وقد حصل في مناسبة على ترخيص للاتصال بزوجته وأطفاله عن طريق الهاتف، في حين تلقّى زيارة والدته في مناسبات عديدة.
    He had on one occasion obtained permission to telephone his wife and children and he received visits from his mother. UN وقد حصل مرة على إذن بالاتصال هاتفياً بزوجته وأبنائه، وتلقّى زيارات من والدته.
    He had on one occasion obtained permission to telephone his wife and children and he received visits from his mother. UN وقد حصل مرة على إذن بالاتصال هاتفياً بزوجته وأبنائه، وتلقّى زيارات من والدته.
    He saw the author push his wife to the ground, take out a machete, and strike her four or five times in the region of the chest and neck, as a result of which she died. UN ورأى صاحب الرسالة يلقي بزوجته أرضاً ويستلّ مدية يطعنها بها أربع أو خمس مرات في صدرها وعنقها، مما أدى إلى وفاتها.
    As he was not at home, the police allegedly harassed and ill-treated his wife and daughter. UN وبما أنه لم يكن في البيت فقد تحرشت الشرطة بزوجته وبنته وأساءت معاملتهما حسب الادعاءات.
    He had on one occasion obtained permission to telephone his wife and children and he received visits from his mother. UN وقد حصل في مناسبة على ترخيص للاتصال بزوجته وأطفاله عن طريق الهاتف، في حين تلقّى زيارة والدته في مناسبات عديدة.
    He had on one occasion obtained permission to telephone his wife and children and he received visits from his mother. UN وقد حصل في مناسبة على ترخيص للاتصال بزوجته وأطفاله عن طريق الهاتف، في حين تلقّى زيارة والدته في مناسبات عديدة.
    He was permitted to meet with his lawyers to prepare for his appeal but he was still not allowed any contact with his wife and family. UN وسُمح له بالاجتماع بمحاميّيّه لإعداد طلب استئناف الحكم، لكنه ظل غير مسموح له أن يتصل بزوجته وأسرته.
    So I thank him very much and I also greet his wife Judy, who is honouring us with her presence today in this room. UN لذا أشكره كثيراً جداً وأرحب أيضاً بزوجته جودي التي تشرفنا اليوم بحضورها في هذه القاعة.
    However, he complained that his request to call his wife and children had been denied. UN إلا أنه شكا من رفض طلبه الاتصال بزوجته وأطفاله.
    I don't know how a guy that could do this to his own wife is gonna help you find a missing kid. Open Subtitles لا أعرف كيف سيقوم من فعل هذا بزوجته بمساعدتك على إيجاد طفل مفقود.
    1. Every person who catches his spouse or one of his ascendants, descendants or sisters in the act of infidelity or an adulterous situation and kills, mortally wounds or maims for life the woman involved or her partner or both of them on the spot, shall be entitled to the benefit of extenuating circumstances. UN 1- يستفيد من العذر المخفف من فوجئ بزوجته أو إحدى أصوله أو فروعه أو أخواته حال تلبسها بجريمة الزنا أو في فراش غير مشروع فقتلها في الحال أو قتل من يزني بها أو قتلهما معاً أو اعتدى عليهما اعتداء أفضى إلى موت أو جرح أو إيذاء أو عاهة دائمة.
    Well, if you prefer a different approach, we can go with the wife. Open Subtitles حسناً، إن كنت تفضّل طريقة أخرى يمكننا البدء بزوجته
    Your lead on his wife might be the only way to flip him. Open Subtitles صلتك بزوجته قد تكون الطريقة الوحيدة لتغير موقفه

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