He even kicked 30 Chinese families off Grand Avenue! | Open Subtitles | لقد رَفسَ 30 عائلةَ صينيةَ مِنْ الدربِ الكبيرِ |
He just kicked my left nut into my throat. | Open Subtitles | هو فقط رَفسَ ي البندق اليسار إلى حنجرتِي. |
Whoever kicked in this window was barefoot. | Open Subtitles | مَنْ رَفسَ في هذا النافذة كَانتْ حافيةَ. |
So,our victim was grabbed and then kicked. | Open Subtitles | لذا، ضحيّتنا كَانتْ مَسكَ وبعد ذلك رَفسَ. |
I would depose and get this complaint kicked before you even begin. | Open Subtitles | أنا أَخْلعُ وأَحْصلُ على هذه الشكوى رَفسَ أمامك يَبْدأُ حتى. |
He sees that he's going to get his ass kicked. | Open Subtitles | يَرى بأنّه يَذْهبُ للحُصُول على حمارِه رَفسَ. |
Hey, if there was disinfectant in that bathroom, it was getting its ass kicked. | Open Subtitles | يا، إذا كان هناك مطهرُ في ذلك الحمّامِ، هو كَانَ يُصبحُ حماره رَفسَ. |
If I wanted his ass kicked I'd do it myself. | Open Subtitles | إذا أردتُ حماره رَفسَ أنا أعْمَلُ هو نفسي. |
Aren't you tired of getting dirt kicked in your face? | Open Subtitles | لَمْ تُتعَبْ يَحْصلُ على الوسخِ رَفسَ في وجهِكَ؟ |
Or the killer kicked the glass around when he ran out. | Open Subtitles | أَو رَفسَ القاتلَ الزجاجَ حول عندما نَفذَ. |
Now that is gonna get your ass kicked. | Open Subtitles | الآن ذلك ذاهِب إلى إحصلْ على حمارِكَ رَفسَ. |
I still maintain that he kicked himself in the balls. | Open Subtitles | l ما زالَ يَزْعمُ بأنّه رَفسَ نفسه في خصيتيه. |
Yeah,he was one ofhe protesters who got their butts kicked at that, uh,world bank to-do,sued the city and got a tidy settlement. | Open Subtitles | هو كَانَ أحد المحتجّين الذي حَصلَ على أعقابِهم رَفسَ في تلك، البنك الدولي ليَعمَلُ، قَاضى المدينةَ وأصبحَ a يُرتّبُ مستوطنةً. |
The Milky Way just hasn't been the same since the Ori got their butts kicked. | Open Subtitles | درب التبّانة فقط ما كَانَ نفس منذ Ori حَصلَ على أعقابِهم رَفسَ. |
I approached,kicked the gun away,handcuffed him. | Open Subtitles | إقتربتُ، رَفسَ البندقية بعيداً، قيّدَه. |
She died before she'd done the "b", someone kicked dirt over the "s". | Open Subtitles | ماتتْ قبل هي تَعْملُ " b' '، رَفسَ شخص ما وسخاً على " s '. |
To win cindy back, and then trevor kicked your ass. | Open Subtitles | لرِبْح ظهرِ cindy، وبعد ذلك trevor رَفسَ حمارَكَ. |
I'm out there getting my ass kicked. | Open Subtitles | أَنا هناك يَحْصلُ على حمارِي رَفسَ. |
The player who kicked the field goal. | Open Subtitles | اللاعب الذي رَفسَ هدف الحقلَ. |
The guy who kicked the ball, Dad. | Open Subtitles | الرجل الذي رَفسَ الكرة، أَبّ. |