his lungs aren't great. They might cause another respiratory collapse. | Open Subtitles | رئتاه ليسا بخير حال قد يحدث أزمة أخرى بالتنفس |
He needs a chest X-ray to make sure his lungs are clear, but he's stable for now. | Open Subtitles | يحتاج إلى تصوير طبقي لصدره لنتأكد أن رئتاه نظيفتان لكنه مستقر للآن |
Hurry, Doc! his lungs are full of seltzer! | Open Subtitles | أسرعي يا دكتورة رئتاه مليئة بالمياه الغازية |
I'm going to have to draw some fluid out of his chest so that his lung can expand. | Open Subtitles | سأسحب بعض السؤائل مِن صدرِه لكي تتوسَع رئتاه |
I took the stool sampleafter his lungs failed. | Open Subtitles | لقد أخذت عينة من البراز بعد أن انهارت رئتاه |
his lungs are gonna collapse if we don't get him medical attention in the next 20 to 30 minutes tops. | Open Subtitles | رئتاه سوف تنهار إذا لم نُحضر له الرعاية الطبية في الـ20 إلى الـ30 دقيقة المُقبلة |
Welding gases from all those years have just burned up his lungs. | Open Subtitles | والدي لديه انتفاخ في الرئة غازات اللحام طوال تلك السنوات أحرقت رئتاه |
I've never seen a death like it. his lungs are full of water. He drowned. | Open Subtitles | لم أرى موت بهذا الشكل رئتاه ممتلئتان بالماء, لقد غَرِقَ |
Patient developed pneumonia. his lungs are filling fast. | Open Subtitles | المريض يتظاهر بالتهاب الرئة رئتاه تمتلئان بسرعة |
otherwise, it's just gonna fester for a week and his vital organs will start shutting down, his kidneys, his lungs, and eventually heart failure. | Open Subtitles | و الا فان الجرح سوف يتقيح لاسابيع و اعضاؤه الحيوية سوف تبدأ بالتوقف كلاه رئتاه و في النهاية فشل في قلبه |
Well, his lungs are strong; I could hear him upstairs. | Open Subtitles | إنّه رئتاه قويّتان، بوسعي سماعه من الدور العلويّ |
He was quite well known up to a few years ago in the concert field, and then his lungs cracked up and he came out here. | Open Subtitles | لقد كان مشهورا منذ سنوات في ميدان الموسيقى و عندما ضعفت رئتاه قدم إلى هنا |
The Heparin could cause the patient to bleed into his lungs even faster. | Open Subtitles | الهيبرين قد يسبب نزفا عند المريض الى داخل رئتاه بسرعة اكبر |
He's got blood in his lungs and they're filling up and there's fuck all in here that I can use to stop it. | Open Subtitles | أنه يموت الدم يدخل رئتاه وسيملائها وتبا لكل هذا إن لم أستطع إيقافه |
He'll suffocate with his lungs working perfectly. You okay? | Open Subtitles | سيختنق و رئتاه بخير حال هل أنت بخير؟ |
He's had a massive heart attack. his lungs have filled with fluid. | Open Subtitles | إصيب بنوبة قلبية مضاعفة و رئتاه مرتشحتان |
Robbins opened him up. his lungs were compressed. | Open Subtitles | عندما فتح الطبيب صدره كانت رئتاه مضغوطتين |
His heart and lung muscles are severely affected. | Open Subtitles | لقد تضرر قلبه و رئتاه بشكل كبير |
The bullet collapsed his lung. | Open Subtitles | الرصاصة جعلت رئتاه تنهار |
his lungs failed. He nearly died. | Open Subtitles | انهارت رئتاه ماتتا تقريباً |