"زوجته وابنه" - Traduction Arabe en Anglais

    • his wife and son
    • his wife and kid
    • his wife and child
    • his wife and his son
    • wife and his kid
    • of his wife and
    The author therefore fled to Canada while his wife and son stayed in Colombo. UN وهرب صاحب البلاغ لذلك إلى كندا في حين بقيت زوجته وابنه في كولومبو.
    In support of his application, he claimed that both sides, the army and the LTTE, were looking for him, and that his wife and son were hiding. UN وادعى تأييداً لطلبه أن الجانبين، الجيش وجماعة نمور تحرير تاميل إيلام، كانا يبحثان عنه وأن زوجته وابنه كانا يختبئان.
    The author therefore fled to Canada while his wife and son stayed in Colombo. UN وهرب صاحب البلاغ لذلك إلى كندا في حين بقيت زوجته وابنه في كولومبو.
    Zevlos walked out on his wife and kid, and left the restaurant moments before the SWAT team moved in. Open Subtitles زيفلوس ترك زوجته وابنه وغادر المطعم قبل دقائق من تحرك القوات
    And as that father watched his truck engulfed in flames, his wife and child trapped and burning inside, he was utterly helpless. Open Subtitles وبينما كان الوالد يشاهد النيران تلتهم شاحنته زوجته وابنه عالقان ويحترقان داخل السيارة لم يكن قادراً على القيام بأي شيء
    I would have sacrificed my life to have him back with his wife and his son. Open Subtitles أود أن يكون ضحى حياتي أن يعود مع زوجته وابنه.
    In support of his application, he claimed that both sides, the army and the LTTE, were looking for him, and that his wife and son were hiding. UN وادعى تأييداً لطلبه أن الجانبين، الجيش وجماعة نمور تحرير تاميل إيلام، كانا يبحثان عنه وأن زوجته وابنه كانا يختبئان.
    More recently, it appears, officers of the Agency informed Mr. Hwang that the time was not yet appropriate for the return of his wife and son. UN ويبدو أن مسؤولي الوكالة أبلغوا السيد هوانغ مؤخرا بأن الوقت ليس مناسبا بعد لعودة زوجته وابنه.
    He now resides in the United States together with his wife and son. UN وهو يقيم حاليا في الولايات المتحدة مع زوجته وابنه.
    He was told not to speak of what he had witnessed because his wife and son would be made to suffer for it. UN وطُلب منه أن لا يتحدث عما شهده وإلا فإن زوجته وابنه سيدفعان الثمن.
    And when he was living an happy life, his wife and son were killed by a pirate that hated Zephyr. Open Subtitles وبينما كان يعيش حياةً سعيدة .. قُتل كل من زوجته وابنه من قبل قرصان يكن الحقد لزيفر
    Revenge was when I helped his wife and son escape to the West four months later. Open Subtitles انتقامي كان عندما ساعدت زوجته وابنه على الهرب الى الغرب بعد اربعة اشهر
    Revenge was when I helped his wife and son escape to the West four months later. Open Subtitles إنتقامي كان عندما ساعدت زوجته وابنه في الهروب بعدها بأربعة أشهر
    Cranmer ought to send his wife and son back to Germany... or be burned. Open Subtitles يجب على كرانمر إرسال زوجته وابنه مرة أخرى إلى ألمانيا وإلا سيحرقونه
    You know, those photos and letters will say exactly where his wife and son are hidng. Open Subtitles تعلمون أنّ تلك الصور والرسائل ستخبره أين تختبئ زوجته وابنه بالضبط.
    For we all loved His Grace as much as you, his wife, and son, loved him. Open Subtitles لأننا جميعا أحببنا سموه بقدر ما قمتما أنتما زوجته وابنه بمحبته
    While he, his wife and son were in another village visiting relatives, he was informed that the police had come to his home to arrest him after a Sunni extremist had filed a complaint against him for having publicly insulted the Sunni faith. UN وفيما كان مع زوجته وابنه في قرية أخرى لزيارة أقربائه، بلغه نبأ أن الشرطة قدِمت إلى منزله لتوقيفه بعد أن قدّم متطرف سني شكوى ضده بتهمة الإساءة علناً لمعتقدات الطائفة السنية.
    In October 2001, the author returned to his village with his wife and son. UN وفي تشرين الأول/أكتوبر 2001، عاد صاحب البلاغ إلى قريته مع زوجته وابنه.
    The author submitted a letter from a Justice of the Peace in Sri Lanka, which details the suffering of his wife and son since his departure and specifically mentions that his son had been arrested and asked by the authorities about the whereabouts of the author. UN وقدم صاحب البلاغ خطاباً من أحد قضاة الصلح في سري لانكا، يوضح بالتفصيل معاناة زوجته وابنه منذ رحيله، ويذكر بالتحديد أن السلطات ألقت القبض على ابنه وسألته عن مكان صاحب البلاغ.
    If Racine's going after Ike, the first place he's gonna go is the same place we went, his wife and kid. Open Subtitles لو كان (راسين) سيسعى خلف (آيك)، فإنّه سيسعى خلف زوجته وابنه.
    Mr. Strauss was pensioned off then his wife and child died of tuberculosis Open Subtitles فقد تقاعد السيد ستراوس ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ثم توفيت زوجته وابنه بسبب داء السل
    He's living in a trailer with his wife and his son. Open Subtitles يعيش في مقطورة مع زوجته وابنه.
    Pushing around his cab for the past five years, saving up to bring his wife and his kid here. Open Subtitles كان يقود سيّارته للسنوات الخمس الماضية، يدّخره لجلب زوجته وابنه إلى هنا.

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